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Londonderry Free Presbyterian Church
Rev. Glenn Wilkinson  |  Londonderry, Northern Ireland
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Londonderry Free Presbyterian Church
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"Great Sermon!"
Amy Douglas from England
So encouraging thankyou.
Glenn Wilkinson | Isaiah 41:8-10
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Sermon10/15/07 12:13 PM
Scott McMahan from Internet  Contact via emailFind all comments by Scott McMahan
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“ Where else will you hear this message? ”
The Bible clearly teaches that the blood of Christ is what atones for our sins, but it's so hard to hear preaching like this anywhere these days. This is the message that people need: Christ died, shed his blood, for poor needy sinners so we can be saved!

Sermon9/29/07 3:33 PM
Scott McMahan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Scott McMahan
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The Diary Of Damnation!
Rev Ian Brown
“ Have you checked your diary? ”
This message ends with a wonderful note, about the blood of Christ which can wipe away every sin in your diary of damnation. I encourage anyone struggling with sin and guilt to listen to this message and take comfort in the savior.

Sermon9/21/07 10:31 AM
Scott McMahan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Scott McMahan
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“ Introduction to an important book ”
This is a good, in-depth introduction to what is an important book of the Bible to understand. I am planning on listening to the whole series on Galatians.

Sermon9/17/07 6:44 AM
Scott McMahan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Scott McMahan
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The Wealthiest Man on Skid Row
Rev Ian Brown
“ Learning from the great fall of a great king ”
We can learn a lot from the experience of Solomon -- what made him great, and then what made him fall. Pastor Brown makes a good, Biblical case that Solomon was actually saved, and it's an even more solemn warning to us what can happen. Worth a careful listen!

Sermon9/16/07 5:55 AM
W.  Find all comments by W.
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“ Great Sermon! ”
'I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys' Many will say they can find the above but not 'the tulip' in Holy Scripture, therefore the doctrines of grace are not true. Some admire the tulip but not 'THE' Rose and 'THE' Lily. Are the doctrines of grace biblical? The garden that is the true church has the answer from Holy Scripture alone. Listen to the sermon!

Sermon8/9/07 5:18 PM
David Smith  Find all comments by David Smith
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“ Simply a Businessman ”
I say beware of the mega "feel-good" churches and their pastors--they pander to desperate people seeking a religion twisted to their version of the Scriptures. I do not begrudge Joel Osteen--he's a sharp businessman in a preacher man's clothes making millions of dollars living the high life--who would not want that lifestyle? He's no different than any other mega church leader.

Sermon8/6/07 11:12 PM
Rick Swenson  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rick Swenson
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks Pastor Brown for this timely message on the apostasy of Joel Osteen, our leading purveyor of the heretical prosperity gospel. As you point out,his appearance on the Larry King show was an embarrassment, as was his paper-thin effort at damage control afterwards. While Osteen may be a likeable and cordial fellow, his unbiblical teaching of happiness and prosperity for this life (and only this life) is a most dangerous deception as the secular world may consider his popular messages which only tickle itching ears as representative of the true Christian message. He refuses to deal with sin, biblical salvation, and one’s eternal destiny, and isn’t that the message people need to hear about? I wish more preachers here in America would voice their opposition to the mega-church prosperity movement, and have the courage to preach against the false doctrines the permeate the landscape in these days!

Sermon8/6/07 7:05 AM
Scott McMahan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Scott McMahan
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“ Good information ”
Where are you going to get information like this anymore? This sermon explains clearly that the basic positions of the RC church have not changed since the Reformation in any substantial way and clearly backs this up with evidence from RC sources.

Sermon8/5/07 12:10 PM
Norman Smith  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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The Rich Fool
Rev. James Beggs
“ Solemn Sermon! ”
As can be anticipated,a most solemn sermon on a solemn passage of Scripture. Brother Beggs,uses allituration in presenting this message,which makes it easier to grasp the enormity of what is about to be required....a never dying soul,and that soul about to pass out into eternity unsaved. This speaker is easy to listen to,and it is a blessing to have his sermons available to listen to on sermonaudio. A most challenging sermon in its simplicity and enormaty.

Sermon7/22/07 11:22 PM
Jay M. Parsons  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jay M. Parsons
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you Brother Brown for preaching the word at this late hour. It is refreshing when I hear another fundamentalist that still believes the Bible, every word of it. I happen to be an IFB and I live across the pond from you in sunny Florida. I felt right at home listening to your sermon. I encourage you to keep preaching the truth like you are doing. God bless, JMP

Sermon7/19/07 5:51 PM
Scott McMahan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Scott McMahan
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“ Keep going until you get to the truth! ”
I know if you've found this sermon, you're probably like me and looking for more information on Osteen and the other preachers like him. That's how I found sermonaudio, now many years ago, when I was researching Benny Hinn. If you are a Christian, and want to learn more about the truths of the faith that were rediscovered in the Reformation, I urge you not to stop here but to keep going deeper and deeper into the truth - that's why God led you to this sermon. Listen to the basic Bible study, and the "I Prefer GOSPEL to TULIP" sermon, and other in-depth sermons on this site. Find out the rich truths that no one is preaching much anymore, and see for yourself how deep and satisfying it is to know what the Reformers knew. You have been malnourished by people like Osteen who have fed you cotton-candy 12-minute pep talks; but now it's time to feast on the true riches of the Bible.

Sermon7/17/07 9:22 AM
Scott McMahan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Scott McMahan
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Testimony From ... LITHUANIA
Helga Campbell
“ Eye-witness account ”
Not just a testimony, but an historically important eye-witness account from someone who witnessed World War II and a part of the Holocaust first-hand. I'm glad this was recorded! The power of God to save is mighty.

Sermon7/8/07 6:16 PM
Romayne Wright  Contact via emailFind all comments by Romayne Wright
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Testimony From ... IRAN
Pooyan Mehrshahi
“ More PLEASE :))) ”
Truly lifts the spirits to hear such testimonies. Many today think Muslims would never respond to the Gospel, but like any faith, those we see in the media are but a small section of radical believers who are lost in their deception. Others like Pooyan show that the Lord can absolutely take anyone in any circumstances regardless of their current beliefs, and change their heart and life incredibly. Pooyan, if you read this, PLEASE provide even more updates on your testimony when you get opportunities, and continue to speak God's awesome Word into the Church. Many blessings for your ministry.

Sermon7/7/07 6:49 PM
Scott McMahan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Scott McMahan
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Untimely Death #2: Euthanasia!
Rev Ian Brown
“ Absolute must-listen ”
This is one of those absolute must-listen sermons - very well researched and well presented - tells both sides of the issue and lets Christianity speak for itself as an option. Recommended to all Christians regardless of denominational background, because you need to know the issues and what is involved. Recommended to non-Christians who want to know the alternatives and what true, Biblical Christianity offers. This issue is one of the single most important facing the world, since there is nothing more important than who has the power over other people's lives and what they can do with that power. We've seen the Third Reich's T4 program (Pastor Brown doesn't use the name, but that's what he's referring to at the beginning) and what it gave the world; and we've seen Christians build hospitals and care for the sick and aged. This issue was one of the central ones that made me take Christianity seriously. This sermon is the best summary of the issues I've heard to-date.

Sermon7/4/07 1:57 PM
Patrick  Find all comments by Patrick
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Untimely Death #1: Abortion
Rev Ian Brown
“ Wake-Up Call ”
"Right To Choose" ?? A baby is aborted every 23 seconds in Europe. How long can a just God stand by while this slaughter of the innocent goes on? Mr Brown brings many statistics to this sermon, all of them sickening and fearful to any that fear God. May the Lord be merciful to us. Again, thank God for faithful preaching that stands as a rebuke to what we are pleased to call civilisation. As the culture of death progresses, where will you stand? This word is a grevious warning to separate from the agents of Satan that give cute names about "human rights" to conceal the vilest practices.

Sermon7/1/07 1:15 PM
Wayne  Find all comments by Wayne
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Testimony From ... IRAN
Pooyan Mehrshahi
“ Great Sermon! ”
I came into contact with Pooyan when he was working with the Trinitarian Bible Society and it was a joy to hear some while later that he was studying with the FP church! It is wonderful to hear his testimony and I will endeavour to remember him in prayer as he begins his pastoral work in England in what is becoming in parts a waste howling wilderness. May the Lord be pleased send 'many' such Pooyans.

Sermon6/29/07 10:52 AM
Scott McMahan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Scott McMahan
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Testimony From ... IRAN
Pooyan Mehrshahi
“ A true inspiration ”
This testimony by someone from Iran is a true inspiration and shows the power of God to save anyone, anywhere in the world.

Sermon6/27/07 7:23 AM
Scott McMahan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Scott McMahan
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“ Helpful practical instruction ”
Christians should find this sermon packed with practical help in day-to-day life.

Sermon6/21/07 9:13 AM
Patrick  Find all comments by Patrick
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Lord, Forgive Us ...!
Rev Ian Brown
“ Vital Message ”
This message is a vital one for a day in which we see judgment coming upon countries (and churches)once secure and strong. May this lesson be heard in the ears of those who yet are full of self satisfaction and confidence in "chariots and horses", and of those who preach or even hint that God will somehow wink at sin. May the Lord in His great mercy yet hear our true repentence before we are utterly consumed.

Sermon6/15/07 9:30 AM
Scott McMahan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Scott McMahan
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“ Welcome teaching on difficult subject ”
Pastor Brown has done a good job in explaining what the Bible says about death - a difficult topic, and one people may not want to hear, but it's important to understand what is going to happen after you die. In fact, one reason I became a Christian is that I was studying what world religions and philosophies said on this topic, and Christianity has the only true answer. Other religions offer ... nothing. It's good to have this series available, and I hope people will listen to it with an open mind and not be put off by the topic. If you're not a Christian, listen to these messages and contrast what they say with what your tradition says, and see which offers true hope or comfort.

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