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Richard Caldwell Jr. | Spring, Texas (Houston)
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(281) 350-1616
Founders Baptist Church 24724 Aldine Westfield Spring TX 77373
Founders Baptist Church 24724 Aldine Westfield Spring TX 77373
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Richard Caldwell Jr.
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The Answer For Anxiety
Series:  Non Series - 1 Peter  · 8 of 16
3/2/2011 (WED)
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Richard Caldwell Jr.
The Answer For Anxiety

Non Series - 1 Peter
Midweek Service
Founders Baptist Church
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Richard Caldwell Jr.
The Answer For Anxiety

Non Series - 1 Peter
Founders Baptist Church
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  If you were blessed by this message, please add your comment ...
PB (10/4/2023)
from Charlotte
“ One of the best sermons I’ve ever heard on this! ”
I have listened to this sermon that a dear friend sent to me several years ago more times than I can count. It is solid, incredibly accurate and biblical. So igrateful to the Lord for my friend sending this to me in a time of great need. This is in my downloads and forever will be till I go to be with the Lord. Thank you so much for your solid exposition of these verses !

“ another consideration... ”
I do not disagree with the pastor but his statistic quoted from a website on how many folks, including Christians, take anti-anxiety medications needs to be understood by another statistic: that over 90% of our population in the US take caffeine on a daily basis. Coffee and tea are pyscho-active drugs, not just beverages containing caffeine. Caffeine blocks adenosine receptors, a mechanism in our brains (and in our kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and respiratory systems) that help us calm down. If we are constantly pouring a chemical into our bodies that interfere with that calming process which the Lord has built into us, we can indeed find Christians who at the same time they are drinking coffee, are taking Klonopin to calm themselves down. This ought not to be. We need to rethink our total acceptance of the legitimacy of that drug, or at least understand what it can do besides keeping us awake. Body and spirit in this world are connected. May the Lord bless his folks!

Charlene HallContact via email (12/7/2021)
from Seattle
“ Great Sermon! ”
I agree with previous comments. This sermon really helped me deal with anxiety in this time of high anxiety 2021.

Nicole (5/7/2017)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent sermon on anxiety. I never heard anxiety taught this way. Anyone struggling with anxiety please listen to this sermon. I have listened to this several times. God Bless you all.

Mrsb (5/6/2016)
from Canada
“ Great Sermon! ”
Yes, i have to chime in too and say this is a most excellent sermon. this pastor nailed the real problem: pride and not wanting to submit to authority.

Kerri (10/2/2015)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Amazing. Amen! What a beautiful, moving sermon.

Matthew Maxwell-Carr (9/10/2015)
“ Well Worth a Listen or Two ”
This sermon has a lot of very biblically accurate information and application about anxiety. It's well worth a listen, or two.

FayContact via email (12/26/2014)
from England, UK
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is an excellent sermon for people struggling with anxiety. I've been going through a lot of serious problems recently and constantly worrying over things, not being able to sleep, fearing for the future etc and this sermon has helped me realise that I really need to cast my care upon the Lord and let him handle it, which is what I'm going to do. Thank you for this sermon, I really needed to hear this today and I know the Lord has spoken to my heart through it.

Denet IgouContact via email (12/7/2014)
from Visalua, ca
“ Great Sermon! ”
Really good message. One my husband and I clearly needed to hear. Worry is such a Monstor. Downloaded this one fir sure.

RAYMOND MCKENDRYContact via email (11/25/2014)
from Dunedin New Zealand
“ Great Sermon! ”
Ok I have to say something about this. The sermon was good and it was exegetical, but you are not a doctor and the Lord may or may not heal depression. Since you cited Spurgeon, he was not healed of the anxiety. He bore it. Chemical imbalances can sustain depression or anxiety so medicine may be needed by more people than you think. Thanks for the sermon. It was very good and I am glad I listened to all of it.

FrankContact via email (10/6/2014)
“ Great Sermon! ”
I agree with all those who have commented on this sermon; it is outstanding. Without doubt, the best one I have ever heard regarding anxiety and what it means to trust our heavenly Father.

SkyeContact via email (10/4/2014)
from Denver
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you so much Pastor Caldwell for speaking truth with such eloquence and simplicity it is obvious the Spirit of God moves in you to touch the hearts of thousands and more. I thank God for you. Your sermons have helped me to see the truth. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. All glory to God. Skye

from Oklahoma
“ Great Sermon! ”

evita025 (5/24/2013)
from United Kingdom
“ Great Sermon! ”
thank are so blessed with the holy spirit and anyone who hearing your sermon are very blessed .. God Bless

Dae KimContact via email (4/28/2013)
from United States
“ Great Sermon! ”
Pastor Caldwell's sermon has so much wisdom that I truly believe that God is using Pastor Caldwell's to deliver the truth.

Terri (11/17/2012)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Probably one of the best sermons I've ever heard on anxiety.

Brandon (10/24/2012)
“ Great Sermon! ”
The TRUTH! God is in control.

Badio (5/22/2012)
from Minneapolis
“ Great Sermon! ”
This was on point! Thank you so much for the wonderful and heartfelt message. God truly bless you for sharing His words of great wisdom and encouragement. This is one my favorites sermons which will be listened to again.

Melissa RobertaContact via email (5/16/2012)
from Birmingham England
“ Wonderful! ”
This is an amazing sermon. Tonight I am going to write all my anxieties down and cast them onto God. Thank you very much :D

Kim RockContact via email (3/21/2012)
from Fl
“ Wow! ”
I've learned so much by this sermon. This is by far my favorite sermon! Keep em coming :)

Jen (2/29/2012)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wonderful Sermon! So many people suffer from fears. My husband and son have a debilitating fear of public speaking. I've tried to get them to understand that it's the devil trying to get them to not be able to speak to people about God's love. I can't seem to explain it good, but hopefully I can get them to listen to this sermon and they could understand better. Thank you!

Lynette (2/6/2012)
from Australia
“ Great Sermon! ”
The best teaching on the subject of anxiety that I have ever heard - thankyou!

Me (2/6/2012)
from Birmingham
“ Great Sermon! ”
Sat on my deck with glass. If wine and fine cigar, and WOW, great message and greatGod

Tariq MasihContact via email (12/15/2011)
from Pakistan
“ Great Sermon! ”
It is realy to much effective sermon that leads to the true teaching of the Bible

chriserContact via email (11/24/2011)
from west coast
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wonderful explaination and insight the LORD blesses you with brother. Also you are on target with your series on divorce and remarriage! Thank You

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  Richard Caldwell Jr.
Richard Caldwell Jr. is the Pastor-Teacher at Founders Baptist Church. Richard and his wife Jacque have been married for 24 years and have four children, Richard III, Amber, Christopher and Reagan. Richard has served at Founders Baptist (previously named Spring Memorial) since...

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