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Rev. Glenn Wilkinson  |  Londonderry, Northern Ireland
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"The Name of Blasphemy on the Beast's Heads"
Anonymous Name
It is important to remember Revelation 13:1-18 in times like these. The beast, who is the Antichrist, has the name of blasphemy...
Rev Ian Brown | The History of the Papacy
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Sermon1/23/19 12:21 PM
Angel Mendez from Chicago, Il  Contact via emailFind all comments by Angel Mendez
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I’ve read and listened to much over the past few years regarding the topic of Bible translations. This 15 minute talk is among the best I’ve heard yet. It is a rational, fair, and level-headed answer to the topic. Dr. Alan Cairns puts forth a simple yet pastoral approach to the topic of what makes for a good Bible translation. Highly recommended for the layman like me. Thank you Dr. Cairns.

Sermon10/28/18 12:40 AM
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“ The pope will be forgotten ”
By the time every Roman Catholic pope is cast into the Lake of Fire, they will all be forgotten. Remember Revelation 20:11-15.

Sermon9/23/18 12:34 AM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ Pope: Destroyer of Souls ”
A helpful sermon showing why the pope is a destroyer of souls, including their own.

Sermon9/7/18 1:23 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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“ Relevant. ”
Good and relevant teaching. Blessed zeal for the Lord, for the Gospel and for lost souls! Very good the points about spiritual discernment.

Sermon7/20/18 11:06 PM
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“ Alien Phenomena Examined ”
The truth about aliens is that they are really fallen angels. This means that the whole UFO phenomena is caused by fallen angels.

Sermon7/18/18 9:37 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ An indictment against the rebellious pope ”
This sermon is an indictment against the rebellious pope. Then again, the papacy has always been about rebellion against the Lord since its very inception. The Vatican is even more dangerous now with a Jesuit pope. The popes, past, present, and future, have reflected their rebellion against the Lord by adding sacraments to salvation, the construction and worship of graven images of supposedly saintly figures, and so forth. The demise of Mother Teresa and Pope John Paul II show the foolishness of Roman Catholicism, aka popery.

Sermon7/3/18 11:56 PM
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“ God: Eliminator of all popes ”
When Pope John Paul II passed away on 2 April, 2005, it was a sign that God intended on eliminating the pope. God's Wrath will wax hot on the blasphemous pope for propagating a false gospel of sacramental salvation to every major corner of the Earth as well as blasphemously carrying the title of Holy Father and His Holiness. Since The Psalmist said that he hates the enemies of The Lord with perfect hatred and counting them as his enemies in Psalm 139:22, we too must hate the pope with perfect hatred, counting that pope as our enemy. The bottom line is that God hates the pope and his blasphemous base of operations called the Vatican. It wasn't just septic shock and disease that claimed the life of Pope John Paul II. It was The Righteous Wrath of God that did, sending Pope John Paul II into eternal punishment in Hell. Someday, Pope John Paul II and every other pope will be judged at the Great White Throne and be punished with an eternity in the Lake of Fire.

Sermon7/1/18 12:28 AM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ The pope: usurper from the beginning ”
This sermon shows why every pope is a usurper. The pope is a usurper in that he blasphemously assumes the titles of "Holy Father" and "His Holiness". The fact is that every pope from the first to the last has been preparing the world for the reign of the Antichrist. Of course, the Antichrist will be a usurper as well. We know that the Antichrist attempts to usurp the place of Jesus Christ since Antichrist means in place of Christ. Of course, every pope as well as the Antichrist will have their part in the Lake of Fire.

Sermon6/27/18 12:50 PM
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“ Billy Graham: Liberal Rebel ”
Billy Graham (7 November, 1918-21 February, 2018), while popular with the masses, was a liberal rebel pushing for a one world religion under the Antichrist. As with all other fallen evangelical liberals, aka apostate liberals, they are being punished for their sins in Hell, and will be punished with an eternity in the Lake of Fire. No doubt that liberal churches and ministries bring the people of the world together, but these are preparing for the coming of the Antichrist. By the time that the Antichrist comes, evangelical liberals will readily receive his mark (the mark of the beast, namely the mark of the Antichrist). Remember the Wise Warning of Revelation 13 about the Antichrist and his coming one world religion.

Sermon6/22/18 1:16 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ Pope John Paul II's Outlandish Interest ”
It is rather bizarre and overtly outlandish how Roman Catholics are involved in Mariolatry. Of course, we know that this "Virgin Mary" of which the Vatican speaks of is a demon. This proves that the Vatican has revived Babylon itself, especially the worship of Ishtar. It also shows that the Vatican is pressuring the world into worshiping idols, especially idols in the form of "the Virgin Mary". While the pressure to go along with idol worship is something that today's apostate evangelical churches are doing, we must not go along with it. Pope John Paul II was an idolater from the beginning and died as an idolater to the very end. We also realize that idolaters, including Pope John Paul II and every Roman Catholic, will have their part in the Lake of Fire burning with fire and brimstone, the second death. Remember Revelation 21:8.

Sermon6/21/18 10:54 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ God: Eliminator of all popes ”
When Pope John Paul II passed away on 2 April, 2005, it was a sign that God intended on eliminating the pope. God's Wrath will wax hot on the blasphemous pope for propagating a false gospel of sacramental salvation to every major corner of the Earth as well as blasphemously carrying the title of Holy Father and His Holiness. Since The Psalmist said that he hates the enemies of The Lord with perfect hatred and counting them as his enemies in Psalm 139:22, we too much hate the pope with perfect hatred, counting that pope as our enemy. The bottom line is that God hates the pope and his blasphemous base of operations called the Vatican. It wasn't just septic shock and disease that claimed the life of Pope John Paul II. It was The Righteous Wrath of God that did, sending Pope John Paul II into eternal punishment in Hell. Someday, Pope John Paul II and every other pope will be judged at the Great White Throne and be punished with an eternity in the Lake of Fire.

Sermon6/4/18 10:18 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ The Popes: The Men Most Hated by God ”
If there is one man that The Lord hates the most, it is the popes in the Vatican. It is because the popes, past, present, and future, blaspheme The Lord by referring to themselves as "Holy Father" and "His Holiness". The titles of Holy Father and His Holiness only belong to Abba Father, not the blasphemous, but prestigious pope in the Vatican. Remember the Imprecatory Psalms of Psalms 5, 10, 17, 35, 58, 59, 69, 70, 79, 83, 109, 129, 137, and 140 whenever you think about the blasphemous pope in the Vatican. The fact of the matter is, that every Roman Catholic pope is predetermined to be cursed and smitten by God from the very beginning.

Sermon5/17/18 1:41 AM
Robert Beavan from Ballymoney  Find all comments by Robert Beavan
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“ Very Interesting ”
I found this very interesting indeed. My thoughts on evidence for alien life make me question Area 51 in America. If there was evidence for alien life in Area 51 then why have we not been told.

Sermon3/29/18 10:23 PM
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“ Billy Graham: A Rebel From The Very Beginning ”
With the passing of Billy Graham on 21 February, 2018 at the age of 99, it serves as a warning against false prophets uniting the world in rebellion. Of course, Billy Graham was a liberal apostate rebel from the very beginning since he leaned towards apostasy by promoting Roman Catholic Fulton Sheen in 1944. This liberal rebellion against Sound Doctrine expanded throughout most of the 20th century and it still grows today in the 21st century. In most of today's churches, preaching The Righteous Judgment of The Lord like in 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9 is now unwelcome in most churches. Compromise in today's ministries may begin on a small scale, but it becomes larger as it goes unopposed. May we wisely oppose any compromise of Sound Doctrine for the sake of "unity."

Sermon3/26/18 10:45 PM
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“ The Church of Rome: Enemy of Liberty ”
"The Church of Rome is the most formidable combination that ever was formed against the authority and security of civil government, as well as against the liberty, reason, and happiness of mankind." (Wealth of Nations, Book V, Chapter 1, Part 3, Ant. 3 by Adam Smith). This author is saying that the Roman Catholic Church is hostile towards the authority and security of civil government as well as the liberty, reason, and happiness of mankind.

Sermon3/26/18 10:40 PM
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“ Rome: Instrument of Poverty, Servitude, and Torpor ”
"The loveliest and most fertile provinces of Europe have under her (Rome's) rule, been sunk in poverty, in political servitude, and in intellectual torpor." (History of England, Volume 1, page 47 by Lord Macaulay).

Sermon3/26/18 1:54 PM
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“ The Pope: Seeking Only Rebellion ”
An evil man seeketh only rebellion: therefore a cruel messenger shall be sent against him. (Proverbs 17:11). Every pope was an evil man seeking only rebellion. The result is that a cruel messenger shall be sent against every single pope. On Judgement Day at the Great White Throne, The Lord will punish these blasphemous usurpers called the popes with great indignation, sentencing them to eternal punishment and torment in the Lake of Fire.

Sermon3/18/18 1:27 AM
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“ Mother Counter Reformer Teresa ”
Mother Teresa is most known for being the mother of Counter Reformers in the 20th century and onward. Mother Teresa being lionised by the world in the 20th century showed that she was hellbent on undoing the Godly Protestant Reformation. The wicked world, including today's evangelicals, also lionise this wicked false prophet falsely classified as a "saint." This shows that false prophets are overtly and excessively showered with good publicity. Remember the wise warnings about false prophets and false teachers in 2 Peter 2:1-3.

Sermon2/26/18 10:11 PM
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“ The Lake of Fire: The Pope's Future Home ”
Remember Revelation 20:11-15. Every pope is headed for the Lake of Fire. God will expose the sins of every pope and condemn them to a fiery eternity in the Lake of Fire. For now, all the fallen popes are being punished for their sins in Hell.

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