Great Sermon! I am greatful to hear you speek to day I was involved in the a great automobile A hit and run, God Has used Dennis Lyle Preaching hear Christmas’s time to encourage me thanks Bro J from Nashville Tennessee
Great Sermon! Thank you for this series Pastor Lyle. Very informative, I have listened to numerous teaching on in particular, freemasonry and find yours to be one of the most in depth and revealing of the true, sinister nature of it.
Great Sermon! A very well handled sermon on this hot topic for today, I agree with all that you said. I had even seen a Christian tattoo verse of scripture on his arm. So sad at times that some Christians go along with the world to imitate it. Also body piercings is another big and popular issue as well. Thanks Ian for speaking out on this issue biblically. May you see much fruit for your labour .
Great Sermon! I was blessed greatly by this message from this man of God. Makes me want to visit this church so far away and sit on a front pew and say Amen!
Great Sermon! Hello bro Dennis Lyle hope your geting comments can you please check sermon audio so we can hear your wonderful sermons still having problems July 18, 2016 thanks again
Great Sermon! Thank you I look forward to posting I am the bread of life on 7/3/20016 is there anyway you could be posted today it's Friday here it should be a nice thing to hear as I work outside and get to hear preaching every day thank you for the past couple years of great preaching!
Great Sermon! i've been listening for two years really like your bridging where do you stay kjv! My only wish is to get your sermons posted quicker than I can hear more often thank you
Great Sermon! It is priest craft and mumbling hocus pocus in Latin does not change the wafer into the body of the Lord, corpus Christi as they say, and to elevate the man made wafer as such is idolatry, just as the Puritans loudly proclaimed. Read John Knox on the idolatry of the mass. The Roman religion is ritualistic idolatry and sensual not true religion, therefore not of faith and contrary to Christ and Paul's teaching on the supper of Rememberance.