Can the church fight apathy and materialism by feeding people's appetite for entertainment? Evidently many in the church believe the answer is yes, as church after church jumps on the show-business bandwagon. It is a troubling trend that is luring...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I am amazed at some of the things that have been said and written in recent years about the gospel. I fear that in many circles a different message is replacing the good news of salvation. I'm not talking about the attacks on the gospel from...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
One popular view held by many old-earth advocates is known as the "framework hypothesis." This is the belief that the "days" of creation are not even distinct eras, but overlapping stages of a long evolutionary process. According to this view, the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
John MacArthur The Thanksgiving season is a wonderful time to heighten your sensitivity to the blessings bestowed by God. Thanksgiving grabs your attention, shakes the cobwebs loose, and reminds you of all God's most precious gifts. That's one...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The saturation in today’s world of television, movies, and other forms of visual media has had an adverse effect on our ability to listen, think, and reason. It’s as if the entire society is suffering from attention deficit disorder....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
John MacArthur God never intended His people to worship Him apart from the use of their minds. Real spirituality begins with a precise understanding of truth. Yet I see much of contemporary Christianity heading down the paths of mystical...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Executing faithful church ministry boils down to just a few essentials—a high view of God, the absolute authority of Scripture, sound doctrine, personal holiness, and a biblical view of spiritual authority. Those are essentials to any...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The economic news hasn’t been good over the past year. Many have had to adjust to the new normal, which means being extra careful and thoughtful about Christmas giving. Isn’t it refreshing to know that the most precious commodity in...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
John has encouraged the Young, Restless, and Reformed… to keep reforming. So, we asked John, Are you grateful for the YRR movement? What concerns you about some of the more popular, well-known representatives of the movement? Read More
One of the more recent entries to the conservative Christian conference line-up is the Elephant Room, the brainchild of James MacDonald. The idea was to bring Christian leaders together for some brotherly sparing over...[ abbreviated | read entire ]