Great Sermon! Plain speaking and practical view of the non-literal millennium period. The Gospel and it's work and the suffering Church as indeed it is happening all around us today! Chris reviews the relevant verses and expounds this viewpoint. Believers reigning now with Christ not in some golden era to come. Great stuff Chris!
Great Sermon! Excellent and basic, brief outline of all THREE positions, on millennium; post/pre and a'mill. A good place to start looking at this issue, or to refresh your mind of all three.
Great Sermon! The four messages that Dr. Masters has on sermonaudio are very good, clear, correct and tells of the problems of the deadness of the church today. You should take time to give these a careful listen.
Grace and peace from Jesus,
Great Sermon! Excellent sermon well presented by someone with 'inside' knowledge of the topic. Fascinating insights to how the RC church has twisted many scriptural doctrines in respect of this poor woman who no doubt is 'rolling in her grave' (were it possible!) over how Satan has used her life as a means of taking so many away from the Truth. Steven provides plenty of scripture to back up his points and shows how the Pope himself has committed more heresies and blasphemies in his continuation of venerating Mary as mediatrix and co-redemptrix. One to listen to on this important topic - ESPECIALLY for any Catholics. :-))
Presented Well & Thoughtfully I heard this message on This is a thorough presentation of a great threat to the Church today. Too many "think" they are in the Church when they are really caught up in this delusion.
Really Good Sermon! I got a lot out of Mr. Hand's careful and honest descriptions of the timeline of the Lord's return. His approach is logical and scholarly - and makes a good case for amillennialism. Getting a good Bible-based picture of what the millennialism really is would be imperative while trying to sort out why Christians tend to be "all over the road" on this topic. Great job, Chris!
Great Sermon! Thank you for clearly pointing out the error in the beliefs that are held today as were put forth at Trent. People perish for lack of knowledge.
Great Sermon! This was an extremely helpful sermon for any wanting to know the difference between eschatalogical teachings regarding the millennium. Each millennial view is given very fair treatment & is dealt with in a scholarly way.
Letting The Bible Speak For Itself! Mike Gendron is providing a crucial service to God's elect who are being misled by men preaching a different gospel than the one Jesus gave us. Dear catholic reader, if you desire to stay in the Roman Catholic Church, that's fine with me, but it is important to know that almost all that it taught there is from human tradition. Paul said that man's tinkering with the gospel renders it to "none effect" and cannot save. As a former Roman Catholic myself, I'll trust the Bible! THANKS Mr.Gendron. (keep up the good work)
Great Sermon! This is a wonderful sermon as it sets out the erroneous doctrine of purgatory - which is totally unbiblical among so many other things regarding the roman catholic church - in a way which makes it easy for everyone, including many of us who don't understand the catholic church at all. This sermon is a must if one want to be educated on purgatory and the catholic church so they can refute it with knowledge should the opportunity ever come up.