Excellent Sermon! This is without question, one of the best sermon's ever preached! A must hear, for the serious Christian, who desires to live a holy life in Christ Jesus the Lord. Thank You Lord, for Pastor Richard and his ministry. Thank You Lord, for providing SermonAudio.com. Thank You for blessing those who have ears to hear, what Your Spirit desires them to hear. To God be the glory! Amen!
Great Sermon! Great teaching and powerful. The Bible is the word of God It is our instruction manual We don't instruct the word, rather the word instructs us. The Bible reveals the true God. Our culture today is so confused having rejected the God of the Bible and made a God of their own understanding.
Very apt sermon for all times Thank the Lord for this sermon.
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart b acceptable in thy sight, O Lord my strength and my Redeemer. Pas 19:14.
Great Sermon! Excellent sermon on anxiety. I never heard anxiety taught this way. Anyone struggling with anxiety please listen to this sermon. I have listened to this several times. God Bless you all.
Great Sermon! Oh my...this is super encouraging. Very instructional and helpful in understanding the war we believers wage against sin. I better understand the idea of preaching the gospel to myself too
Great Sermon! Convicting, yet hopeful in that God teaches and admonishes thru faithful disciples of Christ by wielding the sword of His Spirit and truth. Thank you for a apptly times word from God.
Great Sermon! Very refreshing sermon!!!
Validated all that I have believed in and have understood from the Word of God. OT law is never mixed with NT works but haven't the evangelicals made for themselves "works" to justify themselves. The principles which govern the "Law" are also applicable for "works".
Great Sermon! Outstanding and insightful.v. 28 and 29 juxtapose the greatest and most terrifying verses in all scripture. Authoritative, truthful, and very challenging.
Great Sermon! Back to the basics...the incalculable value of Jesus. Lots of good doctrine. Must hear this and part 1. Great truth and teaching from Pastor Caldwell as always
Great Sermon! I am in a Bible Study on Hosea and found your sermons from 2011. What a great preacher Pastor Caldwell is. He has such clear teaching and my understanding of this Book has increased greatly. Thank you for speaking truth
Great Sermon! One of my favorite sermons as it points me to the word of God for solutions to crisis in my life and the church. The key for me in this sermon is in times of fear do I panic and seek my wisdom for a solution or by faith apply the word of God. My soul is often overtaken by fear and panic. I find that my faith is weak if not absent when this is the case. The more I fear,less faith I have; the more faith less I fear. "It is the office of faith to impress upon the soul the invisible things of the world to come, thereby encouraging against the fears and dangers of this present world" (John Flavel
Great Sermon! I love preaching that takes serious our relationship with God Pastor takes a back seat to no one Very challenging I can see progress in my life I used to serve God more out of compulsion and now do so out of love for him