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Steven Lee | The Vault @ BJU, Greenville, SC
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Rev. John Wagner
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God's Hell
1/16/2000 (SUN)
  |  Bible: Matthew 25:46
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A sobering message on the doctrine of everlasting punishment.
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Rev. John Wagner
God's Hell

Matthew 25:46
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Rev. John Wagner
God's Hell

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IngramSpencer (1/30/2024)
“ Important message ”
We need more preachers that are willing to preach about hell so that more people will be encouraged to flee to Christ.

“ Great Message! ”
Amazing sermon about hell and how real it is and that it should be advoid at all cost.

Guest (12/19/2019)
“ One of the greatest sermons I have ever heard... ”
One of the greatest sermons I have ever heard!

Joseph Michael Brown (10/3/2019)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Powerful sermon on a topic that needs to be preached more!!! This one by Preacher John Wagner and the Hellfire sermon by Preacher Charles Lawson are the best I have heard on the true biblical hell.

Jesse Morgan (2/5/2019)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent sermon pleading for sinners to be saved.

Jennifer MasonContact via email (7/4/2018)
from Memphis
“ Absolute Best Sermon On Hell ”
This by far was the most compelling sermon I’ve heard on God’s Hell, the title within itself reveals the sovereignty and complete ownership of God the Creator Of all that’s been created. The content of the sermon was an eye opening revelation of a tangible existence of the place, called; Hell. It made me cry out in deep contrition to our Just Judge for my sins and for the lost.

Passerby (4/21/2015)
from SA
“ Great Sermon! ”
Things are heating up.

Dr. Browning (1/26/2008)
from TN
“ Eye Opener! ”
Great sermon on the realities of hell and the realities of your place in it if you continue to resist Christ and His free gift of salvation. Now is the time....Choose Christ or you have chosen HELL by default. Great job Pastor.

Michael Harts (12/1/2007)
from Murfreesboro, Tennessee
“ Great Sermon! ”
What an AWESOME message The Lord has spoken through this pastor. This world and all in it are on a fast train DIRECTLY into the hell if they do not turn from the ways of the world and the devil, and REPENT UNTO THE LORD THY GOD! PRAISE GOD ON HIGH, BESIDE THEE THERE IS NO NOT ONE! PRAISE BE TO GOD!

Helena YoungContact via email (10/22/2007)
from chicago
“ Great Sermon! ”
I want to thank you for allowing Jesus Christ to use you to put this on line Alot of us are not able to hear the word every day thank you Jesus for these believers

www.Criticalwarning.orgContact via email (1/22/2007)
from Atlanta Metro, USA
“ Great Sermon! ”
Brother Johns message on "God's Hell", is the best message I have ever heard on hell in my nearly 30 years as a Christian.In fact there are not to many preaching on the Bible truths of hell today! I honestly believe that every soul alive on this earth should listen to this message very carefully. I would like to throw in my prayer for you to pray lost soul. A prayer(c)2007 Lord Jesus Christ, I was born into sin, and that makes me a sinner. Sin means death...eternal death in hell, apart from you... I want to turn from my sin nature, and I want to repent of everything that I know is sinful and wrong. I realize that apart from your death on the cross, your blood that was shed for me, I would have no hope, but I'd go directly to hell. With this acknowledgement Lord Jesus Christ, I now want to turn from my sins, I want to turn to you. Please come into my spirit, soul, and body. Write my name in your Book Of Life, be my Savior and my Lord from this day fourth. Keep me from the evil one, keep me from deception, keep me from the wolf's in sheep's clothing, keep me from the pit of hell. Lead me in your path's of righteousness, teach me to do Thy Will. In Jesus Christ name I pray! Amen! Print, Sign and date.__________________________Date____________

Dan SkapinskyContact via email (1/15/2007)
from Massachusetts
“ Great Sermon! ”
I have been a Christian for some 17 years now, and it was the truth about hell and all it's horrors and the unthinkable fact that it is forever, without end, that drove me to my knees before the Lord to seek His forgiveness. This sermon by Pastor Wagner is one of not only great truth, but it goes further in that he expresses his pain and grief for the lost and it is very moving. I at one point thought I might be lisening to Spurgeon. This man has a heart for the lost and perishing and exhibits this without shame. I believe this sermon also will motivate those believers with lukewarmness to the spreading of the gospel to brush the sleep away from those slumbering eyes and go forth boldly to proclaim liberty and freedom from sin in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and with an urgency, knowing that the time indeed is short. This sermon will move both unbelievers as well as believers to act. I thank you for this man's message and I intend to listen to more of his sermons on your site. Praise the Lord for His goodness and mercy and longsuffering with us all.

John Joseph VolkContact via email (6/25/2006)
from Van Buren, Arkansas
“ Great Sermon! ”
Keep Preaching the TRUTH, Brother. Thank you for an excellant sermon on the ultimate horror reality - Hell and the Lake of Fire!

NorbertContact via email (5/18/2006)
from Manitoba, Canada
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for message. convition and a call to HOLINESS. I am a North American Indian christian living in Canada Please pray for Indians living in reservations The Chief Shepherd is coming soon

stanley mcqueenContact via email (3/12/2006)
from kentucky mountains
“ Great Sermon! ”
This message in blunt and to the bring to man the truth of hell and the everlasting punishment.. the text is strong and bold .as the preacher mentioned that some laugh at the truth.. but it is evident that someday their laughter will be turned to crying. hell is a place of doom.. and those that fall into it will be there for ever and ever...

Anthony Blanton (12/12/2005)
from So CA
“ Great Sermon! ”
Now THAT is what I call preaching!!!

Michael R. WiseContact via email (10/11/2005)
from TN
“ Thought provoking. . . ”
I listen to this sermon over and over again on a regular basis. It helps in more ways than one. Times when I'm tempted, need to be reminded of my mission, to simple encouragement--this message is all-encompassing. Great for all walks of life; truth that rings clealy, bringing real life. The truth about hell as spoken through this Man of God wakes up the sluggish spirit, and opens the eyes of blind and the seasoned Saint alike. Truly a blessing to say the least. Praise God for such a timely message as spoken through Rev. Wagner.

Michael (7/1/2005)
from Michigan
“ Great Sermon! ”
This was a great sermon, and i think that everybody needs to hear it. Ever since i heard it i have been telling people to listen to it because you hear so much on Gods love, which he is so loving, but what about Gods wrath which is getting bigger as the world gets worse and turns against him. People realy need to hear this.IF you tell somebody how loving God is while he is walking closer to a cliff he will keep walking, but if you warn him of the consequences and what would happen if he were to fall off, he will get scared and turn to God as his lord and savior

Micah Whalen (6/27/2005)
from Wellington, CO
“ Great Sermon! ”
Bro. Wagner takes you there! To the Judgement, to see the damned cast into Hell. I use this sermon to reach my lost co-workers. Burn a copy and give it you your hard-cases today!

Kristina (1/14/2005)
from Seattle WA
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you Rev. Wagner! It is so refreshing for those of us who love the law to get away from the "fluffy" preaching! I am a child who loves having boundries, God says discipline = love! So moved & impressed was I with this sermon, that I play it every night on those sinful phone chat lines as I do housework & bible study. I am certain that your powerful delivery will bring many to Christ. And I for one will continue to use your sermons to reach as many souls as possible. God Bless you! Thank you for not changing to please man!!!

Sherry FiskContact via email (8/25/2004)
from Missouri Ozarks
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you Bro. Wagner for this message. I know some people who will not go to a church where they preach on hell. They just want to hear loving messages. Paise God they're are those such as you who tell the WHOLE truth. As you said in the sermon. Jesus spoke of it often. What these people don't understand that it really is a love message of sorts. You love us enough to warn us of this real place of horror. I am so glad Jesus took it upon himself to take my place on the cross. That I won't have to go there. For He is my true Savior. Praise His so very precious name. TRULY.

geraldine fillersContact via email (6/11/2004)
from greeneville tennessee 37743
“ Great Sermon! ”
dear rev. wagner i listened to your message and it was the best i have ever heard about hell!!! i hope many people were saved. if i had not already been a christian i know i would of fell to my knees and askeD GOD TO FORGIVE ME of my sins however it brought tears to my eyes when i thought about all the uncaring people about GOD,and are going to hell. geri

Pastor Aaron KilbournContact via email (4/15/2004)
from Parker, South Dakota
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent message full of conviction and passion. Great handling of Scripture about something that can be difficult to explain to the average person. Hell is real and Jesus pulls no punches! Thank You Rev. Wagner!

Stivelle Cooper (4/13/2004)
from Gloucester, United Kingdom
“ Excellent ”
Praise the Lord for such a powerful message.

HowieContact via email (4/9/2004)
from Brighton, Michigan
“ Great Sermon! ”
Preaching Hell's Fire shows the unsaved what will happen to them if they do not repent. How can we get them to hear this message? How can we get them to listen, act, and make a faith response for Christ? His will be done.

RoryContact via email (1/25/2004)
from Calgary, AB
“ Great Sermon! ”
Just recently I asked my pastor why do you not preach on the subject of hell? He said that in his opinion it is in bad taste and would offend seekers. In the last five years our church has embraced the church growth philosophy. I have never heard a sermon on eternal punishment under his ministry going on 8 years now. After listening to this message I see the wickedness of any man who stands in the pulpit and does not warn sinners of the wrath to come. Rev.Wagner affirms God's love yet powerfully shows that the Lord cannot tolerate Sin. His comments on the cross and the sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ caused me to cry out for forginess at my hardness of heart. There is a famine in the land for hearing the word of God in our pulpits. May the Lord continue to richly bless your ministry.

Sylvia HancockContact via email (9/3/2003)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Praise God for this sermon. Everyone on earth needs to hear this one!

Samuel NgContact via email (7/11/2003)
from Singapore
“ Great Sermon! ”
Greetings to all God fearing friends. Really pricked my heart about the urgency for the salvation of my loved ones. Let's all pray for the people who take the reality of hell lightly and continue to sin without any regard for God. A very moving sermon and thank God for leading me to hearing this message. God bless.

joan mackayContact via email (7/10/2003)
from isle of lewis
“ Great Sermon! ”
great sermon how we need to hear that preaching very solemn

SamuelContact via email (6/24/2003)
from Singapore
“ Great Sermon! ”
Greeting to Rev Johm Wagner & everyone in Christ, Thanks to all Speakers of various sermons.I always feel that God is wonderful and merciful.He created such beautiful works in the outreach for the unsave.And also by using wise and loving men like all of you to share by your sermons. After having hearing this sermon,it really helps me to think;That we are all so lucky to be loved by ours'most Wonderful,Real Living God.To be able to recieve His message everyday.The beauty of this sites provides God's Words to strengthen our faith.Because faith comes by hearing. My crying is for those who are unsave.Pls do understand that God is always loving you and is waiting for your invitation to become His friend.We are all sinners and I always felt that I do not deserve His love;But yet He chose me.He would have not share this sermon with all of us if He do not loves us.It is not God's intention to see anyone perish.He wants to save you people.Always remember,we are all God's children.If you people were to think deep and admit that we are all sinners and accept Him right now.You will thankful to Him after which you realise that peace and joy are much better that gold.Nobody can rob you of that. To this day,I have never forget my walks with His Majesty.He lifted me up when I fall,He comforts me when I am sad.His words are like the two-edges sword.Keeps you wanting to learn and listen more.His Words are so powerful that it will heals broken souls. Finally,to all unbeliever;Have you ever ponder over why God is doing so much works to get all of you save.Hell is terrifying and scary.Don't wait till the doors is close. I have shared with a friend of mine who is a unbeliever.He was asking when is the endtime.My reply to him that at anytime.Especially we do not know what tommorrow brings.We might just go away without our knowing.So it will be a sad thing to know that you have not been save before anything happens. Last and foremost,a word to the unsave;We would love to see everyone in Heaven than in Hell.This is what God has wish for day and night.Amen. In Christ, Samuel

Peter M. O'HandleyContact via email (5/31/2003)
from Chilliwack, B.C. Canada
“ Better to be scared now and do something about it, than to find out that HELL is real and can do NOTHING !!! ”
Greetings in Christ Jesus Pastor Wagner, This is a truth NOT preached today for fear of hurting someones feelings or to cause the Light of the Glorious Gospel to shine through. To this I say Yea and Yea, this is God's Holy Word that is being proclaimed, Pastor Wagner bless your soul for being obedient to the Lord Jesus Christ !! Dear Brother or Sister if you read this I beseech you please listen and weep for those who are headed unto perishing. Pastor Wagner, you preached this sermon as if you could smell it, I thank God for your tender spirit in proclaiming the WHOLE council of God's Glorious Word. Hell is because God is Holy, holy, holy and sin is of the blackest dye. May God bless you richly dear Pastor and continue to strengthen your inner man, afresh thy spirit every moment. I praise thee NOT Brother Wagner but the Thrice Holy God that dwells within thee !!! What a blessing from our Lord God !! Until that day dear Pastor and we fall at the Saviour's feet, go ye forward !! Joshua 1:8

ELVIS JOHNSONContact via email (2/24/2003)
“ Great Sermon! ”

stevenContact via email (7/14/2002)
from louisiana
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a message that the ungodly of this hell bound nation needs to heed.I believe there is a hell because Jesus taught more on this place than He did Heaven.Sin has to be punished and one that has not Christ will be punished for rejecting Gods only way to Heaven. A Holy and just God cannot look upon sin and without the blood of Christ applied to the lentel of the soul eternal punishment is as sure to that person as is eternal life is to those that accept the bridge to heaven and that bridge is Christ.My soul is sad for those who not know Gods Christ.A much needed sermom Rev.John Wagner thank you for preaching the long ago abandoned doctrine of hell.A real literal place.I went to and clicked on watch and then the link to the video archive I clicked on and watched the 88 minute video to hell and back of atheist testimony of their death and a chance to come back and tell their stories of this real literal place called hell.They now believe but it is sad that all like them dont get a second chance.I suggest the skeptics to watch to hell and back at the video archive at God bless all in Jesus name.Brother steven.Amen.

DeanContact via email (4/12/2002)
from Toronto
“ Great Sermon! ”
I appreciate the sermon on hell. As a christian going to a pentecostal church; hell is rarely talked about. I pray God continues to guide you and lead as you preach with your convictions and passion for Christ. (Hebrews 6:10) KJV

Jouko HakolaContact via email (3/28/2002)
from Queensland Australia
“ Another Great Sermon! ”
Thank you John Wagner for another excellent sermon. Eternity is a loooong time. May the Lord bless you with more of the same uplifting preaching.

EricContact via email (1/2/2002)
from Mississauga, ON.
“ Great Sermon! ”
May GOD bless Rev. John Wagner for speaking truth which too many preachers shy away from preaching. This is one of those messages which every church member, sinner amd saint should hear.

Rene Andre FerrierContact via email (10/25/2001)
from Birmingham, ALABAMA
“ Great Sermon! ”
Truly sobering and a wake-up call for the sleepyheaded christian. A daily dose of this should keep the fire going. Much revelation and reference and the most graphic description I've probably ever heard. This was truly a blessing and scary reality.

Jeff WaldenContact via email (10/9/2001)
from New Jersey
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great sermon!!! I have listened to it several times and I have been edified and terrified each time. This is an overlooked subject in this lukewarm, feel-good age of lying preachers. May God continue to bless you.

William KingContact via email (9/27/2001)
from East Texas Baptist University
“ Great Sermon! ”
I have never been as influenced by a sermon as by this one. This is the true nature of God. His wrath in Hell because of his love. The rejection of Jesus leaves no other choice but Hell. This generation of Christians and young preachers like myself, seems not to understand the equality of God's holiness and love, with his wrath. However, these are the reasons for God's Hell.

ROBERTContact via email (7/19/2001)

Mrs.Bernice WaldenContact via email (7/9/2001)
from Farmville,Va.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Brother in Christ, My son who lives in NJ sent me an email telling about your web site,specifically this sermon. I tried to listen,but could only get a few seconds of it on Real Sound on my computer. Am I doing something wrong? I think sermons on the subject of hell are greatly needed at this time. Thank you, In His Name, B. Walden

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  Rev. John Wagner
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