Rap Music: Rebellious Music It ought to be noted that rap music (also known as hip hop) is really rebellious music. This sermon is very eye opening on the issue on this style of rebellion which is called rap music. It is worth noting the example of Korah's rebellion in Numbers 16:1-50 so that we do not follow the example of rebels who will be eternally tormented in Hell and The Lake of Fire. It is also worth noting The Great White Throne Judgment in Revelation 20:11-15 in response to this sin of rebellion which is called rap music, also called hip hop.
Great Sermon! I had viewed hot and cold as for and against. Either way Luke warm is no a place where we want to be.To whom much is given, much is expected. It would be a fearful thing to be found Luke warm I think.
Great Sermon! I really don’t understand how people can tune out a message without first listening to it. A wise man is able to consider a matter.
Great Sermon! Hi pastor,I am the father of Amity Norton and the grandfather of Jimmie Norton. I’m sure you remember them. I’ve gotten as far as the 144,000 sermon and find it very informative. I’m looking forward to the rest of the series. Thank you.
Great Sermon! The only way that the Church should effect Social Justice (including Racial Injustice) in the world is to proclaim true Social Justice (the Gospel) to the world (Luke 4:18) and model it from within (John 13:35). Again, we must model and not participate nor partnership with the world (1 Corinthians 5:7 - 6:11). We (and only we) are the salt and light of the world. If we model it correctly then the world will taste (through our salt) and see (with our light) the LORD is indeed is good and His ways are right. And maybe they will see that the only way to achieve the justice and righteous they crave is to become a member of the Body through faith in Christ Jesus. They should know that the world is batting zero when it comes to Social Justice. Zero! The world offers no real solutions except for enslavement by totalitarian regimes like communist socialist which is a corruption of the Body's koinonia. Koinonia only works in the Body. Must we in the Body recognize people according to the flesh when we are told not to?
Great Sermon! I applaud you and your staff for having a candid conversation about Racism, especially within the Body of Christ. Believe me, I am Black (according to the flesh) and I have heard and participated in many conversations and forums over the years (especially in 2020) concerning Racism and the GREAT news is that every saint agrees that Racism is a sin. That universal agreement within Body pleases the Father. The problem is working it OUT (i.e. casting out the leaven of Racism) of the Body.
We must recognize that Racism is not a new problem within the Body. It is the FIRST problem in the Body that the young Church had to deal with in Acts 6. The solution came from within the Body which eventually led to the Gospel being preached to us Gentiles. This led to what I call the ideal congregation: the Church in Antioch. She had both Gentiles and Jews but an international cast of leadership. What happened? Instead of the Church in Fayetteville or the Church in Asheville we have multiple churches in every community. There would be no widespread Racism if all the churches lay aside their independencies and mostly minor theological differences and become one Body (the Church in Fayetteville). Many local congregations, one Body with a core group of leaders. Ministry of Reconciliation is ours.
Great Sermon! like it or not, the people on the president's religious advisory board are the face of the evangelical movement. If it's misleading to have Paula White speak for evangelicals, it's the responsibilities of the evangelicals to make that clear. Jesus constantly works on cleaning house, his enemies are in the religious circles. I just think there is just no power when Christians speak to the world about morality or anything else while there is scandal after scandal in the church, and spiritual leaders make wild claims day after day. Isn't it a typical case of hypocrisy? I don't have good answers, just think at least we should shift our focus to the within. It's a joke to attempt to make America great again, whatever that means, while the church is collapsing.
I don't blame politicians, they help reveal and clarify a lot of things.
I thank you for addressing this topic, and I hope you don't run into conflicts because of that.
Great Sermon! I just listened to your discussion on “Biden the beginning of the apocalypse”. Absolutely agree. Jesus will not come back I a political party! He is King and there is no other, Amen.
One thing I do disagree with though is when you made the statement of the pale rider of the end time stating, tha we just don’t see that amount of death at this time, “we” must look at the continual genocide that abortion has brought (not to add in the abortifacients) that clearly legalized extraordinary numbers of death. Remember, each “horseman” is a judgement, and I don’t picture God wearing a wrist watch. . . Other than that, we’ll done!
Great Sermon! Thank you. Points to note: It is hard to get toothpaste back into the tube. We are reaping the harvest divisive tongues have set into motion. Racism causes people to unite the flesh in matrimony and social endeavors. Theory of Evolution was based on racist ideology and has made a monkey of man. Shockingly Disney commercials ran between recent televised events of 9/11. Death is no laughing matter. Folly is running rampant. God bless you.
Lionizing Troops is Ridiculous This sermon is a helpful response to the ridiculous lionization of American soldiers across the country, even in the church. To lionize American soldiers as larger than life icons is not only sinful idolatry, but also injurious to our fellow neighbors in all other nations who have been hurt by American military ventures. Being patriotic towards America leaves Americans to believe that compassion towards their fellow human beings in all other nations is a sign of weakness, but compassion towards our neighbors in all other nations is really a sign of great strength. The lionizing of American troops is worldly and has no place in The Lord's House. The simple reality is that American soldiers are mere people who have shortcomings just like everyone else. While we do commemorate human heroes like Hudson Taylor, it is because these heroes of The Christian Faith are only worth commemoration for making Biblical Truth known to the uttermost parts of the earth.
Great Sermon! You and others like myself "can barely stand to hear the man speak." What in the world are we thinking of when we are seeing things collapse right before our eyes? If we hate a group of people so much that we engage in burning down our own country, then what shall the end be for ourselves and our children? Have we abandoned all "natural affection" for those created in the eyes of God? When our Social Security is reduced to what the homeless have in savings, I guess we'll blame that other man and continue to slumber. Thanks for sharing truthful insight.
Audio Issues The audio quality on this was garbled/cut in many spots. Chunks of words and sentences are missing throughout, which makes a large portion of this difficult to listen to. Not sure if there was some issue in post-processing/uploading that caused it, or if the audio capture contains these issues at its source, but if they can be amended I'd love to actually hear all of this without having to guess what people are saying.
Mitt Romney: Mormon Republican Willard Mitt Romney (born 12 March, 1947) is clearly associated with the Mormon religion, which is a bizarre cult. As we know, Joseph Smith (23 December, 1805 – 27 June, 1844) was the founder of the Mormon cult. Mitt Romney ran for president during the 2008 and 2012 Presidential Elections, now he is a senator. It is also known that Joseph Smith was a Freemason, which is why bizarre Masonic symbols can be seen in Mormon temples. There are other bizarre cults out there. The Mormon Church founded by Joseph Smith is just one of the few.
Great Sermon and many in our church must follow! Thanks for the history lesson.many blacks already know about it and there were many other locations where the same had happened too. NYC, Durham NC, Washington DC, Boston MA, Philadelphia PA,Baltimore MD just to name a few that our history books dont or care not to explain. As it leaves it dark and sinful past to non-people of color. So, as we move forward in time. Many wonder why people of color have a great distain or air of cautiousness towards police officers as they have historically shown aggressive behavior and tendencies to be their calling card. Now, fast forward to George Floyd and many others who were killed senselessly over possible infractions of law that resulted in their deaths. People of color and many other colors have taken a stand as mentioned prior to Stand with Gods word and be/do what we must guard against in every way possible. Protesting, advocating, mentioning at every possible point of our lives just as we do for the Gospel. The indifference of treatment towards this hardiness of heart towards our fellow man.
Great Sermon! Thank you for your honesty in explaining that even though you were a his major, you never knew about this important part of history. We have to investigate why this was not shared in history books and even as a history major was hidden from you. Once you learned of it you fervently researched and learned more. As a man of God you do not covet praise, but I as of man of color appreciate you learning and then preaching on it. It reminds me of MLK’s letter from The Birmingham jail and why it is so important for those who wear the cloth to speak on the racial divide that grips this nation. Thank you and preach on.
Memorial Day: Celebration of Idolatry The problem with Memorial Day in America is that it is idolatrous worship of American soldiers. We ought to remember the example of idols of the heart in Ezekiel 14:1-23. It is also blasphemy against The Lord to put sinful American soldiers on the pedestal, especially since these American soldiers have murdered civilians in Iraq and Vietnam. We ought to respond to Memorial Day by remembering that The King of Kings intends to rule all the nations of the world. Even wars fought with the intent on "national liberation" are wrong in The Sight of The Lord. Worth noting Psalm 11:1-7 in times like these. It should also be noted that the majority of American soldiers are lost sinners and are now being tormented in Hell. Churches should stop celebrating American patriotism or any form of national patriotism because it has nothing to do with eternal salvation, The Great Commission, and The Lord's Kingdom. On Judgment Day, America will not be immune to The Judgment of The Lord.
Note I really enjoy these podcasts but just a note: for the past several episodes the audio skips a lot. I don't know if this is something with the original recording or an issue with the SermonAudio site but it's very noticeable on the last few shows.