"Exhorted to Live Honestly" I Peter 2:11-12 These are circular letters to the churches from Peter and have general topics that are concerned with the life of the child of God in the midst of this world. He also knows the weakness of our flesh as we are buffeted, so Peter exhorts us in our calling to be the light of the world that others may glorify God in and through us!
Peter says "dearly beloved." Beloved of God that are thus strangers in the world. The congregation and us must know that we are BELOVED, royalty, peculiar, and separated in this world by God as His own bride! He is also a stranger here below. Foreigners here...not in our element having a unique perspective in this world. Peter couples it with pilgrims who have no place here below. We have a different homeland as citizens of heaven already. Understanding this Peter gives us his admonition.
Abstain from fleshly lusts. We are to keep away and hold back. Yes, literally. The church in the flesh does live and operate, but the flesh is not the culprit as some will go in that direction. I am in the flesh, but ought to behave as a new man in Christ. Then will our conversation be right. Let not fleshly lusts control you. Walk in the Spirit in the new man in Christ. It is not the flesh but the LUST of the flesh. We are free in the body of this flesh and at liberty to use the body and its members to the Glory of God in righteousness! We have the ability to use the flesh's members into obedience. "It wars against the soul." Against the knowledge and desire of the new man in Christ. The flesh pits itself against the desire of the new man in us. The law and the love of Christ is known by the child of God however and that new man will not conform to the desire and the lusts of the flesh. Putting that into practice results in a right and proper conversation of the child of God! It is not the moral standard in the world that changes with culture which are geared at avoiding consequences, BUT is a spiritual principal matter to the child of God as he demands a Holy and sanctified life and as the child of God knows as a direct result of the knowledge we have in Christ. We use the members unto righteousness and no part of our life is secular. None.
The world will always speak against us and we will be their scapegoat as they did with Christ. When you turn a light on in a room all the sin (darkness) and inconsistencies are exposed. We ought to however walk honestly that they may walk circumspectly with the Lord. The Lord may use us to touch other people in this life remember. How are others viewing your walk? Also in the day of visitation all those who made contact with the church of God will be set straight! The crucible of affliction to the church will be to God's glory make no mistake.
We ought to never live in a way that allows scorn on God or His church using the excuse of the old man and sin....but live in good works and walk as Christians that are pleasing to God WITHOUT COMPROMISE!!!
"Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which ware against the soul; having your conversation honest among the Gentiles" that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation."