With astonishing precision the loose ends of bible prophecy appear to be shifting into position as the unalterable purposes of God are sovereignly exercised throughout the world. The easy transition from compliance to anarchy suggests a deeper reality as the disfiguring stain of sin slowly expands the tell tale signs of irresponsible compromise. It seems that faced with the inevitable we are compelled to consider our response this trending attitude reckless denial of what God requires of us. The Psalmist David poses the pertinent challenge confronting those of every generation as he asks, “If the foundations are destroyed what shall the righteous do”? (Psalm 11:3) While David suggests a time of intense soul searching must be engaged in the background of moral and spiritual instability there is the obvious and compelling exhortation to carefully consider our personal response to the unprecedented vagrancy of decency and rejection of godliness. Surely it is important that God’s Elect retain the focus of personal holiness and unreserved dependence upon the Word and the Will of our God who holds the whole world in His hand. If we are to remain secure in an insecure environment we must of necessity have our feet firmly planted upon the solid foundation of Christ’s own righteousness. As our lives are hidden with Christ in God we can withstand the fiercest storm or wildest tempest. Though snares are set and hidden holes are dug by the adversary who seeks our harm we rest assured by the rich promises of God that He will protect us from all evil and one day having been our guide even unto death will present us without fault before the presence of His throne with exceeding joy. The sufferings of this present life are not worthy to be compared with the glory that one day will be revealed in us as redeemed by His side we shall stand, and in His presence we shall rest. The world always seems to be a much less threatening place when we remember how much we are loved by God. Let us then continue to keep our eyes fixed heavenward in the confident assurance that our redemption is drawing near. Robert&Fiona