Great Sermon! another excellent message- never heard of 'tadpole' Christians, but that explains those who spew out 'knowledge' but have no compassion, no heart connection. There are many of them in this day.
Doctrine does matter, error is so prevalent today and many shrug it off. Free will error is embraced rather than corrected.
Doctrine and duty - yes - hearers AND doers. Again, there's little of that today.
Unity is not desired by those who sit on their prideful thrones and look down on others, judging and criticizing. The 'my way or the highway' mindset is the rule of the day - few see their OWN sins but have no problem pointing out what they think are the sins of others. That mindset is prominent on the SA news thread comment section.
Great Sermon! Great message! I love you pointing out what truly isn't fair, that Christ would die for us.
This is a much needed sermon in a day that reeks of so much error. So many argue that Christ died for all, yet most perish. Christ loves all, yet Esau must have been left out of that. So much confusion and error in churches because so many hold to their pre-conceived ideas rather than pray to God for understanding.
THey are right and that's that. Most are not open to rebuke and correction - and that is a dangerous place to be.
May God keep us always humble and always teachable. God help us if we ever get so smart we don't need to be taught!
Great Sermon! Excellent message. Yes, people come to the bible with pre-conceived ideas looking to shore up those ideas through scripture, rather than having scripture teach and correct error. This holds true for eschatology as well as the doctrine of soteriology.
The Lord be praised for your stance for His truth.
Great Sermon! What a sad commentary when we cannot even hear an accurate assesment of Graham from BJU. Looks like they may well be joining the likes of Wheaton College or Fuller Theological Seminary. A friend of mine who met Steve Pettit assured me that he really has BJU going in the right direction. Coming from my friend, that was not good news. And now my worst suspicions have been affirmed. I thank the Lord for those few like yourself who have spoken rightfully regarding Graham. He may well be nowe more popular than ever, with both the world and the church. But thank the Lord he has his faithful even in Sardis,
Great Sermon! Converted 1990 then went to FIEC Church where the Pastor placed BG on a pedestal, and was involved in ‘BG Scotland 1991’. I influenced several folk to attend - 3 people making professions of faith including my mother. I noted there was no conviction of sin, all 3 proved to be false converts of the easy-believism 'gospel'. Speaking to Pastor I mentioned I was burdened for RC’s and had some tracts. He told me to burn them on the fire. Providentially I was reading ‘J C Ryle: Why Were Our Reformers Burned’. The pastor told me then that several in the fellowship were RC, and that he enjoyed fellowship with the local RC priest, just like BG. My mind was in a whirl. Providentially, Stephen Hamilton of Glasgow Free Presbyterian Church had some pamphlets exposing BG’s ministry. The Lord provided the answers …BG is the main instrument of the ecumenical downgrade easy believism in the UK
Thank you Stephen. I haven't at hand the larger paper you sent, but still have the one 'Billy Graham and His Bible'. Your kindness eventually led me to grasp the evils of Ecumenism and Popery as a new believer and to separate from it. Every encouragement and blessing from a thankful brother in Christ, and thank you for this faithful review of BG.
Great Sermon! Do greatly appreciated is this sermon, and a great reminder since we are seeing sadly increased idolatry around us and sadly increasing in the church. Glad I came across it in my searching for a good message on idolatry.
Great Sermon! I still have a red backed picture with the words written in gold
Christ is the head of this house The unseen guest at every meal The silent listener to every conversation , it was a girl gave it to me her grandmother was a Christian and kept it on the wall. I have it placed at the entrance of my hall and anyone standing at the door can see it. I love
Great Sermon! Do you have these sermon notes available for the series on the tabernacle.
Would like to get them to use in my Sunday School class. They have spoken to my heart and I would like to share with others. Thank You! Jim Griffin
Great Sermon! Excellent message, so many are looking for a future 'anti-Christ, yet the papacy has had a continual succession of them for quite some time. Glad I listened to this, it shed light on the matter of the 'anti-Christ'.
Testifying to this Truth Oh how my wife and I can testify to the truth of this sermon! During the course of our nearly 14 years of marriage, God has led us to the place where we now feel strongly that a move to Greenville is just around the corner! There are just a very few obstacles left. I'd like to ask the members of the FPC to pray that God will remove these and show His amazing direction soon. We believe He will, and we look forward, with excitement and expectation! Although we're saddened that we will no longer have Faith FPC Pastor Mercer to watch online from Texas, we are praying that the final sign to indicate this call will be the graceful relocation of a certain other pastor near to our hearts. May God bless you and continue to become ever-real in your lives! Todd