Great Sermon! I was born and raised in the SDA church, attending Oakwood In Huntsville Alabama! I didn't meet Jesus until I was an adult and I started reading the bible with The Spirit teaching and showing me The Truth! I love my liberty in Christ Jesus and my family remain SDA. Your teaching exposes the falsehoods taught , and very few SDA really know the bible, since majority study EG White's writings more than scripture! Too many preachers use her writings to support scripture...scary! I'm exposing the baptism part, having to agree to the 13 vows before you can be baptized, including admitting the SDA church is the remnant church! If the foundation of baptism is false, everything built upon on it will be false creating an aborted believer in their conception! But like you said, they are hard core in their ignorance and refuse to see the true light of scripture! May The L-RD have mercy on their souls! Bless you and thank you, I learn a lot from you and Spurgeon!
Wonderful! Best sermon on the deeper meaning of Lev 1. Wonderful picture of our Lord Jesus Christ and His sufficient sacrifice to God for our sake.
Great Sermon! Reverend Hamilton,
Thank you for forthrightly preaching about the errors that are being taught concerning the pre-tribulation rapture. I have done research as well and believe that true believer's will be present during the tribulation which precedes the Lord's return to earth to gather the dead in Christ first and believer's thereafter. Thank you once again for clearly preaching God's word. May the Lord bless you for laboring to preach His true Word.
Maria Wallace
Great Sermon! I found a trove of reel to reel tapes on the side of the road in the trash. These tapes belonged to a man who was an evangelist and missionary from Iowa. No idea how they got here, but the tapes are the cumulated document of this man's evangelism and correspondence with other Christians and preachers he kept contact with circa 1960s-early 1970s. One tape I have is labeled "My Sermon at [illegible] Dallymoney?" Duncan Donaldson. I have listened to it, there is a stirring sermon and singing with accordion accompaniment.
Great Sermon! I really appreciated the study that went into presenting a concise but powerful biography of John Knox as an encouragement to us. I pray for the redeemed to have the same courage that John Knox had even while enduring horrible persecution.
Great Sermon! What a great message! I have often felt that Zwingli has been overlooked in favor of Martin Luther (whom I have great respect for as well). So, I really appreciated Pastor Hamilton's in depth information on Zwingli and how the Lord shaped his life for His use and the blessing of the Swiss people. We all need to be Zwinglis in our own way.
Anabaptists It should also be remembered that not all "Anabaptists" were of sound doctrine and Biblical practice in Reformation times.Some of them rejected fundamental Biblical doctrines such as the Trinity. Some were of a Pentecostal-type persuasion - for example in Sweden. These were viewed as heretics by civil authorities and thus dealt with as others had been in those times. The idea that Baptists are not Protestants, and were faithful in testimony throughout the Dark Ages, whilst remaining separate from the Reformers, is the stuff of fantasy. The booklet "The Trail of Blood" is full of such fairy-tales.The supposed unbroken line of faithfulness among Anabaptists, going back to Christ's earthly days, is a myth.
C.H.Spurgeon - one of the greatest Baptists of the modern era - was gald to view himself as BOTH a Protestant AND a Baptist.
Clarification False and misleading propaganda concerning the Protestant Reformers will be deleted from the comments section. Some, because of their hatred for Reformed doctrine, have tried to associate the Reformers with murder and the persecution of "Baptists" and others. The implication is that Protestants were just as guilty as Rome in burning heretics. The realities of those times are often overlooked in such discussions. The civil power at the time burned Michael Servetus - an Anabaptist - as an heretic. John Calvin is often blamed for complicity in this event. The fact is that Calvin actually pleaded with the civil authority for mercy for Servetus. He did not want that man burned. Other examples of supposed Reformed persecutions are often given. What is forgotten is that at the time the civil powers had laws concerning capital punishment. This took time to change in Europe. The Reformation in Scotland saw no persecution whatsoever of Roman Catholics, for example, when Protestantism came into its own politically. The genius of true Protestantism has always been "civil and religious liberty for all". This has been the foundation in every country in which the Reformed Faith has dominated the landscape.
Great Sermon! My name is John Hollywood. I have just listened to 'Duncky' Donaldson. As a emotionally deprived 10 year old child in Airdrie selling the fulltime football results newspaper News, Times, Citizen in the pubs around Airdrie I remember Dunky Donaldson coming to my assistance when I was accosted by some 'bullies' I suffer from my childhood deprivation now some 66 years later and I am just now in tears listening to the Duncky as he gives his sermon. I have lived in New Zealand for 59 years but it is moments as I have described that live in my heart. Thank You Duncky Donaldson Rest in Peace
Great Sermon! This is one of the biggest problems in the church which no one talks about and no one deals with. Often times the pastor himself is involved by taking one side over the other without going to the other for an explaination and/or playing favorites with certain congregation members over others. There are many talebearers in the church. They can even be deacons and elders, but they are believed because of their position. What is a person to do then?
Great Sermon! My reading this morning was in 1 kings 22. I usually go after the reading to listen to a sermon on the same passage. I chose this one. It was a very excellent sermon and much to my surprise it was from yet another free presbyterian pastor, as i have been listening to many rev. John wagners sermons. It is a relief to know there are pastors out there who know there are many false pastors in the church, including billy graham. Must listen for the times we are in. Wish there was a free presbyterian church in my area, but i would just take a biblical one.
Excellent Sermon! The Truth of the Gospel hurts many listeners and they don't want to hear it. Unfortunately many churches don't want to offend their congregation so they preach simple, inoffensive sermons. And that is why our society has given into compromise in many of our strong convictions of years past God will not let this go unpunished.
Strong Sermon! These 5 Gospel Truths will reveal the opposite false beliefs being spread amongst many churches. But the Holy Bible gives clear answers for all to hear and see. There are no options.