As parents, we strive to instill respect and obedience in our children—and rightly so. That’s part of our responsibility. We take pride in training them to sit quietly, listen carefully, speak graciously and obey promptly. And...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
With all the timeless issues facing parents, we might expect an entire book, or at least a complete chapter of instruction from the New Testament. But God, who is infinitely wise, gave one verse to parents—that’s it. Care to know the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
When God addresses children directly in Ephesians 6, He gives them an amazing incentive for obedience. Here’s the deal: If you honor and obey your parents, you’ll enjoy a long, fruitful life.Young people…does that seem like God...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Children growing up in a fallen world are on a perilous journey, especially these days. Like the sirens of Homer’s Odyssey, beautiful voices entice him to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin—“Resist authority. Taste forbidden...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Men, what if your employer described you in an annual review as “passive, indifferent, and irresponsible”? Without a radical change in attitude and behavior, you’d find yourself looking for another job. If you can’t get...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The world tells husbands, “Don’t let anyone tell you what to do. Be a macho man. Grab the gusto. Live for the moment.” The Bible’s message to husbands is exactly the opposite—“Crucify yourself.”...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The sinful tendency of fallen men is to dominate their wives by brute force. Even some Christian men are guilty of being too heavy-handed with authority. They practically lord it over their wives, as if marriage were designed to be a master-slave...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
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The issue of authority and submission in the home—especially wives submitting to their husbands—is not appealing to our fallen culture. The world responds with ridicule, resistance and even rejection. Of course we expect those kinds of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
After God created the first couple and brought them together in the first marriage ceremony, there was perfect harmony, fellowship, and joy. Adam had a wife to fellowship with; the two of them exercised dominion together. Eve had her husband to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]