Great Sermon! Thanks for opening my eyes to this film.I was only looking at it as the real death of our Lord and Savior with a touch of Hollywwod I did not know that it was the catholicism teaching.May God blees you and forgive me
Loving Sermon My dear Lance...{You must remember], as you refer to "every moment of the day, somewhere in the world...", Christ did it ONCE...(that's it...that's all)! Your ways are not His ways...your thoughts [not His thoughts]. May God give us "Spiritual Eyes and Ears" that we may come to understand.
Great Sermon! Are you kidding me? This movie is straight from the pit of Hell. By the way the pit of Hell is AKA Hollywood. Listen I left the Catholic Church after I discovered the truth! If you only knew all of the rituals and beliefs of the Catholic Church, you'd think these priests were witch doctors with the head witch doctor in the Vatican AKA as the Pontiff Maximus (Ceaser).
This movie needs to be exposed for the fraud that it is. Charlatans are still making money with their snake oil and Mel Gibson is one of the best.
Great Sermon! thanks for preaching Thus saith the lord.would like to commend you on your stand on the AV.we hav a real battle with that issue over here.God bless.Ron/Beacon of Light Ministries.
Great Sermon! Christ told Thomas whom so many slanderously call a doubter that those who have not seen are blessed. I believe that these words are true. This film brings a sight of what God wishes man to take by faith and in turn give people an experience that people will go away with and will only be changed in their mind and not in their heart. Roman says Faith cometh by hearing. This film doesn't even provide the gospel audibly. It is Catholic through and through; it was even made in Italy. The Bible makes much of the location of the Christ's death, as it is also the location of Abraham's sacrifice of the ram, the location of David's sacrifice on the threshing floor for the people of Israel after the census.
Great Sermon! Romans 3
4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.
Great Sermon! A great sermon on the need to pray and to be at your church prayer meeting the engine room of the church were the work is done!
A real blessing !reccomended to download and give to your christian friends.
May God richly bless Pastor Lyle.
Great Sermon! Just want to think you for being bold and telling the truth of this Movie. God Bless You, I wished there were more ministers that would tell the truth.
What shall I Do?? What must I do to be Saved??. This should cause sleepless nights. Excellent commentary.. I would subscribe this to any who still believe in their own power. Truly a proclamation aganist the triple headed enemy..
Great Sermon! Thank God for your passion for him and
his word. A very powerful sermon which
everyone should listen too. I wonder how people would have responded if they were told that the mormon's put it on. Some still would say God can use anything. The truth is God's word is still the main tool and the only reliable one. May God bless you and your ministry as you stand firm on his word and your God given convictions for truth.
Setting the Scene Thank you for taking the time to comment on the sermon - Setting the Scene - the first in a series on the book of Judges.
The book by Gary Ingrig's was very helpful, including the title, and Denis Lyle Ministries are happy to recommend the book for further reading. When preparing for the series on Judges much research was done from numerous sources and Gary Ingrig's book was one such source. As one preacher used to say - 'I milk many cows, but I produce my own butter'.
'Hearts of iron feet of clay' This series seems to be the same as the book "Hearts of iron, feet of clay", by Gary Inrig.
It is a wonderful book published by Moody press, and I am sure it can be obtained from any good Christian bookstore.
Great Sermon! Thank you for such an interesting and thought provoking message on the film - 'The Passion of the Christ'. It has provided much food for thought and highlighted many things I was unaware of. I would encourage others to listen to this too.
Great Sermon! Mass is another example of how Rome has replaced the biblical doctrine with its false substitutes. Calvary has been replaced by the sacrifice of the altar, the Lord Jesus Christ has been replaced by a wafer god, the final authority if the Bible has been replaced by the authority of the popery. The list goes on and on. I thank God the Almighty that he opened my eyes and drew me and my family out of this blasphemous antichristian system.
The Biblical Perspective According to the Word of God, there is no additional sacrifice for sin necessary nor that God would accept other than the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
Heb 1:3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;
Heb 10:12 But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;
A Very Passionate Sermon! A very passionate sermon indeed, spoken with great sincerity.
But as an RC myself, I have no problem accepting all that Rome teaches about the Mass.
To tell the truth, I think if it weren't that every moment of the day, somewhere in the world, the Sacrifice is Calvary is being reenacted in this unbloody manner, the world in its wickedness would have destroyed itself long ago.