A Wonderful Gift!" II Cor. 12:7b We often do not look upon weaknesses and hindrances as positives in our lives and we do all in our power to rid ourselves of them as we should. But sometimes those things remain with us. We too have the same prayer...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Working out our Salvation" Philippians 2:12&13 Paul, on his 2nd missionary journey, redirects himself hearing the call to Macedonia and now is in Rome. As the church ministers to his needs, Paul tells them to "work our with fear your own...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"The Better Tabernacle" Hebrews 9:11&12 The comparison here is the earthy tabernacle and the more perfect tabernacle...the types and fulfillments that are fashioned after the realities. God in our Lord Jesus Christ tabernacles among us and as...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Children of God by Adoption" LD13/Galatians 4 We have come to the last names of the Son of God as we know Him in His names and in His offices. We now cover the name Lord. There is a digression to teach us there are two natures as the older...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"The Name Anointed" I John2:15ff and LD12 We are continuing our exposition regarding the Son of God and the names that are God given. We looked at the name Jesus and now look at the name Messiah or Christ. This name is NOT the essence of God but...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Name Jesus! LD11 & Hebrews 4 We have looked at the first few Lord's days that were devoted to God "The Father" and now that we come to the second division of the Lord's Days we find many devoted to God "The Son" as it is in the Son's face...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Providence" Matthew 6:24ff & L.D. 10 This Lord's day in the catechism is most precious as it is speaking to us as far as we and our needs are concerned. Here doctrine is LIFE and here is a case in point! The child of God in all that surrounds...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Our Father" LD9 & Psalm 103 We are entering into our Apostle creed. The content of scripture (Creator, Redeemer, Sanctifier) in a "nut shell." This first article does not focus on who God is, but focus' on God who is our Father for Jesus'...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"No Fear in Love" I John 1:18 & I John 4 The epistle of John is laced with the subject of love. In a world of horizontal, filial, and emotional love and a utilitarian love, Paul speaks of a different love. The love in Christ that pertains to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"God Triune" LD8 & I John 5 We have a most difficult doctrine before us here. A mystery and a matter of FAITH as we cannot explain or rationally make sense of. The fathers introduced the apostolic confession with the trinity as He is mentioned...[ abbreviated | read entire ]