The Best Sermon On Suffering I've Heard this Year Thank you to Pastor Hamilton for these words of truth and to the Lord for using it to bolster my weary heart today.
Biblical Music Notes Thank you to Pastor Hamilton for the courage to pluck this important topic of music from the hazy realm of personal preferences which we must not insist upon into the jurisdiction of Scripture where it rightfully belongs. Hamilton's commendation of "The Burning Bush" site is also so needful; I have been tremendously edified and very practically helped this past week through the elucidation of this CCM issue. It is challenging to stand strong when it seems like everyone else is happily sliding around the slippery slope into apostasy, but how vital it is that we "take time to be holy" -- time to understand God's will for us in every area of life. Following the crowd takes little effort, but following Christ is costly. Alas, "buying the truth" (Prov. 23:23) is always richly rewarded.
How one views civil authorities is sometimes mistakingly how one views God Himself. There is no darkness in God. God is not doing evil that good may come about. God is not a promoting a deterministic world view that through His Sovereign decrees He himself can violate the laws He commands us to obey.
When governments become tyrannical and force people to give up providing for their families or take experimental shots that can have dangerous side effects then one has to decide whether this is worth the cost of having peace with wicked magistrates and should not be coerced into taking shots thinking they are obeying God. This has nothing to do with conspiracy theories and everything to do with gaslighting and allegiance. Who will you follow God or men?
The mark of the beast in Revelations is going to be the ultimate obedience to civil authorities decision. If a Christian takes this mark in obedience to authorities he is condemned by God forever. God does not ordain wicked governments.
Christ knows what is in men and therefore never entrusted himself to men. Only Christ is our safe refuge. All men are wrong in something or another. Maybe some Pastors went a bridge too far on covid and should step back and see that others had serious legitimate concerns.
Great Sermon! Simply Amazing Grace to stumble across this old vibrant sermon testimony recording of Mr Duncan Donaldson and undoubtedly a meaningful miracle that an old discarded tape recording found its amazing way from a trash dumpster can to being made available worldwide on the internet.
I remember meeting Mr Donaldson when spending a couple of years in Scotland as a teenager back in 1982-1984.
He was quite a character that resembled an ox on steroids. His amazing strength extended all the way to his finger tips and it was impressive to see him bending 6 inch iron nails between his fingers - like they were plastic sticks. Apparently it also took 6 reinforced policemen to hold him down for drunken behaviour. All that changed when he found salvation through Christ and put under new management by The Lord.
I remember his testimony along with his Snow White T-Shirt with the printed inscription: «I am under new management»
May he further rejoice with his manager in Heaven and may his testimony recording go viral here on Earth.
Great Sermon! IMHO, A must hear sermon on this topic. The beautiful rainbow sign from the LORD does not belong to the perverse and their gods of perversion. Why are we, salt and light, allowing this to carry on - as if, business as usual?
An important message It is probable the views here will not be universally accepted. But it is important to listen with a Berean spirit because it is Biblical, concerned, and no doubt is given with a brokenness of heart. We desperately want revival, but we want it to be the real thing. We want God's manifest presence and can never be satisfied with a counterfeit.
Thank you for this Message Please listen. Please listen. Please listen. Great great message. The church must wake up to what this message is teaching. This is truth.