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Crich Baptist Church
Darren Clarke  |  Crich, Derbyshire, U.K.
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"Great Sermon!"
Bryan Reeves from Central Kansas
Great message clearly presented.
Chris Hand | The Millennium
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Sermon4/10/2022 3:20 PM
Paul Olde Kalter from Denekamp, Netherlands  Contact via emailFind all comments by Paul Olde Kalter
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The Life & Works of Matthew Henry
Dr. Nick Needham
“ Great Sermon! ”
thank you for this very inspiring lecture on the life of Matthew Henry. It is a biography but at the same time an excellent sermon. Very instructive for the layman and the preacher.

Sermon12/18/2020 8:14 AM
Scott Ayn from Seattle  Find all comments by Scott Ayn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Reminded me that I'd treasured bicycle too much. It was allowed to be stolen to my profit

Sermon11/8/2020 10:14 AM
Andrew from France  Contact via emailFind all comments by Andrew
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I gave thanks to the Lord this morning for you, and your learning. I didn't do much school, so I am really thankful for these teachings on church history and those who gave thier lives for the Truth of Gods word and our right to have it. God Bless.

Blog9/23/2020 3:20 PM
Chris Hand from Crich, Derbyshire, U.K.  Protected NameGo to homepageFind all comments by Chris Hand
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Thank you for your recent question regarding the missing 'part 3'. Unfortunately that part was never re-recorded. Even at this long distance from when the original recording took place, I will speak to our pastor (Chris Hand) and see what might be possible. I will post the outcome of that conversation as an update to this post.

I really am sorry for the disappointment that the missing recording has likely caused. If you have a particular question that you would like answered on this subject, please send us an e-mail via the e-mail link and we will do our best to respond.

Best wishes,

Crich Baptist Church

Blog9/22/2020 1:04 AM
reformed from USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by reformed
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Has part 3 been uploaded?

Sermon5/31/2020 4:47 PM
Jonathan from Derbyshire  Find all comments by Jonathan
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Not a Happy Ending
Chris Hand
“ Excellent Sermon! ”
Excellent distillation of the 2 ultimate choices that face us all and the consequences of each: 1. With Christ Jesus = Happy ending! 2. Without Christ Jesus = No happy ending!

Sermon5/23/2020 11:33 AM
Bryan Reeves from Central Kansas  Find all comments by Bryan Reeves
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Great message clearly presented.

Sermon5/17/2020 5:31 PM
Yolanda from AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for bringing truth to the hearer. Thank you for exposing false teachers.

Sermon1/15/2020 12:29 PM
Cecil Andrews from DOWN  Contact via emailFind all comments by Cecil Andrews
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The Papacy
Cecil Andrews
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear JD, thank you for your most gracious comments. If you are not aware, my apologetics ministry is called 'Take Heed' Ministries - I have a web site that can be 'googled' and if you get to it, there is a menu at the top of the Homepage (in red) that will give you a link to the ministry YouTube site. I hope this information will be a blessing to you. In Christ, Cecil.

Sermon1/15/2020 10:36 AM
JD - Saved by Grace from Florida  Find all comments by JD - Saved by Grace
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The Papacy
Cecil Andrews
“ Great Sermon! ”
It is glaringly evident that this man, Brother Cecil Andrews, spends much time with the Lord and his bible. I am just recently blessed to find him here on SermonAudio, being further blessed by listening to several of his sermons. There is one, in particular, "False Religions," that I found late last night, that I've already listened to, four or five times, including listening to it right now, as I'm submitting this comment. I love the careful but boldness he uses in his teachings of God's holy Word. Thank You, Jesus for this anointed servant of God. I already have plans to listen to more of his sermons today, after hearing this sermon. This is just too wonderful! God's blessings to you, Brother Cecil.

Sermon10/29/19 2:42 PM
Bessie Alcantra from Singapore  Contact via emailFind all comments by Bessie Alcantra
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The New Evangelical Downgrade -...
Dr. Peter Masters
“ Great Sermon! ”
What a blessing to listen to this message for the first time after it was preached 23 years ago. I had all the time suspect that most modern Christian messages, compared to those of earlier periods, were generally loose and had lost their original value. Dr Peter Masters put his finger on my misgivings. Thank God, we can have our footing established by the true pattern and true counsel when we do not seek to please men, notwithstanding that our goal is to fish for them. Dress fashions and social behavior may change but God said in Malachi 3:6 "For I am the Lord, I change not" and Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever."

Sermon8/6/19 5:37 PM
Keith from Arkansas  Find all comments by Keith
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“ Great Sermon! ”
A few days ago, I listened to Christian rap for the first time and was appalled at how worldly and sensual it sounded. It did not put me in the mood to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, but made me feel more like dancing in a sensual way. I wanted to hear what a conservative pastor had to say about it; so I came to SermonAudio and found this sermon. It is excellent and has confirmed my conviction that this music is not of God because it puts desires in the heart that are contrary to His Word. Some might argue that Christian rap has helped people spiritually and therefore it must be okay. However, the end doesn't justify the means. God can bring good out of evil, but that doesn't sanction the evil. For the few helped, there will likely be many more who are hurt by this music as it influences them to pursue sensual pleasures.

Sermon8/6/19 5:31 PM
Keith from Arkansas  Find all comments by Keith
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“ Great Sermon! ”
A few days ago, I listened to Christian rap for the first time and was appalled at how worldly and sensual it sounded. It did not put me in the mood to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, but made me feel more like dancing in a sensual way. I wanted to hear what a conservative pastor had to say about it; so I came to SermonAudio and found this sermon. I thought it was excellent and has confirmed my conviction that this music is not of God because it puts desires in the heart that are contrary to His Word. Some might argue that Christian rap has helped people spiritually and therefore it must be okay. However, the end doesn't justify the means. God can bring good out of evil, but that doesn't sanction the evil. For the few helped, there will likely be many more who are hurt by this music as it influences them to pursue sensual pleasures.

Sermon6/21/19 8:21 AM
Maureen from Wigan  Find all comments by Maureen
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“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon2/11/19 8:54 PM
Cheryl from New Jersey, U.S.  Find all comments by Cheryl
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“ Wonderful Sermon! ”
This sermon needs to be heard by all evangelicals. I, too, am glad to see Billy Graham called out. Especially with his recent death, he is being practically immortalized. We must remain constantly on guard against non Biblical teachings. One of the hallmarks of the last days is deception, and unfortunately, if we are unaware of what the Bible says, or we feel it is o.k. To change the biblical message to get more parishioners, we are well on our way to being deceived. Our only safeguard is sola scriptura, and this cannot be set aside for any reason. We have always been a peculiar people, and this will not change. Jesus did not change his message to accommodate the listeners, and if He did not, I don't see how anyone can make a valid argument for it. Times may have changed, but there is NO evidence to indicate, as many evangelicals have implied, that God understands this and that He finds our changing of biblical truths permissible. People today, especially biblically illiterate people, need to understand how far we have strayed from early Christianity

Sermon1/20/19 1:50 PM
Bonnie Tetrault from Connecticut  Contact via emailFind all comments by Bonnie Tetrault
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“ Problems with your view ”
If you read John Gill, you will get a more accurate description of the historic millennium view. Once the Lord has taken us up into the cloud with Him (in the first resurrection and the postmill rapture), He will burn all wickedness from the face of the earth. Then we will descend with Him to a renovated earth where there will be no unbelievers, no sin, nothing that defiles. Similar to Noah's ark while he awaited the destruction/renovation of the earth by water. There will be a sabbath rest in which the earth and mankind display God's original design in the garden of eden. At the end, God will throw satan into the lake of fire after his brief but vain attempt to ruin the earth again fails. The unbelieving dead will be raised (second resurrection) and also cast into the lake of fire...(the second death). The first resurrection is the resurrection of the just. We will then behold a new heaven and earth and live with our Lord for all eternity.

Sermon12/18/18 7:13 AM
Shawn Davis from Clendenin, West Virginia  Protected NameFind all comments by Shawn Davis
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I always enjoy Dr. Nick Needham's biographies and lectures on Christian history but he may need to rethink his political views on Muslim immigration. I prayerfully and respectfully ask people to watch the following video on SermonAudio.

Sermon6/7/18 8:59 AM
Mary Rode  Find all comments by Mary Rode
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“ Great Sermon! ”
thank you so much for this very important series. Our churches are overrun by Piper and Keller followers. It left a sickness in my stomach when I listened but I am more determined to pray for the church that's left.

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