Great Sermon! This is the fundamental question: " Who is on the LORD'S side? ." There will be times when we all find ourselves in the same situation. It is important to be aware that we will also be asked the discerning question Moses posed to the people of Israel.
Thank you SermonAudio for this awesome sermon.
I wish you all a blessed Easter!
Great Sermon! Third time listening to this Sermon! One of the best and I have had the privilege of sitting under great pulpits for three decades.
So many precious nuggets!!!
Great Sermon! I was very arrested by his prayer reminding god of his promise to pour water on his thirst to see the power of god in the community. Pretty amazing testimony.
Great Sermon! Each time I listen to this testimony, the Lord humbles me more and more. He gives grace to the humble.... I thank God for saving my soul through Jesus Christ...The only begotten Son of God,His obedience perfect. He came into this world to serve and to die for His people.... Apart from Christ, there is no salvation. He shed his blood for us, sinless Lamb of God.... He is our great High Priest!!! Making intersession for us.....Our King of kings and Lord of lords.....
Great Sermon! We praise the Lord to hear preaching from the faithful, old time preachers. They are rejoicing in the presence of their Lord now and we will be with them one day. God was glorified by these who stood for truth. I pray that we will give out the Word as much today as they did!
Great Sermon! Am I just playing a game of religion (I look alive but am really dead) or do I have a new nature (I've been changed/made alive by the Spirit)? Am I living for God's approval ("Well done, good and faithful servant.") or man's ("I know you're one of us.")?
God judging. It is true: God's people will not be judged as the unbelievers, but their service will be judged for reward. The unbelievers will be judged for their sins. I would interpret differently Matthew 25.
Great Sermon! I am very poor in spirit today, I listened as Dr. Paisley displayed more of his good natured self and yet never departed from his God centered -ness, I myself am nothing, but Paisley stood for something and The Lord used him and he finished well, he never changed his course and I thank God for men such as this, Praise God for the life of Ian Paisley! amen
Great Sermon! Lots of lovely points here to ponder. Especially the end discussion asking people if they regretted making a decision for Christ. Great points.
Great Sermon! This is such awesome doctrine- I recall when I suddenly realised that I was not able to keep the law and Christ had kept it for me and boy was I so happy and relieved. The sttuggle is for us to stay with that and not keep reverting to being a law keeper.
Fantastic gospel awesome message - all praise to our wonderful perfect saviour.
Great Sermon! This will help so many dealing with drug addiction and help for fammilies who suffer along with them. GOD is our only hope for a drug infested nation.
Our communities and families are dying without hope. Thank you so much for this all enpowering testimony of JESUS.