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Berean Baptist Church
Sean E. Harris  |  Fayetteville, North Carolina
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Berean Baptist Church
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"Great Sermon!"
Lottie from Ohio
Very, very good. Thank-you so much for this message.
Sean E. Harris | Luke - A Comprehensive Study
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Sermon1/11/18 11:56 PM
Youth in Asia from Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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“ Teaching is fun and frustrating ”
I was one of those wanderers when I was in school, skipping and failing all my classes. Now that I'm a teacher, I can easily see myself in some of my students, but I realize that even though I can relate, I cannot help them, as much as I would love to. They don't have that foundation in life that teaches them to make smart life choices, and that is the parent's job. Without that, no matter the opportunities in their life, they will always waste them. I just finished final semester grades, and dealing with failing students, some are shocked that it's even possible to fail, some cheated and got caught, and now don't know how to tell their parents. They played their games, and now have to live out the consequences. It's just too bad they have to learn this from me and not from home.

Sermon11/25/17 1:41 PM
Unspecified name  Find all comments by Unspecified name
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“ Full of insight! ”
Many Republicans hail the now fallen Roman Catholic judge Antonin Scalia as a Republican defender of the U.S. Constitution. Even though Antonin Scalia espoused hard core Republican views putting him in conflict with the former Obama Administration as well as the former Clinton Administration and many other elitist political organizations and personalities, he believed a damnable false gospel of sacramental salvation which damned his own soul to a fiery Hell. One day, Antonin Scalia will be judged at the Great White Throne and cast into the Lake of Fire because of his faith in the damnable religion of Roman Catholicism. We must not get sidetracked with political narratives of Republican vs. Democrat as well as those of populist organizations like the Tea Party like populism vs. globalism. The real heart of the matter is that the United Nations, and other global political and religious organizations, will bring the Antichrist into the world which is what the UN, Vatican, and WCC is really planning from the very beginning.

Sermon11/22/17 6:15 AM
Laura  Find all comments by Laura
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for your honesty! God chooses to deal with us in the present. Scripture is very clear about this in its wording. We need not worry about our past Christ takes care of that and we are not promised tomorrow what we do with now is our peace and assurance! .

Sermon11/19/17 5:23 PM
Jon  Find all comments by Jon
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This conversation/discussion demonstrates to the degree that we all as Christians are very likely to build an idol in our hearts and try to justiy it towards ourselves, the church, our pastors, and most of all to God. Just read chapter 14 of Ezekiel. We should all be so careful to tear down the idols in our own hearts that interfere with truly following Christ.

Sermon11/17/17 8:24 AM
Starla from Ohio  Contact via emailFind all comments by Starla
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“ Great Sermon! ”
For the person who spoke on the weight issue,thank you. Learned a lot from this sermon. Stay blessed. Starla

Sermon11/15/17 1:03 PM
Jim wehrli from MI  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jim wehrli
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“ Great sermon ”
If I were you i wouldn't put your security plan on your website. Even tho you want people to know what to do. You really don't want to give a shooter the heads up on what you do for safety. Just a thought.

Sermon11/10/17 10:44 AM
JHB from San Diego  Contact via emailFind all comments by JHB
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“ Helpful stuff ”
Thank you for going over this. I am in charge of our church security. We started it 20 years ago to keep our cars from being vandalized. Now we have to think about violence. This is a scary transition to make.

Sermon11/9/17 7:12 PM
Mariann Lyda from Oklahoma  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mariann Lyda
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent information for all churches! Absolutely love listening to all the pastors. I download & listen to each service. I have learned so much from your broadcasts. God bless each one of you. (I will miss hearing Brother David McManus' input in the News In Focus)

Sermon11/3/17 10:11 PM
Bill from Sapporo, Japan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Bill
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for this informative discussion, especially the description of reformation leaders and the church situation 500 years ago. As was stated in the podcast the Lutheran Satire link on Youtube is both educational and funny. Thanks!

Sermon10/3/17 9:20 PM
Kizer Patterson  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kizer Patterson
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Walk Worthy of the Gospel Pt. 2
Sean E. Harris
“ Great Sermon! ”
An enduring zeal and passion for the studying of Gods Word.

Sermon10/3/17 12:45 PM
Kizer Patterson  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kizer Patterson
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Walk Worthy of the Gospel Pt. 2
Sean E. Harris
“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon is well as is, and should be listed as church members standards not only at Berean but in other churches across the world. Thanks Pastor for the time and the and dedication you put into studying and delivering Gods inspired Word.

Sermon10/2/17 2:11 PM
Noma from Commonwealth of Israel  Find all comments by Noma
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To Knee or NOT to Knee
Sean E. Harris
“ Great Sermon! ”
And yes we do have a race problem here in America. The people of God as a family of God can walk across the road and fellowship with others in this new created family. We can avoid at all costs the spirit of familiarity, know man after the flesh, and embrace them as one with no dissimulation

Sermon9/30/17 8:50 AM
Carl in Greensboro from North Carolina  Contact via emailFind all comments by Carl in Greensboro
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To Knee or NOT to Knee
Sean E. Harris
“ Great Sermon! ”
Ephesians 6:5-8 KJV  Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ;  (6)  Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart;  (7)  With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men:  (8)  Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free. These football players are paid professionals. They are employees of the NFL. NFL stands for the NATIONAL Football League. The NFL is divided into two conferences: The NFC and the AFC. NFC stands for the NATIONAL Football Conference and AFC the AMERICAN Football Conference. The NFL's customers are called AMERICANs. Those AMERICANs have many iconic items that unite them together but the two greatest ones are honored at the beginning of all of the AMERICANs NATIONAL sports venues. One of the two greatest icons is a graphic on a white flag that has red bars and white stars in a blue square. It's called the NATIONAL Flag. The second icon is the NATIONAL Anthem and is a song called The Star Spangled Banner which honors the AMERICANs NATIONAL Flag. Most customers are not happy with the NFL.

Sermon9/29/17 8:41 PM
Carl in Greensboro from North Carolina  Contact via emailFind all comments by Carl in Greensboro
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To Knee or NOT to Knee
Sean E. Harris
“ Great Sermon! ”
1 Peter 2:17 ERRB Honour all men . Love the brotherhood. Fear God Awe Elohim . Honour the king sovereign . I don't know fellas... If Peter is writing this from Rome using Babylon as metaphor then no doubt Nero Caesar (Peter's executioner) is the one to be honored. President Trump may be despicable in his speech but he is certainly no Nero. And certainly, we as servants of Christ should honor the flag, anthem, and government institutions and officials for that by extension honors the "king." I expect any employee that brings disrespect to customers to face the consequences; which include termination of employment. For the record I am boycotting the NFL and will be satisfied with college football for my fix.

Sermon9/29/17 10:40 AM
Diane from AL  Find all comments by Diane
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To Knee or NOT to Knee
Sean E. Harris
“ Great Sermon! ”
Could it be that God did not advance Tebow in the NFL because they desecrate the Lords Day?

Sermon9/28/17 8:27 AM
Carl in Greensboro from North Carolina  Contact via emailFind all comments by Carl in Greensboro
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I noticed that some of your comments dovetailed from accessing the Bible through Social Media into using Biblical applications (Logos, Bible Works, E-Sword, MySword, etc.). I do not use nor have any desire to use FaceBook for any reason. But I find Biblical applications valuable for Bible studies and a "one stop" resource for research. I wonder if SermonAudio could be classified as a Social Media site.

Sermon9/24/17 2:44 PM
Lady_Virtue from OKC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lady_Virtue
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“ Great Podcast! ”
Excellent commentary on this blog post, gentlemen.

Sermon9/8/17 4:39 AM
Chinaman Yuri from China  Find all comments by Chinaman Yuri
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Sometimes I feel mentors have a genuine spiritual gift, maybe gift of encouragement, or hospitality. I don't know how to explain it, but I know they should be treated as precious by the church. I have never in my life even experienced what a true best friend is, but I would imagine they would be great mentors. As a young Christian, I wished someone would notice me, looking back I wish discerning church people would point out attitude problems I had, or encourage me, many times I feel lonely, and feel jealous of others as they have people who call them, send them care packages, or even letters by mail. Sometimes church people mentor unbelievers better than believers, because of the mentality of "oh, that guy is so close to getting saved!" neglecting people who really deserve it.

Sermon8/20/17 2:13 PM
Kaitlin Erkkila  Find all comments by Kaitlin Erkkila
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“ ”
Your point about gene eradication by abortion is actually very applicable; those with Down's Syndrome are being researched and great strides in preventing and treating Alzheimer's and similar issues are being done in Denver. More breakthroughs are done with this group than typical population. The same goes for cancer research with William's leukemia. Also, Baltimore was a divided city and landmarks for supporting both sides are up in Maryland, to include our current neighborhood. Thank you for discussing challenging issues! Each point of conversation directly impacts our family today.

Sermon8/20/17 9:54 AM
Rodney Jewer from Gardner, Massachusetts  Find all comments by Rodney Jewer
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“ You were preaching directly to me Pastor. ”
Not in part, but the whole of this sermon went straight to my heart. I can only pray that now I act upon this knowledge and do something with it. Not only for myself but also for the LORD that I claim to love. It's painful being the hypocrite that I am. Truly amazing that so much can come out of a few short Bible verses.

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