“ Too Good! Too True! ” Wow... he hit the nail on the head.
We need men behind the pulpit.
Men who fit the qualifications Paul lays out for Timothy and us in his 1st epistle to Timothy, chapters 2 & 3.
Men not ashamed to preach the truth of the Bible, Preach sovereign grace and care more for how God will be pleased and glorified in it rather than how the people will react.
I could keep going, but I'll leave it right there.
“ Great searching of heart. ” This message put me on my knees! It touched my heart with conviction and moved my heart. I longed for a searching like this. I thank the Lord for this sermon!
“ Great acceptance. ” This message touched my heart, especially the part where it speaks about Philemon asked to receive Onesimus as Paul. Christ presents us to the Father and we are accepted in the Beloved!
“ Great encouragement. ” Very good message. It encouraged my heart. Good encouragement to know hoe the Lord treats with His children and how, in testing times, He reveals Himself in a new way to us.
“ Great Sermon! ” Thank you Pastor Foster. I was looking out for an introduction to the book of Job. Thank you very much in enlightening me on the Fear of God - the bedrock of Divine wisdom / to evade evil and the basis for living in this sinful world where sin & sinful deeds are all around us. Let us remember Esk 14:14 & pursue our faith in our Lord Jesus Christ until the last breath.
“ Great Sermon! ” Pastor Nee has brought out splendidly the transformation of any human being from a creature to a brethren of the First born who was the Only Begotten son of God the Father and through the preaching the Eternal Purpose of God.
Thank you Sermon Audio in bringing this classic preaching.
“ Great Sermon! ” Have to comment that Toser is exhorting Theresa of Avila here and taking about her being indwelt by the Holy Spirit - just wanted to express a word of caution in case a new believer stumbles across this.
1 John 1
6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:
“ This is amazing! ” Amazing to hear this powerful speech and also see it in this powerclip! Will really help a lot to people who have trouble listening to spoken english.
“ Great Sermon! ” Really great sermon. Would love to see more Wiersbe on SermonAudio. I have really enjoyed listening to him and learned much. He mixes hard lessons with a great sense of humor.
“ Great Sermon! ” I could not have asked for a more honest word from my Lord this morning. The timing is from Him and Him alone. I have been reminded of His love for me and His acceptance of me. I have been rebuked and challenged and I have been given hope. My Lord spoke to me this morning from the bottom of my pit and has restored me. Thank you brother for sharing on our Saviour's behalf.