Paul’s one aim in making himself the slave of all was so that they might be saved. He was not trying to win a popularity contest. He was not seeking to make himself or the gospel appealing to them. His whole purpose was evangelistic. C. H....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Thank you for watching the Truth Matters live stream! The live stream for Session #2 will begin tomorrow morning at 8:30AM PDT.
If everything you know about Christian living came from blogs and websites in the young-and-restless district of the Reformed community, you might have the impression that beer is the principal symbol of Christian liberty. For some who...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Biblical manliness is about authentic character. It’s not about bravado, and it’s not about boyishness. Going out into the woods with a bunch of other men, putting on war paint, making animal noises, telling scary stories around a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Before we put up John MacArthur’s second post in the series—what amounts to some fatherly advice to the Young, Restless, and Reformed folks—I’d like to interject a few thoughts for your consideration.I’ve been...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
If I could impress on Young, Restless, Reformed students just one word of friendly counsel to address what I think is the most glaring deficiency in that movement, this is what it would be: "Brothers, do not be children in your thinking. Be...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
It has been five years since Christianity Today published Collin Hansen’s article titled “Young, Restless, Reformed.” Hansen later expanded the article into a book with the same title (Wheaton: Crossway, 2008). He has carefully...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A small item I read in the news twenty years ago has stuck in my mind ever since. The Rockdale County High School Bulldogs basketball team of Conyers, Georgia, won their first-ever state championship in March of 1987, rolling over all their...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Have you ever spoken to an unbeliever who knew some of his Bible—just enough to be angry and confused? If so, you probably heard questions (accusations) like these: “What kind of God orders the slaughter of entire cities—women,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Colonel (retired) Jeffrey N. Williams served more than 27 years in the U.S. Army and has been an astronaut since 1996. He has flown three spaceflights as a crew member on the Space Shuttle, Russian Soyuz, and International Space Station (ISS),...[ abbreviated | read entire ]