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Prince of Preachers
C. H. Spurgeon  |  Koelsch Broadcasting Productions
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"Enjoyed the Reading"
Lottie from Ohio
This was a very good reading of Spurgeon's sermon. And Spurgeon said that we will find out that these two seemingly parallel...
C. H. Spurgeon | Romans 10:20,21
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Sermon12/23/05 5:49 PM
Manny Salva Cruz from Northridge, CA  Contact via email
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A Lecture for Little-Faith
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Great Sermon! ”
The Christian's duty is to praise God and to bless His name forever. This is what the preacher emphasized in this message. When we neglect this, our faith can fail us. Listen to this message and be encouraged to rediscover the secret of praise to grow our faith. May our tounges be touched by rejoicing in God's glory. Bless His name.

Sermon12/23/05 5:46 PM
Still Waters Revival Books from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada  
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Predestination and Calling
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Still Waters Revival Books ” has provided a number of free quotes by Charles Spurgeon on predestination, Calvinism, etc., at -- enjoy!

Sermon12/23/05 5:39 PM
Manny Salva Cruz from Northridge, CA  Contact via email
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The New Nature
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a great sermon regarding the mystery of the new birth brought about by the Holy Spirit for those who believe. We are partekers of the divine nature by the new birth as well as partakers of the sinful nature by the old birth. But in Christ Jesus, new life is communicated to us from God. What a blessed hope beyond compare.

Sermon11/26/05 7:01 AM
Scott Blackmer from Oregon  
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How to Read the Bible
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Great Sermon! ”
Awesom, I really enjoyed this Sermon. I am never unhappy listening to Spurgeon.Thanks for making his material available.

Sermon11/11/05 6:14 AM
Andreas from Germany  
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The Blood
C. H. Spurgeon
“ The Truth! ”
The blood cleans us from every sin. So the devil had no right for me and you, if we stand at the bottom of the cross of calvary! and look to HIM! I know that my ego is nailed on the cross with HIM! Wonderful sermon ! Great preacher ! Oh ! where are such men, who preach with the authority and power of God ? God may bless you !

Sermon10/29/05 12:12 PM
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Christ Our Passover
C. H. Spurgeon
Let the wonderful truth of Jesus fill you! Listen to wonderful reading of Spurgeon. Here is merely a small, small portion of what he says here: "Could I speak to you without my lips and with my heart, then would I bid you seek that sprinkled blood and urge you by the love of your own soul, by everything that is sacred and eternal, to labor to get this blood of Jesus sprinkled on our soul. It is the blood sprinkled that saves a sinner. But when the Christian gets the blook sprinkled, that is not all he wants. He wants something to feed on. And, oh, sweet God. Jesus Christ is not only a savior for sinners. But he is food for them after they are saved. The paschal lamb by faith we eat. We live on it! You may tell my hearers whether you have the blood sprinkled by this: do you eat the lamb? ("Except you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you have no life in you," Jesus said.) Excellent exposition, too, of the Old Testament!! It is blood, blood, blood that saves. Not blood mixed with water (i.e. our weak works) that save, but blood, blood, blood. Christ our Passover is sacrified for us! This sermon was originally preached on Dec. 2 1865. (I thank the pastor who read it into a recording and posted it here!)

Sermon9/9/05 7:52 AM
George Enriquez from Los Angeles,Ca.  Contact via email
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Election and Holiness
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you again! True!

Sermon8/4/05 11:53 AM
A Listener from US of A  
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True Prayer -- True Power!
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Wow! Wow! Wow! ”
I would to God everyone would take the time to hear this. Those desiring the "art" of prayer MUST hear this!

Sermon7/24/05 11:43 PM
Jessica Dawson from Canada  Contact via email
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The Fainting Warrior
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Awesome Sermon! ”
The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life are all at war against the Christian's soul. "O wretched man that I am who will deliver me from the body of this death". This is Paul's cry and this is the cry of every Christian who seeks to live a godly life in Christ Jesus. This is a wonderful study of Romans 7:24,25. We have all heard prosperity preachers, preaching their falsehood. There are those who preach that if we follow Christ, that we will have no trouble. Yet truth is preached in this sermon. The truth that when we walk with Christ, our old sin nature and our new nature of Christ, are at war with each other in our bodies. I would highly recommend this sermon! 1 John 2:16 For all that is in the world--the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life--is not of the Father but is of the world.

Sermon7/23/05 6:56 PM
stanley mcqueen from kentucky  Contact via email
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The Blood
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon that c. H spurgeon preach set the course of plain wisdom, that men should not try and make God word out with such swelling words that are higher above those that listen. that men should be humble and use plain speech in addressing the mighty word of God thanks for this great sermon.

Sermon7/9/05 1:17 PM
Paul from India  Contact via email
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“ One of the best sermons ”
This is really one of Spurgeon's sermon's which I really like a lot and has given me a lot of encouragement.. I have listened to it several times and still learn more when I listen again.. Even for first timers this is a very good one.. and its really an encouragement for christians who feel a bit down and discouraged.. "Limiting God" also is recommended

Sermon5/29/05 5:55 PM
Richard from California  
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“ Exellent Sermon! ”
I have listened to this sermon about 10 times and each time it has impacted me. "Vessels of Mercy" is on the top ten list of my favorite Spurgeon sermons along with "A Home Question", and "Indwelling Sin". All christian need to listen to these sermons at least five times.

Sermon4/6/05 11:14 AM
Evelyn from Ontario Canada  
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The Blood
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Lovely Sermon ”
This was very good to hear. His blood cleanseth us from *all* sin. How altogether lovely our Saviour is!

Sermon3/27/05 4:41 PM
Wayne from UK  
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The Blood
C. H. Spurgeon
“ The voice of the Blood! ”
Truly a great preacher! Spurgeon's life long theme.. ‘E’er since by faith I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die.’ “I am forgiven! I am forgiven! A monument of grace! A sinner saved by blood!” “For by grace are ye saved through faith…” Eph. 2:8,9. A great biography including his wonderful testimony of salvation: See ‘Spurgeon A New Biography’ by A. Dallimore (The Banner of Truth Trust) Another sermon by Spurgeon can be found by searching online (Spurgeon sermon No 2043. The Blood of the Lamb the Conquering Weapon. Revelation 12:11) “ Brethren, the blood of Jesus Christ, God’s dear Son, cleanseth us from all sin (I John 1:6-10). Jesus has borne the penalty due to us: he has discharged for us upon the cross all our liabilities to the justice of God, and we are free for ever, because our Surety suffered in our place. Where is the accuser now? That dragon voice is silenced by the blood of the lamb. Nothing else can ever silence the accuser’s cruel voice (i.e. the Devil who deceives the whole world Revelation: 12:9; II Corinthians 11: 3,4,13-15 etc) but the voice of the blood which tells of the infinite God accepting, in our behalf, the sacrifice which he himself supplied.” Amen!

Sermon3/25/05 1:50 PM
Ron from Canoga Park, CA  
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Fear Not
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Great Sermon! ”
This message greatly encouraged me at a difficult time.

Sermon3/6/05 3:25 PM
David Watson from Dallas Texas  
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A Christmas Question
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Great Sermon! ”
There are plenty of other resons not to celebrate Christmas other than the fact that it is steeped in Roman Catholicism. As far as your comment about the names of the months, we are not really celebrating those. I think that is not a good comparison although if I had the power to change the names I would. Try not celebrating Christmas and see what the response of fellow believers is. Do we have the freedom not to celebrate without being ostracized.(Romans 14). Much could be said here about the biblical feasts, seeing how they all point to Jesus and his death, burial, and ressurection and His imminent return. Do we have the freedom to celebrate these days or is that legalism? One last statement are we putting the tradition of men above Gods word in keeping a holiday of such questionable origins, not to mention what it has become. We don't need any paticular day as an excuse to preach the gospel, we should do it every day.

Sermon12/27/04 1:34 AM
Rev. Stephen Hamilton from Allentown, Pennsylvania  
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A Christmas Question
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Great Sermon! ”
The fact that Spurgeon used the opportunity conferred by the annual Christmas holiday to preach the gospel of the Incarnation in no way diluted his Protestantism, anymore than the usage of pagan names for our days of the week (Monday, Tuesday etc.,), and months of the year (January etc.,.), makes today's Christians into pagans. The old "chestnut" is resurrected every year about ChristMASS, as if every person even using the term is about to become a Papist! Some folks love to quote Spurgeon very selectively in relation to ChristMAS, rightly pointing out,of course,that he fully rejected Romanism, but conveniently ignoring his embracing of "the good accidentally conferred by the season"(CHS quote). Such people usually do not have the courage to label him a "compromiser", yet do not hesitate to condemn gospel preachers who organise their worship services in December in the same way as CHS did each year. It is patent nonsense to tar faithful gospel preachers with the same brush as the worshippers of the "pancake god", simply because they use the ChristMAS season to proclaim the truth about the Incarnation. Are these annual hobby-horse riders the only faithful custodians of the Faith? I think not. Perhaps soon they will show a similar zeal to take Janus (pagan goddess)out of January!

Sermon11/14/04 11:02 PM
Chris from Maryland  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The historical context of the sermon, made me realize how far America has gone since the Great Awaking.

Sermon11/14/04 4:56 AM
Anglin from Germany  
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Self-Sufficiency Slain
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great Sermon, it will challenge self sufficiency and its arrogant proud roots. The text is actually John 15:5.

Sermon11/12/04 6:25 AM
Julien Kinsale from Phoenix Arizona  Contact via email
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A Sermon for the Week of Prayer
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Great Sermon! ”
I am sure that you are a man/peaple of prayer, so in humility I implore you to prayer on my behalf that the fire in my furnace will wax hotter and hotter to prayer for the kingdom on earth. Please prayer that my mind and physical energy will increase in power,so that I can work for the things of the kingdom: Study, Teach, Evangelize,Prayer, Encuorage,Love, and Fight the fight of faith.

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