In this third and final installment, Daily Readings in the Life of Christ, Volume 3, John MacArthur will focus your attention on the last part of Jesus’ life. You’ll see Him in the Upper Room, ministering to His disciples; you’ll...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
No sane Christian questions the origin of the family. The Bible lays it out before us in unambiguous terms. God created the family—period. But why? God answered that question in the Old Testament long before any New Testament writers took up...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Although we’ve noticed the steady, pebble-by-pebble crumbling of the family for decades, we’re now watching the landslide. We live in an age where society is no longer content to simply ignore the sanctity of marriage and the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Today marks the launch of a brand new series on the Grace To You blog on the family. One of the reasons we extended the creation series over several months was due to the intensity of opposition to the biblical view of origins, not just by the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). Darwin’s idea “is the most powerful and the most comprehensive idea that has ever arisen on earth. It helps us understand our origins…”...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Among the many issues discussed in this creation series, one emerges as central—the final authority of God’s Word. Not only is God’s Word sufficient to answer our most challenging questions about origins, it is superior to every...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
“Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed quickly, therefore the hearts of the sons of men among them are given fully to do evil” (King Solomon, Ecclesiastes 8:11). That summarizes the attitude of a scoffer. He...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Doctrine of Creation raises many questions. Throughout our series, we’ve endeavored to address them head-on—Who is the Creator?, How did God create?, and When did creation take place? Today, John MacArthur addresses the most...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Evidence of man’s sinfulness surrounds us. Daily newspapers publish it in their headlines; news programs feature it on the hour; websites make it public domain for all to witness; and it sweeps through the annals of human history. But how...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This preprint of an interview with John MacArthur is used by permission of Creation Ministries International ( and is from the October 2010 issue of CMI’s Creationmagazine. As you’ll see, CMI’s Lael Weinberger asked...[ abbreviated | read entire ]