Dear Praying Friends: God does hear prayers, but sometimes not as we expect. I had thought that after Liz was anointed with oil and started having typical pain for kidney stones, that her stone had broken after lithotripsy. We were scheduled for...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Praying Friends: I would like to make three short requests. Liz will be seeing the urologist Monday after she has an x-ray to see if the stone that was treated is gone. She had a lithotripsy treatment and we were told that it takes up to 2...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Praying Friends:Thank you for your daily prayers.Today we lay the "foundation stone" for the Sunny Point Church. The church building has progressed to the point of completing the foundation layer of cement, which is one of the more demanding...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Praying Friends:Thanks for praying. I have three special requests this week.First, the Sunny Point church building is going ahead slowly. The "big rains" have arrived. When I went to the site, I had not driven over dirt roads in the rainy...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Praying Friends: Thank you so much for praying over this last week and a half on behalf of both Liz and myself. As you may know, Liz is a chronic kidney stone former and has passed many in the stones over the years. They usually caused a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Praying Friends: We continue to cling to your prayers. It appears that there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Since Liz had a nephrostomy tube placed into the kidney, she has improved. She is also receiving claforan (third generation...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Praying Friends:Liz went to the urologist yesterday with CT scan results. There are apparently 2 stones in the ureter on the right side, separated by a few inches. Also the right kidney appears at least partially obstructed. The urologist...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Praying Friends:A quick update. Liz had a rough day and night yesterday, with shaking chills and fever at 4 pm and about 1:30 A.M. She was some better with Kim's arrival, as well as the availability of phenergan for nausea. At 1:30 I...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Praying Friends:A quick update on Liz. She is home, but not yet better. The urologist is gone for the weekend. He had told the covering doctor that if she was stable and OK, she could be discharged. She had been on gentamycin and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Praying Friends:Thank you for praying. Our telephone line was out for four days last week, and shortlythereafter, our e-mail contact also went out. I will bring you up to date. Kalow Palata has beenstruggling with headache and hypertension,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]