The wife DEAD to her old husband, the law. What does "the wife DEAD to her old husband"?
What does that "dead" mean?
Can a dead wife talk to her husband?
or Can her husband talk to his dead wife?
Do they have any relationship one with another?
Then what does most of the church teach concerning this? Most of the church teach that the dead wife still has relationship with her old husband.
That's hillarious! That is adultary.
Great Sermon! Outstanding insight on being filled with the Holy Spirit. Very humble preaching on the most ignored & misunderstood person of the trinity. I want to get to know more & look forward to hearing more from A W Tozer.
Great Sermon! Very very simple message but this really helped my current struggle in the spirit. Such a good message I will be listening again and also to the rest of this series.
Great Sermon! I am a fairly new Christian and love to hear testimonies of other people as a reminder to myself of how powerful and wonderful God is. This must be one of the most honest but powerful ones I've heard. I have shared it with many others and I just pray that the Word will not return to God empty and that it will accomplish what it was sent to do. God bless this testimony, it has helped many people including myself.
Great Sermon! My favorite preacher A.W.Tozer, After 53 years later as he said it , it's much worse. I see him as a prophet.
Thank you sermonAudio and I would like to thank those people who made all A.W. Tozer's sermons available for us!
May God bless you all and
Keep up the good work for Christ!!
In Him
Great works of God. This was a very rich material, documenting especially the 1904-5 Welsh revival, movinf to the revivals in England, Scotland, USA, Asia. It fills me with wonder to hear what great things God did in the past - and I know He can to today also. I object to the idea that in the Catholic Church are evangelicals. A true evangelical will not stand in an idolatrous church!
Great work of God. I praise the Lord for His mighty works! You cannot listen to these accounts without a sense of wonder of what God did! I do not consider what happened at Azusa Street as part of the revival.