Lenghthy, but substantial lecture This lecture might prove difficult for any not familiar with the basics of the topic in question, yet it brings out in a didactic, reasonable, and ordered manner vital points to evaluate the core of the conflicting issue. It is a blessing, nevertheless, and a set example, Mr Martin's consciuos, charitable, and gracious spirit in his approach from the very start. Many thanks for this.
This was the most powerful sermon for me! I have never heard anything like this. I'm a believer but I am sitting here overwhelmed at all I just listened to. This sermon is life changing and pricks our conscience's.
Great Sermon! What is the difference between Israel & Jerusalem geographically, &the difference between Israel &a the Jew spirituality & ethnically? Also the difference between the new Jerusalem & the Jerusalem which is compared to Babylon?
Must Listening For All Truth Seekers! Having grown up in it, I believe that Roman Catholicism is Satan's master counterfeit. To think of Roman Catholicism as being a legitimate form of Christianity is like looking at a cat and calling it a dog. From Genesis through Revelation (66 books), God's pure and inerrant Word is crystal clear: we a justified (i.e. acquitted from the strict requirements of keeping God's laws, and the mountains of guilt that come from having violated those laws) through faith in the blood atonement and righteousness of Christ ALONE. The stakes are high. Why? Because there is NO SUCH PLACE AS PURGATORY, which is but one of DOZENS of doctrinal lies taught by wicked Rome. You'd better wake up, my friend, for only Heaven or Hell awaits your soul when you die. As a former Roman Catholic, but now a Bible-believing Protestant, I salute the late great Ian Paisley for his unflinching courage and bulldog tenacity in standing against that great destroyer of souls, Roman Catholicism. My biggest regret, these days, is that there are so few Protestant ministers of Ian's caliber around anymore. Not here in America, anyway. Do you have children? Better keep them out of the satanic government schools, and far from the "church" of Rome. Better bring them up on the mother's milk of the Heidelberg catechism.
excellent teaching. I am as amazed as when I first listened to "practical atheism"! Thank you very much for the clear stand for the sovereignty of God! I also listened to #6 and #8 - great teaching!
Excellent Advice on preparation for private devotions! I have not heard or read a more concise or rich summary of the frame of mind with which we should enter our private devotions. Very highly recommended.
Sober talk to children Wonder why society is like it is today, full of wickedness and irreverence and disrespect of authority? Because children have not been taught like this, nor do adults act any better! Parents should be rebuked if they have not taught this lesson or let their children run their own way, for it is to their danger if they're not turned.
Convicting As beautiful as the first part of this sermon is, the second part is just as terrifying. Edwards gives the reader a sharp contrast between the beauty of Heaven and the Woes to be in Hell. His discussion on Hell is basically a condensed version of Sinners in the hands of an Angry God, but loses none of the terror of that horrible place prepared for the devil and his demons.
Heavenly Words If this sermon doesn't make you long for heaven and the beauty of Christ that we will see face to face then nothing will. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I feel as though I have just tasted of heaven this morning.
Thought provoking teaching Interestingly, the Puritan approach to the topic carries more-in-depth, and superior substantial theological evidence for the observance of the Lord’s Day, than the average reasons upheld in present evangelical settings today regarding the same topic.
It is worth considering the wealth of internal biblical knowledge that generation of preachers sustained!