With disciplined obedience and uninhibited curiosity the three privileged disciples accompanied Jesus on the climb up the Mount of Transfiguration to a vantage point where the issues of life could be measured with the insights of heaven. With unexpected delight Peter, James, and John were treated to such a display of heaven’s intimacy they momentarily were distracted from their responsibilities upon the earth while the other disciples struggled with their restricted authority failing to release the young child from satan’s power. On the mountainside we see an unparalleled display of divine sovereignty while the the valley emphasised the overwhelming frustrations of limited human endeavour when confronted with the challenges of spiritual warfare. The battle of impetuous reactions was won on the Mount because Jesus was there to guide the three through the maze of their vulnerable emotions while all seemed lost in the valley until Jesus returned to save them from their failure. If Jesus said “Without me you can do nothing” (John 15:5) why would we risk the vacuum of His departed presence as we face the challenges of our lives. Let us grasp His invigorating promise to never leave us or forsake us and with our eyes firmly fixed on the transformation of all our needs and desires let us learn to place our lives and our future firmly and fully in His hands. Robert & Fiona