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Prince of Preachers
C. H. Spurgeon  |  Koelsch Broadcasting Productions
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"I am thankful"
Amazing how the Lord lead me to this sermon when I need it most. Had a wonderful impact upon my soul. Praise God with me as I can...
C. H. Spurgeon | Matthew 17:17
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Sermon2/3/06 12:13 PM
Manny Salva Cruz from Northridge, CA  Contact via email
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Trust in God -- True Wisdom
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Great Sermon! ”
In every decision that we make, we need wisdom- godly wisdom. There are many ways we can manifest wisdom in life: Consistency in our character is wisdom. Being careful in our conversation is wisdom. Honesty in our dealings with others is wisdom. Walking the straight and narrow path of life is wisdom. Refusing to heed temptation is wisdom. Indeed, wisdom is important to all of us. We need godly wisdom. That is why listening to this message of C.H. Spurgeon will give us a clear idea that all the precious jewels of this world will not be compared to godly wisdom that God will give us. He encourages us to trust God so that we can gain wisdom. Hear this message now. Be attentive in your heart. Then, live a life of wisdom. When you do, you will learn to handle all matters wisely.

Sermon1/27/06 4:44 PM
Chris Huff from  
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Justification By Grace
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Great Sermon! ”
Spurgeon has always had a special place in my Christian life. When I read his sermons, the Scripture speaks to me in amazing ways. He illustrated sound biblical truth with the most perfect analogies, stories, and challenges. While I speak his praise, I even more praise the God who made him such. Surely, from this sermon on instability, Spurgeon conveyed his humility and dependance upon his Creator. I pray that all who hear it would do the same.

Sermon1/26/06 12:25 PM
Manny Salva Cruz from Northridge, CA  Contact via email
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Justification By Grace
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is an amazing message from C.H. Spurgeon on how we have been justified through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. We all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory. Hence, God demanded the payment of sin or else we will all be condemned, but Christ stood forward. He came in our behalf. He paid what His people owed. It was a complete and perfect payment for all our sins and the sins of all believers past or present. It was a priceless ransom that no one else can perform. It was precious. It was invaluable. It was costly. Only Christ can do it. He died for all of us the penalty that we should have paid. But He did not stay dead. He rose again from the grave. The resurrection was the proof that the Father has accepted the ransom price. It was a great triumph for all of us. This is the precious doctrine of justification by grace that we must proclaim. Truly, God deserves all honors for such a great redemption. Listen to this message carefully. Open your hearts to God’s voice. Come to Him and claim your salvation in Christ.

Sermon1/23/06 12:08 PM
Manny Salva Cruz from Northridge, CA  Contact via email
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Faith Illustrated
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Great Sermon! ”
C.H. Spurgeon has been so wise in preaching his every message for the purpose of edification of the saints and the conversion of sinners. This is one of those messages where such unique blending is found. He tells us that if we want to come to Christ, we must learn to renounce all our self-efforts. We cannot be saved if we have one hand on Christ while the other hand on self. We must come to Christ even if we are the worst sinners. We must put our soul in His care alone. Then, after we have come to Christ, we must grow in our commitment to Him. Faith in Christ is like climbing a mountain where we see Christ’s love and righteousness. The higher we climb, the greater our discoveries about Christ would be. The preacher then encourages us to rely entirely upon Him that must be continued as long as we live. He inspires us to give our full trust and confidence in Him. Hear this message now and by faith commit your soul in the hands of our Maker.

Sermon1/22/06 11:32 AM
Manny Salva Cruz from Northridge, CA  Contact via email
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A Faithful Friend
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Great Sermon! ”
I would like to express my appreciation to the broadcasters for making this and many more messages available to the public for their listening and meditation. Truly, you are doing a great job in this ministry. This is a wonderful message about a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Jesus indeed is our dear friend who sticks closer than a brother. Since our salvation from sin, such friendship has been evident even during our most difficult situation. His loving kindness is good to us. He has brought us back to our feet. He has forgiven our sins. From then on, Christ has never left us. Not one thing has failed from what he has promised. He knew all about us. Even if our love can grow cold, yet He loved us just the same. This is the emphasis of C.H. Spurgeon as he always points us to Christ. Let us therefore be firm and strong in maintaining our friendship with Christ. Hear this message now. Make Jesus your friend. Listen attentively. Meditate on these words. May God bless you real good.

Sermon1/21/06 1:10 PM
Manny Salva Cruz from Northridge, CA  Contact via email
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C. H. Spurgeon
“ Great Sermon! ”
The people of God are called the "Elect of God". We are distinguished from the rest of mankind. We have been chosen. We have been foreordained. This great doctrine is very evident from the Scripture. In fact, the first century Christians are used to calling each other the "Elect." They were not ashamed of such a word. This was a description of who they were in Christ. But nowadays, the word election has been dressed up with diversities of meanings. No wonder, Christians are afraid to be called the "elect" of God. That is why the common question on "Will God elect some to salvation and at the same time elect others to condemnation" will not hold. If you have the Lord, then God has called you. We are the elect according to our own confession. It does not depend upon who wer are or what we have done. We are saved by His grace according to His own purpose. That is why we bown down under His sovereignty. Hear this message now. Lay aside your own prejudices. Listen calmly. Exercise your judgment. Then, God will give you wisdom. Be blessed.

Sermon1/19/06 1:04 PM
Manny Salva Cruz from Northridge, CA  Contact via email
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The Sin of Unbelief
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Great Sermon! ”
There are many forms and manifestations of unbelief in a person's life. Firstly, unbelief is simply the mistrust of God's power. But more than that, it is also doubt in God's immutability. Unbelief is when we think that God will not deliver us from our trials and afflictions. Unbelief is when we doubt even the ability of God to save worst sinners. But the most treacherous form of unbelief is when a person blasphemes God which is pure infidelity. For the least form of unbelief is of the same nature as the greatest. All these are sins. This is the sin of unbelief. It is the parent of all sin. It is capable of the violent crime that has ever been committed on earth. Even the greatest of all saints can doubt of God's love and power. We must therefore beware of cultivating unbelief in our hearts. We must learn to deal with unbelief. That is why C.H. Spurgeon warns us to get rid of all our unbelief. He challenges us to grow in our faith and in our obedience to Christ. He points us to Christ just as what he always does. We can be overcomer. Christ gives us victory. Listen to this message and believe with all your heart.

Sermon1/17/06 12:04 PM
Manny Salva Cruz from Northridge, CA  Contact via email
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Sovereignty and Salvation
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Great Sermon! ”
God is Sovereign! This is the kind of message that we must proclaim. He wants us to declare in all the world that He is God and beside Him, there is no one else. All other gods in the world will someday perish or bow down to him in worship. Our God is from everlasting to everlasting. He rules the universe from time immemorial. We have not yet learned our lessons well, but many times we have devised schemes or plans for our future without asking God's permission. For we do not know what tomorrow may bring. Only God knows. He hold the future in His hands. Surely, this is an inspiring message from C.H. Spurgeon that can ultimately make us humble and truly be dependent to His saving grace for all our needs. Listen to this now. Look unto Him today and be saved all the earth.

Sermon1/3/06 2:00 PM
Manny Salva Cruz from Northridge, CA  Contact via email
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C. H. Spurgeon
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is the most popular of all C.H. Spurgeon's messages in this site. Rightly so, because this is an inspiring message that motivates us to excell. The text tells us that if we are unstable as water, we will never excell. We always admire and greatly respect people who are firm and consistent in their daily walk. But most often, we ourselves are unstable. Sometimes, we have strong faith and other times, we loose sight of the Savior's will for our lives. We are unstable in our love, we are unstable in our business, we are unstable in our doctrine. Our instability can ruin our usefulness. We must therefore overcome our instability. The preacher encourages us to know what is right and to defend what is right. We must know what God wants us to do and then do it. Only in Christ can we be stable. Hear this motivating message and move forward to stability and firmness in your Christian walk.

Sermon1/2/06 11:31 PM
Manny Salva Cruz from Northridge, CA  Contact via email
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The Earnest of Heaven
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Great Sermon! ”
We are rich in Christ. There are many Christians who have not actually come to the realization and full appreciation of their vast spiritual wealth of inheritance kept in heaven for all who belong to Him. But this text from Eph. 1:13,14 assures us that the Holy Spirit is the earnest or pledge of such an inheritance. Whoever therefore possess the Holy Spirit from God has a foretaste of heaven. This message reveals to us in brief what heaven is all about. Listen then and begin to thank God for the Holy Spirit that He has given to us. Surely, we are sons and daughters of God. Praise Him.

Sermon12/30/05 1:54 PM
Nicky Gisel from Germany  Contact via email
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True Prayer -- True Power!
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Great Sermon! ”
I call myself a prayer warrior and yet this sermon humbled me and brought me to a new place of awe in God and the mighty power of prayer he gave to us for the purpose of being prosperous in his kingdom and being in relatinship with him for his glory. Thank-you for sharpening my weapon.!!

Sermon12/28/05 1:02 PM
Manny Salva Cruz from Northridge, CA  Contact via email
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Free Will -- A Slave
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Great Sermon! ”
This message compares the horrible position of man without God to the blessed hope that we now have in Christ Jesus. Originally, every person who rejects Christ is legally, spiritually and eternally dead in sin. He cannot stand before God in his own morality. He has no life in his own. But now that we are in Christ Jesus, we discover the legal, spiritual and eternal life for those who believe. In Christ, we are now delivered from sin and death. We are also blessed beyond compare for all eternity. Listen to this sermon and have a full appreciation of your new life in Christ. C.H. Spurgeon explains the way of salvation very clearly.

Sermon12/27/05 12:02 PM
Manny Salva Cruz from Northridge, CA  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The Scripture teaches us two significant truths that ought to be considered carefully in our doctrinal position. That God predestines and that man is responsible for all his actions. That God is presiding over all according to His sovereign grace and yet, man can act as he pleases. This is true in all of man's standing before God from salvation to glorification. Most often we are guilty of over emphasizing one side and neglecting the other. This message therefore is a fitting reminder to be all the more true to our Christian heritage. Listen and be blessed.

Sermon12/26/05 11:43 AM
Manny Salva Cruz from Northridge, CA  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
It is an awful thing for people to reject Christ as the Savior for in doing so, they have put upon themselves their future condemnation. They are like vessels of pleasures and vessels of pride prepared for the wrath of God's coming judgment. It will be a dreadful and terrible thing indeed for God to overflow His anger upon such people. May the Lord re-fashion us to be vessels of mercy fit for the Master's use and for His glory. Listen now to this great preaching and as you do, pray that the Lord will bring you closer to the kingdom of God and under His divine sovereignty.

Sermon12/25/05 2:56 PM
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A Christmas Question
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Relevant Sermon! ”
The confederated forces of Romanism, neo-paganism, Freemasonry, and Jewish Cabalah all derive this practice from the same superstitions of ancient BABYLON--are establishing their anti-Christian Deism (Judeo-Masonry) as the world religion, its chief "holy-day" being named Christmas, while they claim "under God"! It is the religious worship of Egypt, Babylon, both pagan and Papal Rome, the dissenter-persecuting Church of England (until Cromwell's puritans abolished it) and now the official "holiday" of the United States--the religious Mark of tyrannical governments, MYSTERY BABYLON! What is unconstitutionally "established" a federal "holiday" for the pro-Christmas sects and denominations is precisely what our Christian forefather's resisted and fought against: "A broad element of English Christianity still considered Christmas celebration a pagan blasphemy. The Puritans, [Pilgrims], Baptists, Quakers, Presbyterians, Calvinists and other denominations brought this opposition to early New England and strong opposition to the holiday lasted in America until the middle of the 18th century." 12/23/83 USA TODAY How apostasy is the road to tyranny, and today's "established churches" again support it!

Sermon12/25/05 12:36 PM
Manny Salva Cruz from Northridge, CA  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
It is a sad truth that Christ has not been the subject in most of the preaching in many Christian churches nowadays. We have not been true in putting Christ the center of all our worship. That is why C.H. Spurgeon emphasizes the necessity of preaching a personal, practical and experiential Christ in all of our lives. Christ should be the substance of our preaching and not just the shadow. Listen to this first message he preached in the Metropolitan Tabernacle making his pulpit ministry clear in its direction to all of his hearers. Indeed, Jesus is worthy to receive glory and honor in our ministry.

Sermon12/24/05 4:21 PM
Manny Salva Cruz from Northridge, CA  Contact via email
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The Shulamite's Choice Prayer
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Great Sermon! ”
Many times we despair and think that God does not love us any more. But that is not true. Many waters cannot quench neither floods drown God's love for us. This is the Shulamite's Choice prayer. May this be our prayer as well. Christ's love rises higher and higher. Floods may try to rise it but His love will still be there. Hear this message and receive God's love for all eternity.

Sermon12/24/05 11:38 AM
Manny Salva Cruz from Northridge, CA  Contact via email
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The Christ of Patmos
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Great Sermon! ”
Christ is the same ever since yet believers never see it that way. All Christians know Christ but they don't know him in the same capacity. It is a great joy to know Him better. We must know Him not just as a great teacher but a Savior and a friend who speaks to us like a brother. Blessed is he who could say in his heart, "May Christ be formed in me, the hope of glory." Our desire therefore is to know Him more and more. There should be an intense longing to see Christ. That is why this is a great teaching that unveils the Christ of Patmos in a glorified state. For what we know Christ now, we shall be in the future. Listen to this message and be blessed indeed.

Sermon12/24/05 12:05 AM
Manny Salva Cruz from Northridge, CA  Contact via email
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Spiritual Peace
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Great Sermon! ”
In a world where there is turmoil, war and confusion, it is important to hear about the Spiritual Peace found in Christ alone. The preacher talks about the legacy of Christ that has brought us peace with God and consequently peace with our own conscience. Listen to this preaching and you will greatly appreciate the forgiveness that God gives us. Indeed, peace and joy will definitely reign in the hearts of those who believe.

Sermon12/23/05 10:40 PM
Manny Salva Cruz from Northridge, CA  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
It is a sad truth that in every Christian church, there are people who have a name but are spiritually dead. The church has lost her zeal and her energy. There seems to be little distinction these days between the Christians and the world. That is why this message from the book of Revelation regarding the church at Sardis is a solemn warning for all the churches not to defile our garments. The preacher makes a good point. Listen and be blessed. It is time to be zealous again for God's glory.

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