Great Sermon! I’ve been thinking about this sermon since preached. It really confirmed my faith The reality of God’s word We are those who stand in the truth (Eph 6:14). What a great summary Jesus gives here of the joy of salvation to those who are his. I covet this joy for all believers
Great Sermon! I thank the Lord for faithful preachers like Richard. Salvation is of the Lord from beginning to the end. I work it out and persevere but He is the source. The truth of salvation is really amazing.
Great Sermon! Evangelistic message that will comfort the saved and create urgency for those in need of salvation. Today is the day of salvation. If not now, when?
Powerful & Life Changing Thank you Mr. Caldwell. Explaining that the 1 Peter 3:1 & 7 "Likewise" (ESV & KJV) makes reference to chapter 2 is an eye opener and a game changer. I have been selfishly trying to protect myself from the unjust treatment of my spouse instead of accepting that God himself has called me to this. Out of reverence for Him, I am to bless when I am reviled. If subjects to the unjust Roman empire & slaves are commanded to respect & endure because of a conscience toward God, I can "likewise" endure in loving my spouse.
Great Sermon! I am so grateful for this Pastor’s sermons and that Founders post them so people from other places can benefit from the Word like they do.
Great Sermon! Every sermon I hear causes me to examine my walk. This one is no different. Like many Christians, prayer is a challenge for me in so many ways. I learned a lot from this sermon on prayer, some things I do well and areas where I need to improve. I was encouraged and motivated to work at enjoying my prayer life more in the coming year.
Great Sermon! I thought about this sermon last night in the middle of the night Gods mercy on my life from fmy first breath until my last . Pastor mentioned that Gods character trait of mercy is a life long pursuit of his own, not just a one time act that happens at conversion. When I think about my life especially the years of my misguided youth, I’m not sure I would be here today without his mercy toward me. I am going to begin everyday of my remaining life thanking him for his mercy to me. Lam 3:23 “ his mercies are new every morning, great is thy faithfulness O Lord’
Exactly The Message I Needed! Thank you Pastor! I thank God for stirring your heart to preach from that text, exhorting is to stand firm but press on.
Great Sermon! This sermon is the story of my life. The darkest time in my life was actually a mercy to me from God to effect salvation. Of all the mercies I've received from God, conversion is the sweetest. I did not see it at the time when I was at my lowest, hopeless as things looked, but God was at work casting me in the way of his salvation. I was recently able to encourage a downcast brother to see difficulty as a mercy from God. I frequently now look back upon my life with tears of joy at God's merciful providences leading me to be a recipient of his saving grace
This vaccine is different I have heard a number of very good and solid sermons from this brother. However, on this issue of the COVID 19 vaccine I must sadly disagree with him. This is no ordinary vaccine, and it has a number of objectionable things attached to it. First, even the very idea of compulsory experimental mass medication of healthy people that has not been fully or properly tested, and is not fully licensed except temporarily for emergency use only for a virus that actually kills only about 0.001% or so that contract it, combined with government propaganda, bullying and coercion, combined with strict censorship by MSM and social media of any opposing viewpoint is very egregious. All of the vaccines either contain aborted foetal material, or were tested on such tissue. This means we are going along with abortion. Furthermore, two, and maybe more vaccines, actually use a relatively untested MRA messenger technology, that can affect our DNA permanently. The vaccine companies and the government and private agencies that mandate them are totally immune from civil lawsuit and criminal prosecution. This, combined with the potential vaccine passports, and the tremendous death rate and side effects of these vaccines, make them very questionable for Christians to take them. These WHO and UN supported va
Such a timely & helpful message! Thank you for teaching us how to think & respond Biblically as a Christian under the rule of any type of governing authority. I’ve listened to sermons on Romans 13 many times over my lifetime, but none have come close to changing my thinking as this one.