Great Sermon! I blessed to hear your testimony , God been using your testimony to make me realize that what he did on the cross is enough . God bless you
Great power of God. Good presentation of the spiritual and moral background of the revival, the sinfulness and deadness of the people. God worked with great power in bringing to life these sinners.
Much information. A message on the revival of 1830 in USA. I liked the message because it is well prepared, with much information, which gives you an idea of the breadth of God's work. Very interesting the study of the problem of barkings and the conclusion. I have one objection: I do not consider Finney as an instrument of God, because his Pelagian theology is not biblical.
Great Sermon! What a blessing! And how necessary it is for us to understand that all things are of God and through God and for God; and that we are not the center of God's universe. If only this message would reach every church and every Christian.
Great Sermon! He is so thorough with his comments on scripture. Everything you need to know that is foundational in helping you grow in your ministry. Thank you Warren.
Hugely Encouraging Message This message is really powerful. It is gripping from start to finish and never ceases to encourage me. I think I must have listened to it about 7 times. Hugely rewarding to listen to.
Very Powerful Message This message is really powerful. It is gripping from start to finish and never ceases to encourage me. I think I must have listened to it about 7 times. Hugely rewarding to listen to.
Great Sermon! Brilliant sermon comparing revival to evangelism. Mr ravenhill is such a spirit filled man- with such a heart for promoting gods kingdom. I couldn't help thinking regarding all the comments about the country offending god and being in such a bad state- it has only got 100 x worse since he preached this and we have still not learnt these essential lessons about revival ....
Great Sermon! This was the first time I have listened to was a great sermon. Interesting historical facts that he presented along with biblical truth.
Great Sermon! Wonderful life changing message on the difference between human faith and saving faith. Nice sermon rounded off by rev Campbell's testimony. Very good word on how do we know we are saved ( my sheep hear my voice ).
Great Sermon! This was such an awesome message that I listened to it twice...,would urge anyone that is discontented or concerned about their own walk in the lord to listen. If you are fed up with the world and with your own lack of victory over sin-please please put aside half an hour to listen to this sermon.