Sovereign Grace Bible Church - Sat 14 Nov 2020 (2)
November 15, 2020 0:53AM
...of lost opportunity , “The harvest is past the summer is ended and we are not saved”. May God continue to fan the flame of passion for His word and for the salvation of the lost as our hearts are prepared for worship in the morning. Pray for one another.
Dwelling under the shadow of the Almighty and held securely in His love let us yield to the grace of obedience and desire only the honour of His Name.
May God’s Richest blessing rest upon all our lives.
Robert &Fiona
Sovereign Grace Bible Church - Sat 14 Nov 2020 (1)
November 15, 2020 0:52AM
Dear All
As Jesus observed the steady stream of temple worshipers make their way in white ceremonial robes to attend the rituals demanded by their works He used the scene to remind His disciples of the need to commit to dedicated service for their Lord. As we observe the times in which we live we must also avail ourselves of every opportunity presented to take the gospel to all in need as we labour in the fields already white unto harvest. How sad the rebuke of Israel when the Prophet lamented the tragedy..
Sovereign Grace Bible Church - Fri 02 Oct 2020 (2)
October 2, 2020 2:14AM
In a moment of quiet contemplation while sitting in a specialist waiting room my mind went back to the little poem I wrote last communication. I add here four additional verses just to round it off.
The hand that touched the fevered brow of sickly children long ago,
Still gently strokes away our tears and lovingly dispels our fears.
The voice that calmed the surging tide and settled discord by His word,
Still saves His people from the sword and gently whispers, “Tis the Lord”
The heart that with compassion moved among the people whom He loved,
Still with affection holds a place for every sinner saved by grace.
His heart, His hand, His voice all three revealed His love upon the tree,
Still He is with me to the end my Lord, my Saviour, and my Friend.
The power that drew me to the cross and burned up all my sin and dross,
Still reassures my trembling heart and bids my anxious fears depart.
When it comes my time to die or when I meet Him in the sky,
Still within this world of bliss never was there love like this.
He whose power the past secured guides us in a way procured,
Still He leads us on to God sealed by mercy and by blood.
Still He guarantees our path, still He subjugates His wrath,
Still He folds us in His will Still He whispers “Peace be still”
Sovereign Grace Bible Church - Fri 02 Oct 2020 (1)
October 2, 2020 2:13AM
Dear All
Scripture frequently encourages us to wait patiently upon the Lord as the environment of our surrounding circumstances dictate our movement and our liberty. The well worn phrase “ All things come to those who wait” certainly has a resinence in the realm of spiritual activity as heartened and gladdened by the assurances of God’s sovereign watchfulness and comforting presence we await a brighter day when pain and sorrow free we shall receive the fulness of our inheritance in Jesus. With the increasing hope of a return to some kind of normality in our daily lives we welcome the opportunity this month to recommence our “Table Talk”, ( conversational Bible study) and our Wednesday pm Bible Study. Details will be announced on Sunday. Meantime let us continue to pray for one another.
Robert & Fiona
Sovereign Grace Bible Church - Wed 23 Sep 2020 (2)
September 23, 2020 7:46AM
May we observe with interest, behold with astonishment, rejoice with enlightenment, and submit with confidence to the incontrovertible evidence that there is only one God
and He rules the heavens and this God is our God even unto death.
The hand that touched the fevered brow of sickly children long ago
Still gently strokes away our tears and lovingly dispels our fears.
The voice that calmed the surging tide and settled discord by His word
Still saves His people from the sword and gently whispers “Tis the Lord”
The heart that with compassion moved among the people whom He loved
Still with affection holds a place for every sinner saved by Grace.
His heart, His hand, His voice all three revealed His love upon the tree
Still He is with me to the end, my Lord, my Saviour, and my Friend.
Robert & Fiona
Sovereign Grace Bible Church - Wed 23 Sep 2020 (1)
September 23, 2020 7:46AM
Good evening all. Praying that you are having a blessed week and are continuing to enjoy good health. Please continue to pray for one another as we face the challenges of these times. God has positioned silent sentries in the heavens to draw our attention upwards. The Psalmist confirms that the heavens declare (display) the glory of God and the firmament shows forth His handiwork. We harness the Sun but God keeps it shining. Robert & Fiona
Sovereign Grace Bible Church
September 20, 2020 8:1AM
Grace and Peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. With joy we anticipate the opportunity to meet once more in worship around the Mercy Seat where every prayer is heard and every heart refreshed. God’s gracious undertakings have strengthened us in our endeavours and protected us from the fears and frustrations of a fragile and frustrated world. The Psalmist David offered the Divine antidote to the bitter ailments of aggravated despondency and debilitating despair as he exhorts us “ hope Thou in God” . With supernatural swiftness the blessings of enabling grace rush to the aid of struggling saints. We must learn to cast all our care upon Him with the restful assurance that He cares for us and He will never let us go. Let us continue to pray for one another.
Robert & Fiona