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News Item10/9/2020 6:23 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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John UK wrote:
There are many people in this world who have no wisdom, Mike. They do not know God, and they have only the so-called wisdom of the world.
The Bible says that those who deny the existence of God are fools. In the UK the Christians are surrounded every day by fools.
Recently, thanks to the work of the guv, we had broken the back of the coronavirus, and after short space we should have defeated it and returned to normal. But as restrictions were eased off gently, the fools, having no peace in their hearts, went on a rampage of hedonism, and disobeyed all the restrictions, thinking those restrictions to be nonsensical, when in fact it was they who were acting nonsensically. What do you think happened? Nothing?
Not at all. We are now experiencing more cases each day than we had in the first wave.
This is interesting, John, thank you. On the one hand those who do not know God have no wisdom, only worldly wisdom. Christians surrounded by fools, as you say. On the other hand, we should listen to unwise fools in our governments who know not God, apparently because, though Christians do have wisdom, they are unable to discern truth from falsehood, and so require unbelievers to provide them discernment. A head scratcher.

News Item10/9/2020 3:00 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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John UK wrote:
Hi Mike, Frank, thanks for your comments.
I don't know where you get this 'fear' thing from, Mike.
If heavy rain is a possibility, and you have to go out in your convertible, why do you put the roof up before leaving? Is it out of fear, or is it merely a sensible precaution? Or (as Frank says) out of concern, in this case a common sense concern?
Frank is doing what he thinks best, and it is right for him to do so. It is based on what he knows about himself. It's called wisdom. It should be allowed others as well, no?

As for my convertible, if the roof has holes in it larger than raindrops, I might be tempted to conclude it isn't likely to keep raindrops from passing through it, even if non-automobile experts say it will keep me from getting wet, and more importantly that it will keep occupants of other convertibles from getting wet.

News Item10/9/2020 10:46 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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John UK wrote:
Good morning Mike,
In the UK people, especially elderly people are offered a flu jab if they should so desire one, and this is a free vaccination from the NHS. Are those who take up the offer doing so.....
1. Because it's free, and they love something for nothing?
2. Out of fear of catching the flu?
3. Because they like being attended to by nurses?
4. Because they are lonely?
5. Because they believe it a sensible precaution?
Hi John, well let me see. Since flu vaccine is 45-55% effective, but not likely known by most, the answers to the 5 questions is yes. But if doing so makes them less fearful, it’s useful in that regard. Perhaps the rushed covid experimental vax will lessen the present fear as well.

News Item10/9/2020 9:41 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
excerpt from, "Trump’s antibody treatment was tested using cells originally derived from an abortion"
If it were true, you would be praising it.

News Item10/9/2020 9:36 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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When Harris was running for president, she made the mistake of tackling with Tulsi Gabbard, the only sane Democrat candidate, who proceeded to put Harris back under her rock. Harris lost that round big time to a much more capable woman, so I guess corporate America can’t blame that on Harris’ sex.

News Item10/8/2020 6:23 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Sure would be nice to see data on the percentage of cases that recover. But who cares about the very high recovery rate when fear is an essential business, to be kept open at all costs?

News Item10/8/2020 6:08 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Yes, Mike, most of those lefties are peaceful, compared to the white supremacists they were white nuts, Mike.
"13 charged in plots against Michigan governor, police"
No need to writes tales, Jim. The noise from white supremacists is utter silence compared to the raging, hating idiots of the left. Name one city where white supremacists burned down their own neighborhoods. As far as the charges against these guys, I think her highness Gretchen is white, so they can’t possibly have that against her, can they? Are there any racism charges against them? But you can go ahead with your disconnected postings, you still live in a relatively free country, though you support the creepy elements who want to take it away from you.

Hey Jim, what do you think of the Michigan Supreme Court ruling that Gretchen has no authority to continue the coronavirus emergency? Think she’ll obey the law, or continue her reign?

News Item10/8/2020 4:39 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
excerpt from, "Despite Indoor Services, Grace Community Church Doesn’t Want to Get Sued if You Get COVID-19 at the Church"
Apparently John MacArthur believes in a more immediate power than God, the legal system.
It’s nice to know you are concerned for the folks who voluntary attend services there.

News Item10/8/2020 2:28 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Besides, Mike, it wouldn't give White right-wing militias anything to complain about.
"FBI says it foiled plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer"
Guess what? They weren't Antifa â—👎
Well good. I'm glad they got those lawbreakers. Unlike you, Jim, I believe in equal application of the law. Too bad such enthusiasm isn't applied to the peaceful leftist demonstrators burning down the cities, rioting side by side without social distancing, etc. Surely there is a church nearby that can be shut down? By the way, I didn't see anything in the link about the color of the people planning this stupidity. Did you?

News Item10/8/2020 2:13 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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John UK wrote:
No Mike, just open up everywhere. Let C19 have its day. Let's see if USA can get a million deaths instead of a mere 200,000. Make the wearing of masks illegal. Make the guv pay for the airlines that have gone out of business.
Of course, one million can become two million, and added to the world stage that could mean fifty million deaths worldwide. Allow it to continue, that could rise to one hundred million or even a billion deaths. Bring it on. Who cares?
Here's a radical thought. No mandates one way or the other. No one has gone out of business from Covid. Many have from over-reaction to grossly faulty computer models. John, If it were truly about health, it would be equally applied across the board. It isn't. There is no getting around it. BTW, C19 has already had its day. According to the CDC, and they are considered experts, of the alleged 200k in the US, 6% have died from Covid 19. 94% had other issues to which C19 was added. The actual death rate *from* C19 is less than any typical influenza year, including the last season. I don't mind taking precautions, as my bracket is among the so called vulnerable, but I do that anyway with anything that comes along. Isn't that how grown-ups do things?

News Item10/8/2020 1:22 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Keep those churches and synagogues closed. The experts know best. Harass not the mosques. The experts know best. Keep those liquor stores and abortion clinics open. The experts know best. Keep other small businesses closed. The experts know best. Keep Walmart open. The experts know best.

News Item10/8/2020 1:08 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Neil wrote:
I'm curious: what part of Italy? Southern Italians, I'm told, are pretty different from northerners culturally.
Fun fact: Dr. Federico Faggin, U. of Padua graduate, led development of the 1st microprocessor, the 4004, at Intel. He later want on to found Zilog, which was a keen competitor for awhile during the '70s, and *still* markets Z80 derivatives.
Southern, the toe of the boot to be more precise. Poor folk with pioneer spirit, not willing to stay in their assigned place.

News Item10/8/2020 11:32 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Neil wrote:
Over a century ago, folks from Catholic countries (e.g. Italy, Poland, Ireland, and later, Latin America) immigrated en masse to predominantly Protestant and capitalist America, so they could enjoy its greater political and economic liberty. The reverse has been rare.
My Grandparents, Dad, and Aunt among those from Italy. Helps me appreciate liberty a bit more, I think.

News Item10/7/2020 8:15 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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I bought my NIOSH approved N95 masks at Home Depot. That pretty much explains their purpose, protecting me while doing dusty projects.

News Item10/7/2020 2:53 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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I point out the warning labels on the mask boxes whenever I can, in stores, at church meeting, etc. Some say simply, for non-medical use. Others clearly say they will not prevent infection. It should be obvious that a particle so small you need an electron microscope to see it, isn't going to be stopped by a mask designed to minimize particulate matter the size of smoke or sanding dust. (the argument that it rides globules of moisture wrongly assumes it won't ride smaller sizes of water vapor) Besides which, until covid came along, masks had one purpose, protect the wearer. Wearing one now to protect others is politically designed to promote guilt more than safety. Also takes away your right to determine your own risk level. Any smokers here? Inhale a lungful, put on a mask, then exhale. Will you see smoke? It should be a convincing test, except to those smokers with their eyes closed. Interestingly, most of the masks I've seen are made in China. As is much of the hand sanitizer. The irony.

News Item10/7/2020 2:28 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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John for JESUS wrote:
Seeing that he is against private property, I wonder if he would let me have some of the Vatican's wealth! He is against other people's wealth, not including his own.
It's a common trait among rich hypocrite leftists and liberals of all stripes and funny clothes.

News Item10/7/2020 2:21 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
No, Mike, the majority doesn't set my standards nor really the low standards of the evangelicals who support certain people-who shall remain nameless--the majority however does set the standards for the country, remember â—
Not true, Jim. You need start taking notes. Remember the number of States that had referendums where the majority voted for squelching at least some aspects of the abortion kill machine? What happened? Oh, a judge overruled the people. I would say an extreme minority of judges is setting the "standards"

News Item10/6/2020 9:45 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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James Thomas wrote:
I heard that 50% of the restaurant business will be out of business by 2021 in NYC. I can't imagine other sectors will fair any better. Perhaps this will open eyes to reality and will end that democratic corruption that's been gone on for too long.
I speculate it’s kind of a race. The leftists’ institution of even more strict controls on one side, and the people waking out of their slumber on the other.

News Item10/6/2020 6:21 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Unfortunately WP, James, it’s hard to rid ourselves of Democrat corruption. NYC hangs off one end of the State, and they are half the population. WP, when the governor executive ordered non covid patients back into Covid wings of nursing homes, my first thought was, he’s trying to cut Medicaid expenses. The more patients that die, the less it costs the state. But I could be wrong. Maybe he was just trying to help. He sounds so sincere.

News Item10/6/2020 6:08 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Take a look at George Will's last sentence, ....
excerpt from, "Biden's election will end national nightmare 2.0"
Note also, Mike, The majority of Americans are much more liberal than the Evangelical/right-wing Catholic Axis. They consider abortion under many circumstances acceptable --Including Trump, I mght add, than the axis.
If George Will thinks Biden, running as a figurehead Democrat, but actually a pawn of the lunatic left, is going to be elected, Will is going to be nervously fidgeting around in his pontificating chair when It’s over.

Even if it were true that the majority were for abortion, (it isn’t) it’s evil reality is not determined by majority acceptability. Raise your standards, Jim.

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