Have you ever wondered, “Why do I have to deal with sin at all? If God hates sin, if true Christians hate sin, and we’re all in agreement, then why must it remain?"That’s not a bad question to ask. Why would a good God leave...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
If someone were to ask you, “What’s the most dangerous spiritual responsibility to neglect?” You might think of Scripture reading, prayer, evangelism, listening to preaching, or attending corporate worship. And it’s not...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We’ve looked so far at Christian fasting in the Old Testament, the Sermon on the Mount, and the New Testament. Let’s get practical by thinking through how we fast today as Christians, trying to be biblical about it.While the New...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A friend recently dispelled any concerns I had about the importance of this topic when he sent me a link to a popular website promoting fasting. A self-appointed fasting guru gladly tells readers how to fast, when to fast, what to eat--and oh by... [ abbreviated | read entire ]
After seeing the many good comments following our first post on fasting, I'm happy to return to the topic again today. Your anecdotes show the importance of addressing this subject biblically. It provokes the protective side of my pastoral nature... [ abbreviated | read entire ]
There's something about the topic of Christian fasting that makes people defensive. I know I'm that way. When someone starts to talk about it, you can never be quite sure where they're going or what burden they may try to lay on your conscience.... [ abbreviated | read entire ]
Meet Larry, a thirty-six year old Science teacher. Larry married Cathy 12 years ago. They love each other and enjoy raising their two sons. Larry’s life wouldn’t hold out much interest to the average citizen. His Facebook account...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Did you know 90% of the choices you make as a Christian involve areas where Scripture says surprisingly little? What you wear, where you go, how you spend your free time—you won’t find many explicit instructions in the Bible. But you...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Like the dripping of water over centuries, the persistent influence of charismatic theology over many decades seems to have whittled away and reshaped the evangelical commitment to the sufficiency of Scripture. Perhaps other forces are at work as...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
St. Augustine, one of the most influential theologians from the fourth century, penned these famous words in Africa, “Love God and do as you please.” That statement has far outlived its author, but not everyone views it favorably. Some...[ abbreviated | read entire ]