Self Righteous Murderers Ironically, even the self-righteous legalists like the late Jack Hyles would justify committing heinous acts of murder and rape in the name of righteousness. One example of committing murder against another person is through assassinating their character. We know that regardless of motive, any fury directed at others amounts to committing actual homicide according to The Sermon on The Mount in Matthew 05, particularly Matthew 05:21-26. One such demonstration of such fury directed at others comes in the form of slander, which is what we technically refer to as character assassinations. We must resist the temptation to become self-righteous and legalistic, lest we murder others with slander, including murderous slander which manifests itself as passive aggressive behaviour.
Great Sermon! This message speaks volumes. This Pastor speaks the truth!! Satan is extremely real and I might add this people spend more time talking about Angels and not demons. In your message you spoke about why would a wife leave a husband and he wants to live for the Lord this happened to me. Satan has torn my household up big time. He used bitter step daughters to do it and they in turned used my children. I prayed and asked God the Father to bind and cast Satan from off me and I prayed it many days and one morning as I prayed I sensed something standing over me and then later that day a ton of denomic spirits came off from me and left God made them leave. Praise God for this great victory but let me Satan this is not a game to be played we.had better start coming to the Lord in prayer against Satan and denomic spirits if we are going to see victory in our families and our communities and so on and so forth!!
Great Sermon! EXACTLY what we need to hear! I can’t stress enough that this is exactly what the New Testament church needs…. Thank you Pastor for your stand on said matter. Praise the Lord!
Great Sermon! This sermon is exactly what the local New Testament church needs to hear. America doesn’t need revival, the problem lies right within the walls of the church. If the church got revival, America would experience revival! What a powerful message. Praise the Lord!
Curtis Hutson: Covering Up Abuse It ought to be noted that Curtis Hutson (10 July, 1934–05 March, 1995) was aware of the abuse perpetrated under the pastorate of Jack Hyles, but completely turned a blind eye to such abuse. Curtis Hutson sadly died at the age of 60 from prostate cancer. While we realize that Jack Hyles and Curtis Hutson lead souls to Jesus Christ, we also realize that Curtis Hutson brought great reproach on The Name of The Lord by turning a blind eye to the abuse committed by Jack Hyles. Also, Jack Hyles brought reproach on The Name of The Lord through his abuse, legalism, and authoritarianism. It is sad how Curtis Hutson misused The Sword of The Lord Ministries to promote the abusive Jack Hyles. It is also sad that Jack Hyles abused his ministry to demonstrate his authoritarianism, legalism, and narcissism. May old fashioned Bible believing ministries lead as gentle shepherds rather than as authoritarian jackboots.
Great Sermon for the Time We Are Living In! Oh how wonderful it is to hear what we need to hear. How often in a single day do you see someone who evidences a surrendered life? All to infrequently. I would add to his analysis of the person who says, "I post scripture every day" that if they do it from memory that is evidence. Further those who have decided that "justice" is God's decision, not ours in the same way vengeance is, are much better off. In any case, this is an excellent sermon that everyone would benefit by hearing.
Preach!!! Thank you for preaching, without apology, the simple and plain truth. I actually came upon your church accidentally while looking for Fairhavens Baptist Church (Pastor Bob Kirkland) in Sarnia, ON (Canada), but I am so glad for this "accident". I will be listening more while scrubbing my kitchen floor, doing dishes, cooking, etc.... Amen! Time is short. Please continue to be bold in your preaching. Being a watchman and seed sower, Stateside Missionary
Jack Hyles: Self-Righteous Hypocrite It should be noted that Jack Hyles was a self-righteous hypocrite. It should also be noted that Matthew 7:1-5 strongly condemns judging with self-righteous hypocrisy. Jack Hyles failed to cast the beam out of his own eye so that he could cast the mote out of other people's eyes. This sermon shows that any legalistic authoritarianism is just self-righteous hypocrisy.