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C. H. Spurgeon | Koelsch Broadcasting Productions
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C. H. Spurgeon
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A Christmas Question
12/16/2003 (TUE)
  |  Bible: Isaiah 9:6
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C. H. Spurgeon
A Christmas Question

Isaiah 9:6
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C. H. Spurgeon
A Christmas Question

Prince of Preachers
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Angela WittmanContact via email (12/24/2016)
from Southern Illinois, USA
“ Gospel Sermon! ”
A timeless classic. Please listen to this pure Gospel message by the Prince of Preachers!

Lourdsy BobbyContact via email (12/25/2015)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you very much for this SermonAudio.

Tony de freitas (11/27/2012)
from Perth Western Australia
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great sermon more and more people need to listen to this . It's relevant today as it was when this was preached . But I guess as time goes on our lives are getting shorter to the time we meet Our Creator

Mike (12/24/2008)
from Omaha
“ Great Sermon! ”
Awesome message from the prince of preachers on the gospel! Needs to be heard by all unbelievers,so they may trust in Christ and flee from the wrath to come!

Kevin WilliamsContact via email (11/14/2008)
from Fleetwood, England
“ Great Sermon! ”
A few years ago, my wife got saved listening to this recording of this sermon. Kevin Williams Puritan Fellowship

BWS (12/25/2005)
“ Relevant Sermon! ”
The confederated forces of Romanism, neo-paganism, Freemasonry, and Jewish Cabalah all derive this practice from the same superstitions of ancient BABYLON--are establishing their anti-Christian Deism (Judeo-Masonry) as the world religion, its chief "holy-day" being named Christmas, while they claim "under God"! It is the religious worship of Egypt, Babylon, both pagan and Papal Rome, the dissenter-persecuting Church of England (until Cromwell's puritans abolished it) and now the official "holiday" of the United States--the religious Mark of tyrannical governments, MYSTERY BABYLON! What is unconstitutionally "established" a federal "holiday" for the pro-Christmas sects and denominations is precisely what our Christian forefather's resisted and fought against: "A broad element of English Christianity still considered Christmas celebration a pagan blasphemy. The Puritans, [Pilgrims], Baptists, Quakers, Presbyterians, Calvinists and other denominations brought this opposition to early New England and strong opposition to the holiday lasted in America until the middle of the 18th century." 12/23/83 USA TODAY How apostasy is the road to tyranny, and today's "established churches" again support it!

David Watson (3/6/2005)
from Dallas Texas
“ Great Sermon! ”
There are plenty of other resons not to celebrate Christmas other than the fact that it is steeped in Roman Catholicism. As far as your comment about the names of the months, we are not really celebrating those. I think that is not a good comparison although if I had the power to change the names I would. Try not celebrating Christmas and see what the response of fellow believers is. Do we have the freedom not to celebrate without being ostracized.(Romans 14). Much could be said here about the biblical feasts, seeing how they all point to Jesus and his death, burial, and ressurection and His imminent return. Do we have the freedom to celebrate these days or is that legalism? One last statement are we putting the tradition of men above Gods word in keeping a holiday of such questionable origins, not to mention what it has become. We don't need any paticular day as an excuse to preach the gospel, we should do it every day.

Rev. Stephen Hamilton (12/27/2004)
from Allentown, Pennsylvania
“ Great Sermon! ”
The fact that Spurgeon used the opportunity conferred by the annual Christmas holiday to preach the gospel of the Incarnation in no way diluted his Protestantism, anymore than the usage of pagan names for our days of the week (Monday, Tuesday etc.,), and months of the year (January etc.,.), makes today's Christians into pagans. The old "chestnut" is resurrected every year about ChristMASS, as if every person even using the term is about to become a Papist! Some folks love to quote Spurgeon very selectively in relation to ChristMAS, rightly pointing out,of course,that he fully rejected Romanism, but conveniently ignoring his embracing of "the good accidentally conferred by the season"(CHS quote). Such people usually do not have the courage to label him a "compromiser", yet do not hesitate to condemn gospel preachers who organise their worship services in December in the same way as CHS did each year. It is patent nonsense to tar faithful gospel preachers with the same brush as the worshippers of the "pancake god", simply because they use the ChristMAS season to proclaim the truth about the Incarnation. Are these annual hobby-horse riders the only faithful custodians of the Faith? I think not. Perhaps soon they will show a similar zeal to take Janus (pagan goddess)out of January!

Andrew HallContact via email (12/25/2003)
from Worcester, United Kingdom
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wonderful to hear a true message of the Lord over this time of rampant materialism and glitzch called christmas. Oh that the church would awaken to the false romanist mass set on this pagan festival that the west celebrates with increasing covetousness. Spurgeon's sermon is most apt in the true calling for a Christian. One person pointed to the fact that Spurgeon bought presents for orphans at Christmas. Why should he not - when all others were indulging their own sensuous desires and not looking to uplift those who need help, comfort and the love of Christ the most.

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   A Christmas Question • 12/16/2003 | 9 posts
  C. H. Spurgeon
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-92) was England's best-known preacher for most of the second half of the nineteenth century. In 1854, just four years after his conversion, Spurgeon, then only 20, became pastor of London's famed New Park Street Church (formerly pastored by the...

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