Great Sermon! Most excellent message; we are presently seeing the affects of the 'beast' in at this present time. The political system is pushing its godless agenda forth and most are looking for an individual to be the beast. It will only get worse
Very informative message
Great Sermon! In this sermon, Rutherford probes the causes for men's turning away from the Lord Jesus Christ, who is all goodness and love, and especially examines the reasons why young people depart from Him. How sweet it is that He warmly receives every repentant prodigal!
Masterful Sermon! In this sermon, Greg Price convincingly shows from Daniel 24-25 that the seventieth week of Daniel's seventy weeks was fulfilled during Christ's first coming. It is *not* yet to be fulfilled at Christ's second coming, as the futurists believe. Mr. Price concludes by insisting that if we are eagerly looking forward to a rebuilt temple rather than to Christ Himself, we are looking in vain. If we are looking to a financial advisor, a friend, a relative, or the government, any creature rather than the Creator Jesus Christ, to get us through the trials of this life, we look in vain.
May It Be Like That for Me I hope that I will be a good witness of the LORD, that I will show that I know that my Redeemer lives in my dying moments too. This story reminds me of what the book O LOVE THAT WILL NOT LET ME GO (subtitle: Facing Death with Courageous Confidence in God) is about.
The Best! This was the best I’ve heard so far on the evangelist Billy Graham and his horrible compromise in belittling God’s standards for exclusivity.
I remember as a kid my Mom would make us sit in front of the television to watch this man, but even as a child, I was never impressed by his ministry, there was always something missing, I didn’t know at the time, but even as a child, I knew there was something not right, I couldn’t express then quite possibly what I know now.
Land of Make-Belief Why call me Lord . . . and rely on a man-made holiday to bring temporary happiness and economic bondage to yourself and others? Do you not know what leaven does?
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, just as Saul did by saving what he thought was the best of the sheep. There’s a lot of bleating among the sheep. So, why call him Lord?
Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God . . . (Rom 1:21)
Rom 1:28, 30 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to do those things . . . inventors of evil things . . . (Rom 1:28, 30)
Is celebrating man-made holidays a judgment of God?
AMEN! Why would one need Christmas, a Catholic fable, to remind us of anything related to Christ and the joy he brought/brings to man? This is the most enchanting time of the year. The next is Halloween.
Christmas does not remind us of those things Jesus spoke and did, according to John 16:13 - Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
Wouldn’t observation of this and other holidays tagged with Christian labels mean that an enchanting and beguiling spirit, a bewitching spirit, a spirit of wizardry behind them?
Great Insight B. McCausland
Well said McCausland. I am so glad to see you post again. You are good for the body of believers.
Yes we often cannot see the forest for the tree.
The dismantling of the American Protestant soul This is an informative presentation of vital interest brought out by a contemporary fellow college student of Mr Graham. Often large strategies can not be seen when standing behind a particular tree, say a particular sermon, tendency or event, but when weighing the massive evidence as a whole. The conditions the BG organisation demanded before agreeing to have a 'crusade' in a particular place indicates it all. Thank you.
WOW and WOW Again! "The older I get the more forgett'n I get." (Sorry, the informal writer part of me loves the various dialects I've heard through the years, and by the way, fake sorry :-) ) With that said, I see I listened & commented on this in 2014. I vaguely remember the comment, but I don't remember the message. Because his death has been major news, I've been listening to the pro-Billy, pro-Billy-with-caveats, & anti-Billy messages. This particular message, with behind-the-scenes info, has me shaking my head and saying, "Oh, Mr. Graham, what was it all about? Why'd you do what you did?"
Great Sermon! Very good that you present this book by Durham.
But the quality of the reading is not that (to say the least). I have heard better from you!
Could you not record this another time, with a better voice and better recording?
This sermon is now narrated I finished the narration of this today. It is an important message that will surely shew, that there is indeed, a lukewarmness in the professing Christian Church... Reformed as well as mainstream.
This is the Digital Puritan Version.