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News Item10/15/2020 11:52 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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“Indigenous Peoples Day of Rage.” Right. I wonder if you counted all the indigenous people at the riot, whether there would be 10? More likely, the crowd are simply pale-face left wing-nuts expressing their disdain for those they pretend are oppressed, who they think can’t get by without their help. They look down on black folk the same way, using whoever they can to promote their ideology. Racist to the core, loyal only to themselves.

News Item10/14/2020 4:52 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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HerbalMama wrote:
Jim wrote: Mr. Baret, We should not have laws at the majority won't support, indeed in a democracy those Laws should not be passed in the firstplace And they'll be ignored in the second place❗
Lol, reminds me of some mandates.
Yes, Jim has yet to explain why he supports Governors taking away by fiat, State legislators’ responsibilities. Emergency powers? Who decides there is an emergency? Oh that’s right, the governors. Some democracy Jim likes.

News Item10/14/2020 7:52 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Leslie Stahl of CBS news did a great Interview with the Lincoln project, Naturally the video can be found here but what I doing like to do is to read transcripts and it can be found here as well :thumbup:
"The Lincoln Project: Career Republicans call on Americans to vote out President Trump"
"Career Republicans" is the problem, not the solution. Their precious swamp is in danger. May they be drained along with their Career Democrat partners, who are equally threatened.

News Item10/14/2020 7:42 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
If one thinks they can stop abortion by just outlawing in it, they haven't learned anything from the Prohibition movement.
If so-called pro-lifers Do not also support universal healthcare, at least in my opinion, they are being hypocritical and almost entirely ineffective.
Everyone has a right to their opinion, Jim.

By the way, regarding Prohibition, it wasn't resolved by the government stepping in to force taxpayers to finance boozemaking.

Once again, a reminder that pregnancy is not a disease, and kids aren't aborted because they are expensive to deliver. Maybe you want the government to raise them, too?

News Item10/14/2020 7:35 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
"No One Likes Amy Coney Barrett’s Abortion Answer"
I do, and I approve this message.

News Item10/13/2020 7:09 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
I have little trouble with science because what scientist say has to be verifiable. Actually some of our leading politicians, are somewhat in the same way except if you take the opposite what they mean, then you know that's correct.
Now, that has been verifiable also, and it is, by such sources as the Washington Post.
It’s grammatically incorrect to put verifiable and Washington Post in the same sentence, Jim.

News Item10/13/2020 11:38 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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I wear a cloth mask made by the Amish, when it is required. Saving my N95s for something more. Haven't been sick yet, not even from New York's Cuomovid 19. Of course this too is anecdotal.

News Item10/12/2020 10:02 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Wayfarer pilgrim wrote:
It was air borne from the get go. But the lock down in the good old USA is all about Voter suppression. Take the economic wizard Dr. Fauci - this guy gets quoted in in a Trump advertisement and he’s all about being taken out of context. Good old “non practicing” doctor. Well, well. well... in January, you said we weren’t to worry about Wuhan virus. And Trump low balled this virus?
Agreed, WP. Each announcement is presented to us as from the knowing ones, and we are to listen to them because they know. Then later the knowing ones say something else, and we are to agree with them because they know. Then the excuse is presented that there is recently discovered new knowledge. So the cycles continue, and there always seem to be excuses made for them. Yet the makers of excuses do not question why the ones we are to listen to (because they are the knowing ones) didn’t know anything, but were winging it the whole time.

News Item10/12/2020 4:16 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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MusicGal wrote:
Furthermore research is now showing that Covid19 is airborne. I had seen the research as the article indicated early on in the pandemic and we are only now seeing this information made public. 
How can this be? If it weren't considered airborne all along, there wouldn't have been any call for masks or so-called social distancing. How could it get from one face to another, but through the air? If people didn't think it airborne, they wouldn't be wearing masks or distancing from others. How is this news "now showing"? Sounds creative, but not informative.

News Item10/12/2020 1:19 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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ladybug wrote:
"If anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades, it’s most likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war – not missiles, but microbes,” warned Bill Gates during a TED Talk five years ago.” would he know that unless it was their plan all along? Why would they host a simulated outbreak? wakey wakey sheeple.....
But ladybug, remember computer guy Bill Gates is an expert on infectious diseases. Just ask him. Or Jim/Lincoln

News Item10/12/2020 10:04 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
73 deaths...
excerpt from, "Churches and the Spread of COVID-19"
73? Out of the alleged 200K? Wow. Dang churches. And an article by Throckmorton, a college psychology professor, too! You've outdone yourself, Jim. Keep digging the hole deeper. Or do something novel, like seeking truth.

News Item10/12/2020 9:54 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Mike I always vote for the best candidate that I see, in this case it's Biden
I heard Biden was being considered to be the 5th on Mount Rushmore, but there wasn't room for 2 faces.

News Item10/12/2020 9:50 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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John UK wrote:
[“It is for the church, not the District or this court, to define for itself the meaning of ‘not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together,’” Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, wrote, quoting the New Testament’s Epistle to the Hebrews, according to The Washington Times.]
Ought to make Mike happy!
Amen, John. Always glad to discover there are judges who can judge rightly.

News Item10/11/2020 6:17 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Frank wrote:
I have a daughter that teaches in public school and she has told me that teachers are told to not fail any student. So a student that is not up to standards will proceed to the next level anyway.
This cannot be undone, but we can and should speak out against it.
Frank, my daughter too is a public school teacher, and she was told the same thing, no one can fail. State mandate. She said this results in the students who are lazy simply refusing to do their work. The interested ones of course do the work. The undisciplined lazy will graduate without skills or grades enabling them to go on, will end up poor, and tears will be shed over their plight, with more State rulings to fix the problem.

I agree we should speak out against it, but some will say that isn’t speaking the gospel, and that is all, so they say, that Christians should do. Otherwise we are judging those outside the church, so they say.

News Item10/11/2020 5:57 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Mike, how often has abortion been mentioned in the Bible except for the verse that I gave? Certainly abortion is a serious matter, but whose acceptance in a democracy determined by the majority of the citizens of the country❗ If you want legal changes--change their minds.
Like I said before, the majority in several States voted to at least reduce abortion. But a judge overruled them. If that’s democracy to you, you need history lessons.

You apparently are more concerned over the legalities than the realities, Jim. Too bad. Abortion is murder, don’t you agree?

News Item10/11/2020 10:15 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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The ever-present God, being outside of time, doesn’t look into the future at all. He’s already there.

News Item10/11/2020 10:07 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
---"Time for a rational debate on when human life begins"
There is no debate. What part of “with child” is not understood?

News Item10/10/2020 6:52 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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John UK wrote:
So why do you think that you are more of an expert concerning medical things like contagious diseases than the experts who have been working in this field for many years? Is it because you are viewing this current pandemic as a spiritual thing which can be discerned by those who are born again? Or do you see it with political eyes, eyeing up the political consequences of developing the pandemic?
Or are you another armchair general who tells the troops what they ought be doing?
Glad your sense of humour is back, bro.
Well John I never claimed to be an expert on contagious diseases, but then you don’t have to be one to look at the data. Just the ability and willingness to read, and pay attention to details. Now as far as expertise in the disease field, when various experts not only contradict each other, but even themselves, which my daily record keeping has shown to be so, then maybe we might conclude their title carries more weight than their knowledge. Btw, I am willing to be enlightened as to how it is politicians are experts in medicine, and why therefore we should be ok with their medical directives. Simple questions ought to at least be asked, and not seen as foolishness.

News Item10/10/2020 8:54 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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John UK wrote:
Are these experts correct? Are they experts? And are they correct? What do you say, Mike?
Whether or not they are experts is not an issue, but whether what they say is true or false, which may well be observable without a degree. It doesn’t take an expert on the chemical composition of the sun, to be able to see the light it makes. One of those “if you have eyes to see” things. Those who aren’t working for drug companies or governments of fallen men are more likely to have correct ideas, imo.

News Item10/10/2020 8:42 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Isn’t “Hillary Clinton says” sufficient information to dismiss anything that follows?
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