Yes and amen - for so long I was caught up in wrong thinking concerning the law, thinking I had to obey the law. This works- based mentality is so prominent in our culture, we have a hard time understanding that Christ has paid it all, done it all. I cannot keep any of the law, for if we stumble at just one point, we are guilty of breaking all of it. There's only one who can keep the law fully and satisfactorily. I am grateful to God that I'm no longer under the law and that Christ has done everything necessary to save me. I am thankful to be freed from the errors of 'Reformed' theology and it's doctrines of men. Praise God for His marvelous grace!
Great Sermon! An excellent message that rightly explains the law and the Sabbath. Christ is our Sabbath rest, yes and amen. The legalist says you have to keep the Sabbath, which makes no sense. We cannot keep any of the law, for if we stumble at just one point, we are guilty of breaking ALL of it! We have no righteousness of our own, it is HIS righteousness that God sees and accepts. We are naturally set in our thinking that we must 'do' something to be accepted, this works-based belief is shattered by Christ, and we praise Him.
Not the labor of my hands
Can fulfill Thy law’s demands;
Could my zeal no respite know,
Could my tears forever flow,
All for sin could not atone;
Thou must save, and Thou alone.
Nothing in my hand I bring,
Simply to Thy cross I cling;
Naked, come to Thee for dress;
Helpless, look to Thee for grace;
Foul, I to the fountain fly;
Wash me, Savior, or I die.
Great Sermon! Thank you bro.Ken for always preaching and exhalting our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our condolences on your loss, and we are remembering you and yours at this difficult season.
Ecclesiastes 7:1-4.
Great Sermon! I am in BSF and we are at the section on Nabel. I found your preaching cause I couldn't understand what Nabel did wrong. Your preaching chilled me to the bone. I think I will go back and listen to the whole preaching on Samuel. Way to scare me to death. I take it you were in the ministry for years before yo
Great Sermon! Another helpful exposition.
One of the very few preachers of the Gospel who always points His sheep to their Shepherd.
Thank you brother for always exalting and giving all the Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Great Sermon! This is such a needed sermon today. If only my children and friends would listen. Ken Wimer is a wonderful teacher of God's word - so clear and proven by the scriptures. Pray that believers will listen and share with others.
Another blessing. Wonderful exposition of law and grace.
The “spiritual adulterers” will be hurling antinomian at this biblical teaching.:)
Thank-you brother, may God be honored and glorified by your teaching.
Amen and amen! Free will is a works-based way of trying to enter through the narrow gate, they come with their own baggage still attached, thus, they will be unable to enter. There are so many who seek to get saved by some method of works, i.e., the 'free will', keeping the law and seeking to earn their own righteousness, etc.
Praise God for a RIGHT understanding of His marvelous saving grace.
This truth is neglected by many today,they seek to bring themselves and others into bondage and put them back under the law. Praise God for men like Ken Wimer who truly understand and rightly divide God's precious truth.