What Christ does for us This sermon is an excellent summary of the gospel message, concise and direct. If you have not heard the good news of what Jesus Christ does as our high priest, this is a good starting point.
Great Sermon! Hinn is a complete sheister,con artist,flase prophet and heretic....
anyone who can't see him for what he is need to acquire some discernment.
The number of people who are sucked in by the prosperity "teachers" is incredible.....last days deception at its absolute worst
Great Sermon! To the Rev Ian Brown and all who posted their comments inregard to Benni Hinn.As a child of God who loves not only Him, but all that has to do with His Kingdom,including His children and servants.It pains me to hear and read all that is writting against this servant of the most High God,Benni Hinn.I have listened to many Preachers preach,whether it be DT Jakes,Creflo Dollar,Jesse or any other well known preacher inclding Benni Hinn.I can tell you, I have not found any of them to be perfect,and rightfully so,for none under the sun is.I personaly think that we as the church would be of great service to the Lord if we could just find it in our hearts to stop this spiritual stone throwing at His ministers,cause realy this does not only hurt them, but the Master as well.need I remind you of the scripture:"touch not my annointed and do my prophets no harm".we are members of one body,born of the same Spirit,no man in his right mind would cause harm to his own body.A servant of God can make error whether to the interpretation of a scripture,doctrine or incorrect prophecy,that doesnt however make them fals prophets,that simply means that one has made a error inregard to scripture.according to the bible a fals prophet is not one who makes a mistake,its one who totaly denies Jesus.
Great Sermon! On sermonaudio comments it is sad to read the attack on the authorised version by Sovereign Grace believers. I was thinking of Ralph Overdal and his excellent biblical witness in the US and also the many AV excellent Protestant witnesses in the UK when I noted Rev Brown's sermon on Jude 3 and the two recent articles. I am glad we have such a UK witness in the same evangelical spirit and power as Rev Overdal- that is prepared to be vocal in the defence of the Gospel when the Bible is under attack by the ungodly and often misguidedly so- even by professing believers. If only all bible believers and ministries were similarly set for the defence of the gospel away from their comfort zones. The proclomation of the truth-proclaiming it-does sometimes occasion a biblical protest and willingness to pay the price of a loving contending for THE faith-where today in the west we still have liberty to preach the Saviour and persecution is in the form of a verbal cruel mocking rather than martydom. Good articles below-keep up the good work Rev Brown.
Two wicked parades
Jesus The Only Saviour
Hear this As a recent qualified theologian, I found RevIan a great source of knowledge. This sermon is no exception to this and he puts across some interesting comments. Well done.
Encouragment for doubters This is an important and encouraging sermon for today's Christians. The doctrine of eternal security is being undermined, even though the Bible could not teach it more plainly. If you're confused about this issue, this sermon is a great resource.
All About Padre Pio The need for this sermon is great. Not only does Padre Pio have a following in Roman Catholic and Christian circles, he is often venerated by Hindus, Buddhists, and others who use his popularity to build a bridge to Christianity based on common ground. This sermon gives Christians a good background on Padre Pio (before listening, I knew the name but nothing else about him). Also, though, the ending of the sermon contrasts Padre Pio with others, helping to draw a sharp line of distinction. This is well worth the listen!
Great Sermon! Rev Brown's sermon asks the listener the question -- which has the Lord put in your heart, devotion to a decaying corpse or to the Living Saviour?
I hope this and others in the series will be heard by many and the Lord would draw them from the blasphemies of Rome unto Himself.
Great Sermon! Heard last Lord's day and an excellent message- packed with information and a must here!
There are american preachers with the same message as Rev Brown refers to Ralph Overdal whose sermons are also on sermonaudio.
Check out the church website: http://www.pccmonroe.org/Ecumenism/2008.04.14.htm
Great Sermon! What a powerful sermon. Not sure if the zeal behind Mr. Brown's sermon is the historical animosity between Protestants and the church of Rome, but it is greatly appreciated. Why can't American preachers be so forthright in pointing out that Bush is an Anti-Christ and not a true believer (according to his conduct). I can count on my hand how many sermons were dedicated to preaching against the apostacy of Rome and Bush.
Great Sermon! Another of Rev. Brown's superlative dismantlings of the vile Romish system, delivered with his matchless, inimitably engaging flourish. Rev. Brown's messages are always first class in both content and style. Amen, Rev. Brown!
Do you use one of these 4 reasons? This is a good sermon to listen to and see if you recognize yourself in the list of four reasons why people don't come to Christ. With your eternal destiny at stake, it's a good idea to make sure you're not using one of these reasons to keep away from Christ.
The Entire Gospel in 12 minutes If you don't listen to anything else on this site, this sermon is only 12 minutes; it clearly and concisely explains the gospel of Jesus Christ who died in the place of sinners.
Check yourself -- Are you on this list? This sermon discusses some of the false ideas of what it means to be a Christian and to be saved. Check yourself - are you on this list? Are you trusting in any of these false ideas for your eternity?