"Good Works" LD24 & Romans 6 LD 24 is really a follow up of LD23. Salvation is worked powerfully by God through faith and of grace and not good works. Unpopular as even we do not like to hear it is all of God and grace and nothing of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"The Blessed Triad" I Peter 1 & James 1:12 Some say this is another beatitude and it is of sorts in the fact that it is paradoxical. Are we blessed when we are persecuted and tried? Spiritually we are! It is our prayer that we put our trials...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"The Advantage of Wisdom" Ecc. 10:10 & Proverbs 7 These are the words of wisdom that come from Solomon. We saw we can enjoy in our Lord Jesus Christ all the feastings in this life and now we look at another "tid bit" from Solomon. The wisdom...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"The Communion of Saints" LD 21b & I Cor. 12 We are continuing the work of the Holy Spirit as it is evident in the church. Now the work of the Holy Spirit is looked at as it evidences itself in the fellowship within the church. The root of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A Paradoxical Preference- Eccl. 7:2 & John 11 A very interesting text to our pastor and for us as well is found here. This is the Word of God as it addresses us and Ecclesiastes speaks to us as it ends the book telling us the purpose of man is...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Walking Confidentially" Psalm 1&4, Proverbs 10:9 This past week I have turned to some texts that are beneficial to me. Proverbs is VERY practical and this illustration came to mind. When you speed, you look in your rearview mirror as your...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Loving Service" Galatians 5:13 It has been said that Christianity is crossing the bridge over 2 troubled waters. One being liberty and the other legalism. We are to avoid legalism as an outward religion but also a "catering" to the flesh. In...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A Wonderful Gift!" II Cor. 12:7b We often do not look upon weaknesses and hindrances as positives in our lives and we do all in our power to rid ourselves of them as we should. But sometimes those things remain with us. We too have the same prayer...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Defense against Sin" Psalm 119:11 & Ephesians 6:10ff Psalm 119 is amazing...not just for its content, but for its content, subject matter, and its structure. It all addresses the Word of God which is an iatrical part of our lives as it is the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Exhorted to Live Honestly" I Peter 2:11-12 These are circular letters to the churches from Peter and have general topics that are concerned with the life of the child of God in the midst of this world. He also knows the weakness of our flesh as...[ abbreviated | read entire ]