A comment by Maurice Roberts is in order here. "Let it be stated emphatically however, that the worst course of actions possible among Christians would be to sink all our differences under a misguided belief that unity is the most important thing of all. Unity without truth is a unity under the headship of Satan, not of Christ.....Truth is sacred. It is more precious than life. Its claims are greater than all other claims. A man must die, if necessary, in defense of the truth. But it would hardly be his duty to die for unity." Amen, Dr. Roberts!! Overemphasis on unity is becoming an infectious disease in the reform camp. And it apparently it is spreading. I strongly believe that revival will be the remedy to stop this disease in its tracks. May we be found worthy to bring such a large petition before Him, for the sake of His beloved church. Thank you Pastor Hamilton for your faithfulness.
I don't know if mentioning this minister's name will keep this comment from being posted, but no matter. I find the fact that this minister would hold to this position of Jesus being an "ecumenical separatist" soul plumetting. I learned much regarding study and preaching from the very series that he has posted on SermonAudio. As was well stated by Rev. Hamilton, Jesus did not work alongside the unconverted that He ate and drank with or the Pharisees whom he constantly contended with. Christ's use of their synagogues does in no way constitute or imply any form of ecumenism. Unscriptural ecumenism within evangelicalism (reformed and non-reformed) has made me sad in that it has unnecessarily stirred up a hornet's nest and has badly divided the Lord's people over the past eighty years or so. It is very disappionting to see him legitimize this kind of an ecumenism by giving it a roll in the church. In case he hasn't noticed, true separatists do get out in the open and preach the Gospel. It seems now that the priority has become unity at a pastoral level, and not faithfulness to truth.
It so sad to see how compromised people will do anythink to justify their steps, even to impute unrigheousness to God! Pastor Hamilton, this was a good response!
Amen & thank you Pastor Hamilton for highlighting how "...the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God...". The Lord wants the purity of His church protected and situational ethics need not come into the picture.
Very good teaching. This was a very helpful message. Very good teaching. We are separated from some things, and separated for Christ. We are focused on a person, our Savior.
Thanks. Thank you. Yes, this is the meaning of the text: stress is put on the prayer of faith, as the sermon correctly explains. For my part, I understand here the oil as a medicine of the day.
Explanation I am sorry if there was confusion. The point being made here is this: whether one accepts that the oil is medicinal (even in everyday cases apart from the case in view here)or merely symbolic (a type of the Spirit)the important aspect is the prayer of faith. The anointing or rubbing with oil will not heal anyone, in THIS instance - i.e. someone who is so sick as to be beyond the help of medicine alone. Prayer is the key, both here and in the Old Testament case of Hezekiah. Hezekiah too would NOT have recovered unless effectual prayer had been offered for him, and by him. Whether you believe it is medicinal oil of olive or merely a symbolic oil, only the "prayer of faith shall save (heal) the sick".
Great Sermon! Nothing comes before the Lord. There was never special music before Jesus spoke. There was however those who needed to be saved and healed. So needed that a man was lowered by friends from a roof. May we lower the lost through the roof instead of offering entertainment may we offer what is pleasing to God. To preach the word.
Great Sermon! A very powerful and encouraging sermon for backsliders like me! Oh only our God can restore the years which the locusts have eaten. This is another one of those things which is beyond man, like raising the dead! Wasted years are like 'water under the bridge', but our Lord can bring that water back. For with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! This is a great sermon which gave me hope. God bless you dear Pastor!
Great Sermon! I knew this man he was and still is a great man in my life , he has been dead for years but we , I. Still think of him daily he changed from being a monster to a GREAT MAN of GOD .
Thank you Duncan
Great study. This was a useful teaching. Explains very well these verses. Careful exegesis. Only one thing creates a little confusion. In the other sermon (part 1) it said that this case is so serious that no doctor or medicine helps. Now it said that the elders can use oil as a medicine (one of the 2 interpretation regarding the use of oil).
Great study. It is true: God called us not only to preach the Gospel, but also to defend the Gospel against all errors. We must follow the example of Paul in this.