The unsuspecting elements of deadly disease still menace the fragile environment of our lives while we are constantly reminded of the need for diligence in our observation of instruction and advice. While location, location, location, was once the often repeated theme it has been relegated to a less prominent role as protection, protection protection, somehow appears to be much more significant in these nervous times. We hide behind a mask in public and lavishly apply hand sanitation content that in some way the possibility of contamination will be reduced if not eliminated completely, but can we be absolutely sure?
The risks are high therefore we heed the advice and hope for the best. Is it not true however that we have already been living under the duress of unobserved and undetected contamination of the kind that threatens both body and soul, with the deadly potential to destroy not only the longevity of our future here in time but also bring ruin to our soul for all eternity.
The wages of sin is death, and the soul that sins shall die, this is the inevitable prognosis of scripture. Many hide under the deceptive delusion that we need only apply the antidote of irregular church attendance, or give consent to an unobtrusive, non threatening belief in a God who lays no restriction upon our own desires or personal motivations. When required we dig out this flimsy protection in the delusional hope of refuge from the deadly effects of our stubborn resistance to God’s controlling influence upon our lives. Scripture stands firm against such folly for how can we be content to live in the environment of sinful contamination and expect to minimise or eliminate its eternal consequences.
There can be but one answer to the problem of our sin, and it is found in the wisdom of a sovereign God who without obligation has revealed the mysteries of His heart and therefore His intentions, in and through the voluntary sacrifice and substitutionary death of His Son, our Saviour, upon the cross. To escape the condemnation of a holy God and the damnation of our soul for all eternity we must be covered by the precious blood of Jesus and subsequently be clothed with the whole armour of God for only then can we rest securely in the comforting assurance that whether we live or die we are the Lords and nothing can separate us from that!