The gentle caress of a light summer breeze brings relief from the sweltering heat of the day. Around the bend in the road a petrol station calms our rising concern as we nervously keep our eye on the fuel gauge which has steadily nudged towards empty.
These agents of relief are messengers of our providence. In every way through every day God faithfully fulfils His promise in all our lives. The rain that falls; the wind that blows; the sun that shines are all servants of God’s Sovereignty. He wills and they respond hastening to do His bidding.
We remember the observation of the frightened disciple on the storm-tossed waters of Galilee when they confessed “even the winds obey Him.” If this God clothes the grass of the field will he not supply the needs of His children. Or if the sparrows fall to the ground is monitored by a caring God may we not draw reassurance of His tender love. He has set His love upon us cementing His favour, He will never leave us or forsake us, committing to us His presence and His power. Whatever our worst fears or deepest concerns may be we know that nothing can separate us from our Father’s love; nor deprive us of His care. From the mountain to the valley the climate may well change but God’s sure promises remain the same. The temperature of our expectation may rise and fall but our Lord changes not and His compassion never fails. Let us then with hearts aglow pursue the path prepared wherein the unfolding magnitude of mercy and of Grace propels us towards the goal of our eternal rest. When by and by we’ll see the King and Crown Him Lord of all. Robert & Fiona
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With astonishing precision the loose ends of bible prophecy appear to be shifting into position as the unalterable purposes of God are sovereignly exercised throughout the world. The easy transition from compliance to anarchy suggests a deeper...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The scriptures tackle the issues of life with dexterity and precision weaving a pattern of tranquility in a world of chaos. The winds of worldly expectation blow with mystifying confusion across the landscape of unintentional instability as hopes...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Good evening all. As Christmas Day draws near we are encouraged to reflect upon the boundless grace and mercy of God as He gave to the world His unspeakable gift. The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Join us through...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear All, I have no doubt that we have all taken the time to reflect upon the year that has passed and with resigned contentment gladly acknowledged once more the unerring faithfulness of God in His dealings with us and His precision interventions...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear All “What will the future hold?” is the question on every mind. Disconcerting intrusions enforce an unwelcome limit to self management and independent supervision of personal initiatives. We await the daily reports of COVID 19...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
With disciplined obedience and uninhibited curiosity the three privileged disciples accompanied Jesus on the climb up the Mount of Transfiguration to a vantage point where the issues of life could be measured with the insights of heaven. With...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The meanderings of ancient Israel saw them often rest from the blistering heat of the desert sun under the welcome shade of the Terebinth tree. The majestic cedars of Lebonan stood unrivalled for their mighty reach and luscious spread of foliage ....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The unsuspecting elements of deadly disease still menace the fragile environment of our lives while we are constantly reminded of the need for diligence in our observation of instruction and advice. While location, location, location, was once the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]