What’s at stake in the ongoing battle for the beginning? Worship. Period. From cover to cover, the Bible asserts and affirms the Genesis account to exalt God for who He really is—the Creator. We should reflect that pattern too. In...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We’re making Cultivating a Godly Child available to anyone who wants one. Request your free copy today!http://www.gty.org/Radio/Offers Offer Expires: Monday, July 19, 2010
Liberals, conservatives, scientists, and philosophers have offered—or demanded—their own interpretation of Genesis. They consult science, Ancient Near Eastern mythology, and even enlist the help of liberal scholars to advance their...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
“The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters.” It’s a short and well-known verse of Scripture, but don’t let brevity or...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
When God created the earth, it was fully functional in every way. Adam and Eve walked into a complete and mature garden, with “no assembly required.” Trees were producing fruit, animals were full-grown and ready to reproduce, and the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Do you struggle trying to reconcile divine sovereignty and human freedom? Have you ever wondered how man can act freely if God has already established the beginning from the end? If so, listen in as John MacArthur explains the solution to the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Genesis contains a detailed genealogy that traces the development of the human race from Adam to Abraham and beyond. The genealogy includes a chronology that records the exact ages of individuals at the birth of their children and at their own...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
You may not be aware of the complete meltdown going on at BioLogos, but yesterday’s post from Darrel Falk, “On Living in the Middle,” undercuts that organization’s claim to hold to historic Christianity. What started as a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What are fossils? How were they formed? What clues, if any, do they provide for determining the age of the earth? Today, John MacArthur answers those questions as he explains what the fossil record proves, and maybe more important, what it...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We'll start with a few comments about BioLogos, the Pyromaniac, and Al Mohler. Then a look at Uniformitarianism and a universe with the appearance of age. Finally, we'll pull out the roadmap to find out where we're going next... Read...[ abbreviated | read entire ]