Great Sermon! Really interesting. I would be interested to hear from any of the women's experiences when they first wore a headcovering to a church that does not have this practice.
Wonderful sermon--thank you. The situation now is so much the same as the deplorable spiritual state of things before past revivals, as described in this sermon. May the Lord be pleased to likewise send us showers of blessing.
For Christ, Crown and the Covenant. Covenanters opposing the king's pretensions to be king over the church and to overturn Presbyterianism. Followed by a short presentation of Rutherford.
Great Sermon! It is not an usual thing to hear about the Covenanters in Romania! We have not here this Protestant heritage. I first heard about the Covenanters in 2007 when I read Alexander Smellie's book, "Men of the covenant". I was attracted to these people and I appreciated their dedication to Christ and their courage. I like this series.
Tragedy of disunity. A message about persecution, about the question whether to defend yourself with arms against the persecuting government; also a message about the tragedy of disunity.
Passion for Christ. A man who fought for the truth that Christ is the Head of the Church, who fought against Arminianism, Episcopalianism and Erastianism. Passion for Christ and His truth.
Christ's intercession. Excellent study: Jesus speaks about two people - God's people, the elect, and those who are lost. Good arguments about Christ's intercession only for His people. Biblical message.
Great Sermon! Thanks Pastor Hamilton for a good Resurrection Day message! It is never "old" and tired to preach/teach the truth. The Resurrection is central to our Faith. Mark 16:6. Amen!
Great Sermon! Amen! Thank you for this wonderful message! What a comfort this is to know about our full assurance of an eternal salvation by faith alone! May God continue to bless your church and ministry!
Great Sermon! For both saints and unbelievers, this sermon addresses the Law in a comprehensive, but easily understood way. For those confused about the Law and its present application to believers, this is the sermon to listen to !!!
Fantastic Sermon Thank you Rev. Stephen. how good it is to hear the glorious gospel. If only people would realise how much they are missing by listening to a weak, insipid, compromised counterfeit that is preached in churches today. Why bother!!! this gospel set me free from sin to serve our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. How dare they compromise the only hope we have. May God bless you, keep you and strengthen you in Him
Great Sermon! Hi Stephen, just to encourage you, I enjoyed this message on the 2nd coming, your right, these trues are attained just by reading the word. The opinion pole shows that the church must be accepting every wind of doctrine without even testing it. No wonder many will be offended in that day! God bless!
Great Sermon and good information! I believe you're one of the few preaching all the counsel of God! Thank you for the Biblical Truth of this sermon long since forgotten by most!
Excellent Sermon! This is a very practical and helpful sermon for any believer who wants to see biblical examples of mortification of the flesh in our lives.
The examples of the flesh given in this passage are not pretty. They are graphic and disgusting but it is harsh imagery of our evil nature.
Thank you for this helpful study.
Great lover of Christ! A message with useful lessons from McCheyne's pious life, his prayer life, his preaching and passion for Christ and for lost souls.