Defining Sermon! This is my 2nd comment, the first was almost a year ago. Today it has brought me more insight about Christ Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I have been more assured that through the Grace of God and Faith in Christ Jesus, I am a child of God. I also see this sermon as one that will not be listened to by most "professing Christians" because it takes them "off the fence" and makes them look inside to see where they are with Christ Jesus. There is no escaping the belief one claims to have in The Lord. A weak or false sense of confession and acceptance of the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus will be felt in one's soul from this sermon -- it makes you face the truth of where you stand and gives you a chance to believe in Christ Jesus with your spirit and soul by following God's Will to show yourself as faithful in deed and not only in words. Thank you Brother Martin for such a powerful message.
Old Path Preaching!!! Earth shaking sermon for a Worldly American Church! Shame on the shepherds and the sheep who heed not the voice of our Great Shepherd, Jesus Christ! Messages like this one are what's needed in the body of Christ this very hour. Amen.
Great Sermon! Here is a great message for the times we're living in.
This is the third comment I've made that has not made it to the blog. What's up with that?
Robert Fisher has a passion for the love of God to become manifest in the saints. This is worth listening to over and over again.
Love in Action Have you prayed to God in heaven today to have Him cleanse your hearts and fill your words with grace? Here is something to consider and meditate upon - And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell (James 3:6). So don’t oil the wrong wheels today; though they squeak.
Let's talk about Jesus. Let's talk about him.
Let's talk about the Son of God who became a man, and died for all of our sins.
Let's talk about the Crucified who bled and died, and in three days rose again.
Let's talk about Jesus. Let's talk about him.
Why did God send this one into the world?
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved (Jn 3:17-19) Amazing! He did this while we were yet sinners.
Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins (1 Jn 4:10).
We love him, because he first loved us (1 Jn 4:19). SERMON FOR TODAY by Robert Fisher:
"Unity: Love and Truth:The Importance of Love and Implications..." at
Great Sermon! My listening to your sermon which is featured today is a blessing to me—not that it was news to me, but that there are still bold preachers in our midst who openly denounce our nation’s not only intolerable toleration, but active encouragement of the widespread abominable sexual practices that not only we as mature adults well-grounded in the Scriptures are forced to witness, but also the young, from whom the Truth of the Scriptures is largely withheld, are forced to witness and accept as normal and right. I thank God for your bold pronouncement of Scriptural Truth!
Outstanding Sermon! This is a powerful message that is more meaningful today with our growing perversion being accepted openly and promoted even by our government. It's difficult to understand how God is having so much patience without a national punishment for our sinful life. But we can see certain events happening in our nation that are indications that a great judgment is soon to come. Our churches have failed us in condemning this abominable sin.
Solid and Sound Great investments are made in meeting physical needs. Too often, spiritual needs go unacknowledged. Sinners need to be saved. It's an offensive message to many. The gospel message is essentially simple but pride often blocks a response.
Lovingly Delivered This pastor has a heart for the glory of God. All of his messages reminds us of God's love towards His own. Also, that all things are for our sakes and for God's glory if we only allow ourselves to use all things to conform us into the image of Christ. We are like sheep being led to a slaughter; to rid us of the "self" occupation. Death must work in us so that life will work in both the believer and unbeliever. Herein is love - a sovereign God causing us to identify with the Lamb; through manifold trials.
Great Sermon! God bless you Pr.Carlson, for bringing the book of Leviticus to life and encouraging new covenant believers to a life of distinctive, and careful holiness by the power of God. May this vision of the call of GOd for his people be the vision of all his people, even one that roots out our carelessness and denial of the power of God in the New covenant to enable us fulfil that which his people of old were commanded but were unable to becaue of the hardness of their heart and unbelief.Thanks for the enphasis of the similarity of our calling. !!!
Great Sermon! I found this series several years ago and have listened to it 6 times since then. Pastor Donnelly's sermons have always been a blessing to me. His uncompromising teaching of the Word is accompanied by compassion, sincerity and due diligence. I have literally listened to every sermon of his that I can find and I thank God for such men.
Great Sermon! Absolutely a Word for Today, whether it was preached in 1983 or not, Albert Martin has given this message with all he had under the power of the Holy Spirit.
We urge everyone to hear it. Now. Send it out, we beg you.
Thank you.
Love in Christ, English Rose and George
Preaching exists! Most so-called preachers are just sermon writers. Writing a sermon is not preaching. This is preaching. I like that worldliness is here preached against for what it is: sin. There is no legalism in exhorting the people of God to godliness and against worldliness. Why do men refuse to preach against worldliness and declare preaching such as this legalism? Because they love the world, and their congregations love the world. "You have to come alongside people" they'll say. "We have to know the culture to engage the culture". "It's okay to spend more time watching sport than you spend in prayer". Nonsense. You have to met with God and then preach what he says in the power of his Spirit because men are going to an actual hell without Christ and his people, whom he bought with his own blood, are committing spiritual adultery with the world they're meant to have been delivered from. Preaching so as to convert nobody is not preaching.