Great blessing! I am so grateful for this series on Admonitions For A Healthy Church and for the transcriptions. What a marvelous tool you have given us!
Great sermon as always. I can't tell you how grateful I am that you have added the transcription feature. We use Pastor Caldwell's sermons for our Women's Bible Study once a week and it is a tremendous help not to have to type all those notes. I don't want the class to miss a word of it.
Right on target I have yet to listen to one of these Q&A podcasts disappointed. Dr Caldwell has God’s wisdom and these are absolute gold. Thank you.
Informative discussion I have a concern. if we are not to befriend the one who chooses apostacy over belief, how do we influence those who never believed
One of the best sermons I’ve ever heard on this! I have listened to this sermon that a dear friend sent to me several years ago more times than I can count. It is solid, incredibly accurate and biblical. So igrateful to the Lord for my friend sending this to me in a time of great need. This is in my downloads and forever will be till I go to be with the Lord. Thank you so much for your solid exposition of these verses !
another consideration... I do not disagree with the pastor but his statistic quoted from a website on how many folks, including Christians, take anti-anxiety medications needs to be understood by another statistic: that over 90% of our population in the US take caffeine on a daily basis. Coffee and tea are pyscho-active drugs, not just beverages containing caffeine. Caffeine blocks adenosine receptors, a mechanism in our brains (and in our kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and respiratory systems) that help us calm down. If we are constantly pouring a chemical into our bodies that interfere with that calming process which the Lord has built into us, we can indeed find Christians who at the same time they are drinking coffee, are taking Klonopin to calm themselves down. This ought not to be. We need to rethink our total acceptance of the legitimacy of that drug, or at least understand what it can do besides keeping us awake. Body and spirit in this world are connected. May the Lord bless his folks!
Great Sermon! I never heard this view before. It’s hard to deny pastor’s teaching here I don’t know how you can interpret the 9th verse any other way. The disciples reaction to Jesus’ teaching sold me. They must have understood pastor’s teaching here the same way. It’s one of many hard truths Jesus taught Do we have faith to believe Jesus and please him with our submission and obedience to ALL his commands? May the Lord help us to please him at all cost
Great Sermon! Thank you for expounding the clear teaching of Scripture here. It’s so refreshing!
I have a question however…how can we determine whether it is true repentance and not just words, especially in the case of addiction/manipulation?
Great Sermon! I agree with previous comment and enjoyed Virgil’s simplifying gospel message. I listened to the entire conference. It was one of the best I’ve ever heard. Focused on Christ, man’s greatest need. Listen to any one of the sermons and be edified.
Great Sermon! I’ve been going through a trial with my daughter and I have been so encouraged and uplifted by your Biblical teaching. It has been a gem to find & listen to and I feel stronger in the Lord to carry on. Praise the Lord
Great Sermon! I’ve been thinking about this sermon since preached. It really confirmed my faith The reality of God’s word We are those who stand in the truth (Eph 6:14). What a great summary Jesus gives here of the joy of salvation to those who are his. I covet this joy for all believers
Great Sermon! I thank the Lord for faithful preachers like Richard. Salvation is of the Lord from beginning to the end. I work it out and persevere but He is the source. The truth of salvation is really amazing.
Great Sermon! Evangelistic message that will comfort the saved and create urgency for those in need of salvation. Today is the day of salvation. If not now, when?
Powerful & Life Changing Thank you Mr. Caldwell. Explaining that the 1 Peter 3:1 & 7 "Likewise" (ESV & KJV) makes reference to chapter 2 is an eye opener and a game changer. I have been selfishly trying to protect myself from the unjust treatment of my spouse instead of accepting that God himself has called me to this. Out of reverence for Him, I am to bless when I am reviled. If subjects to the unjust Roman empire & slaves are commanded to respect & endure because of a conscience toward God, I can "likewise" endure in loving my spouse.