Seemingly the world is full of lying and deceit and every news story seems to be paraded with the lie. That should be the case towards the end times. There is no respect for the truth in high places of power or even in everyday conversation. Where the lie is there can be no fellowship either in the world or in the church! Paul is describing the new and old man here and admonishes the church "you see the Jews but you know not Christ." We too must know that we have been sanctified in Christ and must live as such as the lie reeks havoc in our lives. We must speak and walk in the truth!
There is no greater temptation than to lie because it is beneficial to the flesh that does not like consequences. Where the lie is you find fellowship with the devil who is the lie. He may find no place in our lives to further the lie however. When you step out of fellowship with the Spirit with the lie you grieve the Spirit who is the Spirit of TRUTH! The lie in our mouth grieves Him! You can understand why the lie reeks havoc....not being able to hold the hand of God and the devil at the same time. Paul uses the word "falsehood" in this passage. We have the word "Sudo" which is fake. Anything that is fake or not reality we must put away. It is a knock off, a fake, not genuine! Paul says put off the fake and put on the truth! Why are we always attracted to the sudo? The knock offs? Because they are easier to get! We tell the lie to deceive for our flesh. The truth is painful. The truth hurts! (especially the truth about me!)
The truth alone enhances fellowship while no relationship can be had on deceitfulness. Wherever the lie is the relationship we have in Christ is broken! To the neighbor I must speak the truth in love. (both in the church and beyond as he is the neighbor.) We stand in the fellowship of Christ and must speak the truth as it is in His word. We speak the truth about God and whatever His word talks about and it extends to the neighbor.
The lie has so many forms it is hard to talk about all of them. The coloring of the truth, partial and half truths, inflection, outright perjury and the list goes on and on. Put them ALL away as they are sudo, not the truth and the whole truth! We do these things sometimes however in our families and to our neighbor. We may not be discouraged in our obligation to the world, but we must also understand that they live in the lie and deceit for the lust of the flesh always. But we learn Christ "having been taught by Him" says the Apostle Paul. He teaches us the truth as it is in Christ Jesus...that we have been saved and stand in HIS fellowship without room for the lie. Can you pray to God when you lie? It interrupts fellowship! We must speak the truth about God and the neighbor as we LIVE in that fellowship with God and one another. To speak the lie we must stand OUTSIDE that fellowship to do it.
In fellowship to the Living God we stand in fellowship with ALL of our relationships. If we make room for the lie, we make place for the devil and it DESTROYS! Speak the truth in love. You can only do that when you TELL THE TRUTH!!!
2 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. 2 (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) 3 And all went to be taxed, every one into his own...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Lord’s Day 50 Q & A 125 Q. What does the fourth petition mean? A. “Give us this day our daily bread” means: Do take care of all our physical needs1so that we come to know that you are the only source of everything good,2and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Ecc. 3:14 As we approach the election season and come upon a new year, one of two things happen. We are fearful, or stand serene for the coming new year. We do well to stop and see time… Where is it all going and the purpose of it all. we...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Thou shalt not covet!..... Are we not happy with what God has blessed us with? Often times we look around and see what our neighbors or friends have and think internally "I should have that nice boat, car, house, $, or whatever possession we are...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What is required in the ninth commandment? A. I must not give false testimony against anyone, twist no one's words, not gossip or slander, nor condemn or join in condemning anyone rashly and unheard. 1 Rather, I must avoid all lying and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Thou shalt not steal. There is no better expla of this commandment than in the Heidelberg Catechism: Q. What does God forbid in the eighth commandment? A. God forbids not only outright theft and robbery 1 but also such wicked...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Thou shalt not committ adultery" Matt 5:27 “You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery. ' 28 But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This commandment comes to us and is very short and the point. "Thou shalt not kill!" Some of us are relieved until we really look at this commandment. It is not only overt murder, but the root causes of murder. We violate this command when we...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This commandment comes to us and is very short and the point. "Thou shalt not kill!" Some of us are relieved until we really look at this commandment. It is not only overt murder, but the root causes of murder. We violate this command when we...[ abbreviated | read entire ]