Great Sermon! A fantastic sermon, a great help.
reminding us to leave ALL our cares with our Saviour. May God richly bless you Pastor Lyle. HIGHLY RECCOMENDED!!!!!
Great Sermon! Fantastic sermon. What every Christian needs to hear the truth of the sufficency of Christ in all aspects of Christian life and the reality that we are fighting from the winning side. Praise God
Great Sermon! Church history has a thread of tongues right from the first century to the 21st century, including Dr Martyn LLoyd-Jones & John Wesley.
These signs shall follow them that believe (not doubt!).
Great Sermon! He that has an ear let him hear this
sermon.I thank God that thou hast hid
these things from the wise and hast reveaved
them unto babes.Blessed is the man that
preached this sermon.
Great Sermon! Very interesting perspective. I hadn't considered Mr.Lyle's approach before. I reccomened this sermon to evyerone who knows the gospel.
Great Sermon! You need to complete the quote of Acts 2:38. "Repent and be baptised ...for the remission of your sin."
1 Peter 3:28- "Baptism does now also save you"
Great Sermon! Brother Lyle;I appreciate your ministry and listen to your messages regularly.Each one is a blessing and always on target
I pray that the Lord will continue to bless you and that you will see many won to Christ
God bless you, Dick Grow
Great Sermon! Tozer said something like this: If a movie of Christ does not inspire worship it is in vain, but if it does inspire worship it is idolatory. People have the mental image of the person who prtrayed Christ in their mind as they worship so they are not worshipping Christ.
I read somewhere that Jim Cavaziel went to Mexico after making the film and people there were kissing his hands and falling down in front of him asking him to pray for them. They treated him as though he actually was Jesus!
Jesus Himself would say, He who has ears to hear because God chose the foolishness of preaching to save those who are lost. He never once said He who has eyes to see.
A great opening to this series Pastor Lyle in this opening sermon to this series on the Revelation lays out the foundation and course of this study from a futurist interpretation. Faithfully he keeps his focus on what the text says and avoids speculation.
The Western Leg of Romanism Rome divided between west and east...the two legs of the image in Daniel 2. This sermon focus' on the western leg...of Romanism that is one part of Mystery Babylon. Pastor Lyle lays out evidence that Romansim meets the identification of the Scarlet Woman.
Resonse to one comment only. "This movie is straight from the pit of Hell"
The movie has a few implied roman catholic shots and elaborations that last what 1 minute in total, and are not even verbal! but there is nothing YOU or any of your protestant friends could have put together that would have come out any better I guarantee it. LET ME GUESS, IF YOU DID EVEN TRY YOUR LAME ATTEMPT you would no doubt put some pre trib rapture, dispensationalist, speaking in tongues, Sunday sabbath, arminian, etc. other protestant heresy slant to it .
I wouldn't go to any catholic church, but neither would I go to most protestant churches now EITHER, and NEITHER would their movies be better, look at all the MORONIC heretical so called "evangelical" movies nowadays, I would send people to see Passion ten times more then I would tell them to go see one of these moronic evangelical movies.
Oh, and from your comment, I am sure you don't watch any tv, read any fiction, listen to any radio, see any plays, nor would you for it would all be from the pit of hell compared to this vaguely tainted movie. Or are you the hypocrite?
Great Sermon! Excellent message!!! God bless you for your uncompromised preaching of the truth of this unbiblical, Roman Catholic movie. It's sad that so many "evangelicals", especially the Southern Baptist Convention, endorses this movie.
Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. (John 5:39)
The "real" passion is found only in the Word of God--not in some movie.
Great Sermon! This sermon will draw the heart of the christian closer to the Lord. Praise God for such excellent exhortation! It is time to spend more of our given moments at the feet of the Savior!God bless you Pastor Lyle!!!
Blessed Sermon I listened to this sermon first on the day it was preached. I found it by accident! It was surely the Lord because it was just what I needed, and it has truly blessed me and helped me.
Amen! Excellent, excellent look at this film. Thank you for standing solidly on Scripture instead of going with the flow. May God bless you for your obedience & adherance to His Word!